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E-WMS - history and samples of hand terminal client software

WMS documentation



This document shows samples of E-WMS client software used now, and in the past.



Since E-WMS (formerly known as Pick-IT) was created in 1998, the client software for the hand terminals has evolved. The 'CAB' client could work with or without RF and had WMS business logic built-in. As latest development, communication method 'ASP' was introduced in release 392, in 2009, where the ASP server holds all the WMS business logic, and the client is only used to build the screens (thin client).

The intention when introducing ASP was to use Internet Explorer as mobile client, in order to be as hardware independent as possible. Unfortunately, it turned out that IE only has very limited support for showing the buttons and forms that were required.

Therefore a client was developed which would still not contain WMS business logic, but could show forms and buttons based on commands issued by the IIS server. That resulted in Exact Remote Forms (ERF, release 397). In 2012 and release 404, ERF was replaced by 'WMSclient' with a more appealing and fitting user interface. Both 'Internet explorer client' and 'ERF' are in maintenance mode since release 404, instead WMSclient should be used.

Usage of the CAB client (see '1' below) is only warranted when usage of wireless communication is not possible. Otherwise WMSclient should be used.

1. WMS 'CAB' client 2. ASP - Internet Explorer 3. ASP - ERF 4. ASP - WMSclient
until release 392 392-396 397-403 404 +
offline usage only ASP, wireless. Maintenance mode ASP, wireless. Maintenance mode    ASP, wireless

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