Cash flow ➔ Entries ➔ Cash flow
The Collective payment functionality can be used to match a lump sum receipt to multiple invoices. This includes the possibility to specify which part of the total amount is paid to each individual invoice. For example, Debtor A has four sales invoices; three with an amount of EUR 1,000 each, and one with an amount of EUR 1,200. The debtor pays EUR 3,000 divided over four sales invoices as follows:
The collective payment allows you to determine the amount that is allocated for each invoice. This can be a full (100%) allocation or just a partial allocation.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 411 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Alternatively, if the entry has been allocated earlier, replace steps 3 to 6 above with the following steps:
Click this to display the Define columns screen. Here, you can choose to display up to seven additional columns in the Collective payment screen.
Click this to process the collective payments.
Click this to cancel the process and to close the screen.