From release 415, you have the possibility to filter by 'WMS zones', when sending orders picking using E-WMS Auto queue.
In addition, filtering order lines when sending orders picking manually, now offers extra selections.
These additions have also been patched back to release 414 and 413.
The new functionality is available in following releases:
Some of the functionality will only be available in releases 413 and 414 after performing a database update manually, since a database (add-on) update is not enforced by E-WMS for this update.
The functionality has been changed for both manual filtering, and automatic filtering by Auto queue:
Please note: filtering on location properties for 'Receipts registration' is based on the item main location, since this process has no actual location advice.
To enable this functionality for Auto queue in releases 413 and 414, it is necessary to perform a database update manually.