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E-WMS report: WMS stock reservations

WMS documentation



This document describes the report for E-WMS stock reservations, as available from product update 409.


Exact Globe Next menu WMS, Reports, WMS stock reservations offers insight in WMS stock reservations. These stock reservations are regarded by E-WMS when validating stock or when generating picking advices.

This document describes the selections, report options and report columns of the stock reservations report.       

WMS stock reservations are also visible per item in menu WMS, Reports, Item/Stock view. The report can however show stock reservations for all items, limited by your selection.

Stock reservations 'on scanner' are only shown for WMS ASP transactions. Visibility of selections and report options depend on your Exact Globe Next license.

These are the basic types of stock reservations:

  1. 'Where':
    1. 'on scanner' (status 'picking'), or
    2. pending transactions in WMS control centers.
  2. Receipt and issues:
    1. Receipts: all pending receipts on a location, including the 'receipt' step of a transfer or replenishment transaction, or DPA advice
    2. Issues: all pending stock issues, including the 'issue' step of a transfer or replenishment transaction, or DPA advice
  3. Status (picking status): see details of the 'Status' selection field below.

Reservations 'on scanner' are not available in E-WMS and are not shown in the report, when the E-WMS setting 'Enable ASP stock check' is disabled.


After starting the report, you have following selections available (depending your Exact Globe Next license): 

Item code

Selection on item code. The browser shows items of type 'standard' and 'bulk'.

Item group
Selection on item group

Serial/batch number
Selection on serial- or batch number (only visible when your license contains SE1325 E-Serial/Batch)

Order number
Selection on sales- or purchase order. The browser primary shows still open orders.

Production order
Selection on production order. The browser primary shows still open production orders.

Selection on warehouse. This is not limited by 'warehouse rights' for the user starting the report.

Selection on warehouse location (only visible when your license contains SE1312 E-Warehouse Location)

Location type
Selection on WMS 'Location types', as defined in menu WMS, Setup, Location management, Location types  (only visible when your license contains SE1312 E-Warehouse Location).

Outer SKU
Selection on specific outer SKU numbers

Inner SKU
Selection on specific inner SKU numbers

Selection on employee. This can be the scanner operator (warehouse employee), or the user who generated a picking advice, or processed a transaction, or the account used to run the WMS RF services.
The browser lists all employees, but shows employees linked to scanners first.

Selection on scanner ID, in case the stock reservation still has status 'picking', or a scanner linked to read back transactions.

Date created
Selection on the reservation creation date

Transaction type
You are able to report stock reservations for a specific WMS transaction type.

You are able to exclude one E-WMS process type from the report, see remarks above for 'Transaction type'

You are able to report stock reservations only for a specific WMS 'picking status'.

For example, by selecting 'Picking error' and sorting the report by 'Transaction type', you will have an action list of picking errors that need to be solved, per WMS control center.

You are able to exclude one E-WMS status from the report, see remarks above for 'Status'

Show: Issues
When disabled, stock issue reservations are not shown.

Show: Receipts
When disabled, stock receipt reservations are not shown.

Show: On scanner
When disabled, stock reservations 'on scanner' (report column "RF?"="Yes") are not shown. When the E-WMS setting 'Enable ASP stock check' is disabled, reservations 'on scanner' do not exist, and 'on scanner' can only be determined by the status 'picking' (status code 3).

Show: In control center
When disabled, stock reservations pending in control centers (report column "RF?"=empty) are not shown

Report options

The following report options are available:  

Sort by
You can use several criteria to sort the report.
Show: Subtotal
When enabled, the report will show subtotal of quantity per 'Sort by' field.
When disabled, the report will not show subtotals, only a report total quantity.

Show: Inner SKU
When enabled, inner SKUs as part of a two layer SKU are shown as separate line on the report.
When disabled, inner SKUs as part of a two layer SKU are not shown, only the outer SKU total is shown.
Inner SKUs not part of a two layer SKU are shown in the column 'SKU' like outer SKUs.

Show: serial numbers
When enabled, reservations for serial number items are shown with serial number, so always with quantity 1.
When disabled, reservations for serial number items are compressed (serial number shown as "*"), showing a total quantity.

Report columns

After pressing 'Start', the report will be generated, and shows following columns:     

Item code
The item code. When the report is sorted by 'Item code' you will also see the item description in the group header.

