E-WMS supports a variety of logistical processes, this document gives an overview of properties supported or not supported for each process, and zooms in on 'guided' and 'non-guided' processes.
A major difference between E-WMS processes is 'guided' and 'non-guided'. Guided processes are the processes where transactions are sent to the scanners, prior to the 'picking' stage. A typical sample is sales order fulfillment. Non-guided processes are the processes where the transaction starts on the hand terminal, nothing is sent to the scanner 'to be picked'. A typical example would be transfers.
Some processes support both guided and non-guided flows, depending on E-WMS settings in Globe, or just by usage: Purchase Receipts (non-guided also called 'Free Receipts'), Counts and Production Issues. E-WMS Replenishment can also be regarded as 'guided transfers', as opposite to (free) Transfers.
Using guided issuing processes (Sales order fulfillment, Replenishment and Production Issues) has following properties and benefits:
Free issues (production materials) or free receipts (free purchase receipts and production receipts) has following benefits or properties: