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How to install E-WMS ASP (release 410 and earlier)



This document describes the plan of approach for the initial installation and configuration of Exact E-WMS (ASP), in release 410 or earlier.

Please refer to this document for release 411 and higher.



If you are updating an existing installation of E-WMS ASP please refer to document Updating an existing E-WMS ASP environment: points of interest.
If you are migrating from the 'Pick-IT' or E-WMS 'CAB' version to E-WMS ASP, please first read document Plan of approach migrating Pick-IT 'CAB' to E-WMS ASP.  

The plan of approach to install E-WMS ASP consists of following steps (click on one of these options to jump to that section):


The following prerequisites apply for the installation of E-WMS ASP:

  • please read the E-WMS system requirements
  • install Microsoft Framework 3.5 (Framework 4 without Framework 3.5 is not supported)
  • Exact Globe Next installed (and kept up-to-date) on the IIS server
  • E-WMS ASP is a 32-bit ASP application, therefore it requires an application pool on 64-bit IIS servers


Installing Exact Globe Next with E-WMS

It is mandatory to have Exact Globe Next installed including E-WMS on the server or PC, acting as WMS IIS server. This installation can be done according to the general checklist in Generic checklist for E-WMS/ICL update in Globe network environment. All required E-WMS parts are always automatically downloaded when downloading the Exact Globe Next product update (from product update 398).


Installing E-WMS - ASP files

If you are updating from a previous E-WMS ASP version please refer to document Updating an existing E-WMS ASP environment: points of interest.

If you are installing E-WMS ASP for the first time, create a new folder on the IIS server where the E-WMS IIS files are to be copied, for example C:\E-WMS\IIS.

The IIS files to install are stored in a ZIP archive after a Globe workstation update., default that would be file 'C:\Program files\Exact software\Install\E-WMS\'.

Follow this installation procedure on the IIS server:

  • perform the Exact Globe Next workstation update
  • if the folder C:\Program files\Exact software\Install\E-WMS\Exact.WMS.Web still exists, delete it first. The contents of this folder was not updated with the workstation installation, but still contains extracted files from the previous update !
  • extract the files in C:\Program files\Exact software\Install\E-WMS\ to the folder C:\Program files\Exact software\Install\E-WMS\Exact.WMS.Web
  • make a back-up copy of the current E-WMS IIS folder (copy C:\E-WMS\IIS to "Copy of C:\WMS\IIS") so you have a copy of any previous changed configuration files
  • when updating from a previous WMS ASP version, please note:
    • files connections.config will be specific to your environment and need to be restored from your previous backup, or prevent overwriting with the update
  • copy the contents of the folder C:\Program files\Exact software\Install\E-WMS\Exact.WMS.Web to the E-WMS IIS folder

Do not extract the files in the ZIP archive directly to the E-WMS IIS folder, since specific folder rights may be deleted by this action. These rights are preserved when using Windows file explorer to copy the new files.


Installation and configuration of Microsoft IIS

This part applies when you are installing E-WMS IIS for the first time, and when you need to configure Microsoft IIS. The procedure for installation and configuration (also regional settings) of Microsoft IIS varies per operating system. Please choose your operating system from this list:

Rights and security

When using WMSclient (as advised) this section can be skipped.
This part only applies when using Internet Explorer (IE) as client software and when installing E-WMS ASP for the first time on the IIS server.

Because the WMS IIS file terminals.config is updated when a mobile device using IE starts E-WMS ASP for the first time, it is necessary to grant 'modify' (write) rights for the E-WMS IIS folder. The security risk involved by granting this should be minimal because this folder and files cannot be accessed directly over the internet (unless IIS is configured incorrectly).  Please follow the steps described in document How to grant file rights on the E-WMS IIS folder.


Setting up connection, devices and users

This part only applies when configuring E-WMS for ASP usage for the first time. Following items have to be configured:

Installing the E-WMS services

Installation of the E-WMS services is optional. This document explains the purpose of the services.
For installation, please refer to document How to install and configure the ICL and E-WMS RF services.

Special considerations

  • If you are using Windows 64 bit, you may have to execute this command in a command prompt on the IIS server:
    cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE %\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 true

    If you receive an error executing this command, see document Missing IIS admin scripts - Can not find script file

Testing and errors

Start WMSclient and connect to the IIS server - WMS address, for example http://localhost/wms.

If you receive an error:


Related documents


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 26.764.213
 Assortment:  Date: 12-05-2016
 Release:  Attachment: