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E-WMS: ASP IIS configuration files

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The IIS part of E-WMS contains several CONFIG (IIS configuration) files. These files can be edited with a text editor like Notepad to meet your specific configuration demands.

This document describes the meaning of the most important CONFIG files, with an indication if these files can be overwritten when updating E-WMS. 

  • connections.config
    This file contains the connection details (companies and SQL logon) for SQL server and is specific for your environment. It should not be overwritten when updating.
  • web.config
    This is the default configuration file used by IIS. If any changes are made in IIS manager, these changes are written to this file. When installed with E-WMS, it contains all required configuration items, except specific localization configuration. When you configured localization in IIS, you need to re-configure this again after an update, where this file will be overwritten again.
  • wmsclient.config
    This is the configuration file for the client. It only contains time-out configurations. This file can be overwritten on updates, unless you specifically changed client time-out intervals.

Follow configuration files are only used when starting Internet Explorer as WMS client:

  • devices.config
    This file contains the E-WMS presets for the known mobile devices, like resolution and style. It can be overwritten on updates.
  • terminals.config
    This file contains configuration (selected model and resolutions) per logged on device, per MAC (unique network interface) address.

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 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 19.693.543
 Assortment:  Date: 21-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: