Installing Exact Synergy involves three parts, installing the software; creating the database and configuring the background jobs. Installing the software and creating the database are fairly straightforward. Configuring the background jobs, the supporting applications that run in the background, is more elaborate and it is described here .
Exact Synergy can be installed after Internet Information Service 5.0 (Windows 2000) or Internet Information Service 6.0 (Windows 2003) has already been installed. Refer to this document for more information how to install the Internet Information Service.
Exact Synergy installation software is available in different languages. The Exact Synergy installation software is called ProductUpdater_T8_XX.exe, where xx is the language code. For American English, the file is Productupdater_T8_AE.exe. For Dutch, the file is Productupdater_T8_NL.exe and for German, the file is Productupdater_T8_DE.exe.
You can download the ProductUpdater_T8_AE.exe from the Exact Synergy environment. After the application has been started the following screen will appear:
The fields will be explained:
Section Installation
Click OK to start the installation of the Exact Synergy program.
After the installation completed successfully, the following pop up window appears:
Please notice that you always install the same release for both Exact Synergy and Exact Globe!!!
If you know for sure that both environments are on the same batch, select the Yes and in the next screen you have to link your license file. Customers and resellers can download their individual file from the Customer /Reseller card via the portal.
In the next screen you are able to create a new Exact Synergy database or open an existing Exact Synergy database.
1) Create a new Exact Synergy database
The fields that need to be entered are explained:
Section Database
Section Login
Section License
Section Division
Note: The division code can not be changed after the database has been created. In situations you are going to set up the consolidated environment, make sure this division code is equal to an existing Exact Globe administration number.
Section Administrator
Section Settings
Note : The above settings cannot be changed after the database has been created. In situations you are going to set up the consolidated environment, you have to choose for numerical codes. Exact Globe can not work with alphanumerical codes.
After all necessary information has been filled in, click Create to start the creation of the database, after this is finished the browser will automatically log onto the Exact Synergy environment using the credentials one initially used to log onto the Exact Synergy environment. If this is the same user one specified under the Administrator section the login will succeed, otherwise the login will result in the message 'No Access...'.
2) Open an existing Exact Synergy database
After all necessary information has been filled in, click Open to open the existing database.