This document describes the system requirements for the E-WMS and Intercompany Logistics (ICL) services.
The WMS services can perform the following tasks, depending on your settings and license:
More details can be found in document WMS and ICL Services: purpose and specifics.
The two ICL export services handle from one or more 'central' ICL databases also all linked ICL sales databases. When one of these sales databases also acts as a central database again, or you are using more than one central database, then the ICL services have to be configured to process multiple ICL central databases. From product update 405, the ICL services support multiple databases per service instance. Before release 405, each database acting as 'central' ICL company would need its own set of services running independently.
PC or server requirements:
The account used as logon account for the services has to meet the following requirements:
When using Intercompany Logistics, at least two databases are involved. These databases can be located on the same SQL server, but can also be on SQL servers on different locations (site A and site B).
When using ICL involving two or more different servers, please note these points of interest.
General requirements for IT maintenance and usage of E-WMS and ICL services: