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E-WMS settings: Automatic Fulfillment



This documents describes the settings available for E-WMS Automatic Fulfillment in menu path System, General, Settings, Automatic fulfillment, as available per product update 406.



The settings tab 'Automatic fulfilment' contains settings related to the functionality of processing sales orders and printing delivery notes by the E-WMS sales order fulfillment service, as introduced in product update 403. The setting tab is available when your license contains E-WMS I (SE1380) or E-WMS Lite (SE1386). The settings are only enabled when the setting 'Immediate processing' is enabled in settings tab 'WMS Sales Order Fulfillment', section 'Automatic validation'.

You can jump directly to a specific settings section:


Section: Print   

You can choose to automatically print delivery notes as Trial or Final print.

You can choose to redirect output of delivery notes to 'nothing' ('none') or to a printer.
One of following printers will always be used when set to 'printer', in this order of preference:

  • the Exact Globe Next form printer, as configured in menu File/Form printer
  • the default printer configured in Exact Globe Next, for the user running the E-WMS Sales order fulfillment service

You can only use the printer linked to the service account for the fulfillment service, you cannot base the printer to use, on the used hand terminal.

Please also note that Exact Globe Next printer settings are saved per user per workstation, in a local file (exactusr.ini) in the user profile folder. That results in following points of attention:

Section: Options   

Collective layout
This setting is only enabled when Exact Globe Next Order setting 'Use multiple layouts' is enabled.
When enabled, it is mandatory to select a default 'collective layout', as defined in Exact Globe Next menu System, Logistics, Layouts, Multiple layouts for delivery notes.
All delivery notes will be printed using this default collective layout.


This setting is only enabled when Exact Globe Next Order setting 'Use multiple layouts' is disabled.
When enabled, it is mandatory to select a default delivery note layout. All delivery notes will be printed using this default layout, unless you are using 'debtor layouts'.

Use debtor layouts
This setting is only available when previous setting 'Layout' is available. When enabled, one of following layouts will be applied (in this order):

  • layout linked to a debtor code, in menu System, General, Settings, Documents settings, Delivery note, "link layouts to debtors" button, or in debtor maintenance, tab 'Logistics'
  • layout linked to the debtor language code, in menu System, General, Countries, Link layouts to ISO language)
  • the default layout as configured in previous setting

Number of copies
You can apply a default number of identical copies to be printed per delivery note.


Section: To be printed   

These settings are the same as applied in the Exact Globe Next delivery note screen.

Section: Invoice   

These settings are the same as applied in the Exact Globe Next delivery note screen.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 25.222.846
 Assortment:  Date: 23-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: