This document describes how to add companies to the E-WMS ASP client logon screen.
When starting WMSclient on a mobile device, the first page shown is the login page, in which also the company can be selected. You can tap on the company name to show a list of all companies (if defined).
This company list can be changed.
The file Connections.config containing the list of these companies is located on the IIS server, in the folder where E-WMS ASP is installed.
This file can be edited with Notepad:
Each line starting with '<add name' is a separate company. You can copy and paste from an existing line to create a new company.
add name name in the drop-down list for the users on the mobile devices. This is a free text which can be text or numbers. However since this file is a XML-format file, you cannot use characters not supported in XML. sqlServer name or IP-address (including instance name if applicable) of the SQL-server sqlDatabase name of the Exact Globe Next database (not the company code but the SQL database name) sqlUser SQL user account, to be used by E-WMS ASP. This account must have sufficient rights (like database owner) for the database. sqlPassword password for this SQL-user. This can be an open password or an encrypted password.