Warehouse code of the stock reservation.

Warehouse location. The data for this column will be empty when you are not using warehouse locations.

Serial- or batch number for the item stock reservation. Since it is possible to disable the serial/batch advice policy for WMS advice generation, it is possible to have a picking advice without specific serial/batch number.

This columns shows one of following numbers, when known and when appropriate:

  • sales order number
  • purchase order number
  • production order number
  • E-WMS replenishment (order) ID
  • E-WMS inventory count range ID

This column shows an abbreviation for the E-WMS transaction type and can be used to determine which E-WMS control center can be used to solve for example picking errors. A list with the meaning of the codes is also shown on the last page of the report.

  • A - Replenishment
  • H - Purchase Entry
  • I - Stock Inventory
  • K - Production - Issues
  • O - Fulfillment
  • P - Production - Receipts
  • R - (Purchase) receipts registration
  • S - Stock Transactions
  • T - Sales Entry (E-Mobile Sales)
  • V - Stock Transfers

The E-WMS 'picking' status of the stock reservation. This indicates what status can be selected in the control center. When the status is 'picking', the column 'RF?' will show 'Yes'

  • 'New': this is typically not a WMS stock reservation yet, but status 'New' is for example the list of sales orders that could be send picking.
    The only exception is WMS Replenishment: the only transaction where the order is created in E-WMS.
    Replenishment orders without advice are shown in this report as 'receipt reservation', although within WMS stock validations this is not applied as such until an advice is generated.
  • 'Advice': picking advices generated for sales orders, replenishment or production materials
  • 'Advice error': invalid picking advice generated for sales orders, replenishment or production materials
  • 'Picking': the advice has been sent picking, so the reservation is now 'on scanner'. Still, it can be just an 'advice' (when not picked yet), or it can be a scanned transaction without an advice (transfers, for example)
  • 'Picked' or 'read back': the picked transaction has been read back but is not validated yet
  • 'Validated': the transaction has been validated and is ready for processing (to Exact Globe Next shelf stock)
  • 'Picking error': the transaction has been validated but this resulted in a validation error, which has to be solved in control center status 'Picking error'.

This column shows the ID number of the employee who created the stock reservation. This can be the scanner operator (warehouse employee), or the user who generated a picking advice, or processed a transaction, or the account used to run the WMS RF services.

The scanner ID, when known. The scanner ID will be known when an advice is sent picking to a specific scanner, or when a picking advice is selected by a warehouse employee, or when a transaction is scanned.

This column indicates whether the reservation is still an advice ('Yes'), or is actually scanned (column is empty). An advice can still be pending in the control center (column 'RF?' is empty) or can be sent picking without being picked yet (column 'RF?' is 'Yes').

This column indicates whether the stock reservation is 'on scanner' ('Yes'), either as advice or as picked transaction. When the column is empty, the stock reservation is pending in an E-WMS control center. When the E-WMS setting 'Enable ASP stock check' is disabled, this column is not shown.

This number indicates the 'age' of the stock reservation in days, where 'today' is indicated as 0 (zero). Old stock reservations may be a signal of a situation that requires some attention.

This column shows the SKU number, when known. Outer SKU numbers and inner SKU numbers (not part of a two-layer SKU) are primary shown in black. Inner SKUs as part of a two-layer SKU can be shown as well, depending the report option 'Inner SKU'. These are then shown as subset of the outer SKU number, in gray text. Since it is possible to generate a picking advice without specific SKU numbers, this column can be empty for a SKU item picking advice.

This column shows the quantity in sales units involved with this stock reservation. Receipts are shown as positive quantity, issues as negative quantity. In case inner SKUs are shown, the quantity is not shown for the outer SKU but for the inner SKU numbers. For items which are 'divisible', the quantity is shown with 3 decimals, including subtotal and report total. Otherwise the quantity is shown with 0 decimals.


Shows the total quantity in sales units. Whether quantity subtotals are shown per 'Sort by' field, depends on the report option 'Show: subtotals'. A report total is always shown.


The report is sorted by:

  • the selected sorting key (in case of 'location': warehouse code + location code)

    Next, by following fields:
  • item code
  • warehouse code
  • warehouse location code
  • for standard or batch items:  batch number, outer SKU number, inner SKU number
  • for serial number items: outer SKU number, inner SKU number, serial number


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 Assortment:  Date: 25-12-2020
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