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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - General ledger accounts

General ledger accounts

File: finance\interf\ifledger.p

Table name: ledger

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Possible values Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company     Field must be filled 100001 F
                A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 acc-nr CHAR A9   Account     Field must be filled 200801 F
                Cannot be more than the length set in the financial preferences. 200804 F
                Account cannot contain value other than 0 to 9. 200805 F
3 descr CHAR A25   Description     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
4 search-code CHAR A9   Search code     Field must be filled 200813 F
                If more than 9 then truncated to 9. 20001 W
5 bal-sht-pl INT N2   Balance sheet/P&L Balance sheet: 1 or {&T-bal-sht-pl-balance}

P&L: 2 or {&T-bal-sht-pl-profit-loss}

1 or {&T-bal-sht-pl-balance} If a transaction is existing for the ledger (record exists in table "balsht") or if it is an offset account for a journal, then this field cannot be changed while updating the record. 200812 W
6 deb-cred INT N2   Debit/Credit Debit: 1 or {&T-deb-cred-debit}

Credit: 2 or {&T-deb-cred-credit}

1 or {&T-deb-cred-debit} For any other value it is set to credit.    
7 subtotal-acc INT N2   Subtotal account No: 1 or {&T-subtotal-acc-no}

Yes: 2 or {&T-subtotal-acc-yes}

Empty: 3 or {&T-subtotal-acc-empty}

1 or {&T-subtotal-acc-no} While updating ledger, existing value of sub total account cannot be changed. 200812 W
8 comp-code CHAR A3 comp Sub-classification     Field must be filled 205801 F
                If filled, then a sub-classification with this code must exist. 205803 F
                If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
9 vat-code CHAR A3 vattrs VAT code   0 Field must be filled. If not filled then it is set to 0.    
                If filled, then a vat-code with this code must exist. 201803 F
                If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 F
10 acc-nr-project LOG     Project account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 F
                To change value of this field, license "024 Job Costing" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 F
                If a journal entry for this account has been made, then this field cannot be updated. 200816 F
11 acc-nr-cost-center LOG     Cost center account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "009 Cost Analysis 1" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
12 acc-nr-cost-unit LOG     Cost unit account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "010 Cost Analysis 2 - Cost Unit" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
13 qtys LOG     Quantities   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
14 acc-nr-revenue INT N2   Type of account Possible values:

Neutral account: 1 or {&T-acc-nr-revenue-neutral}

Revenue account: 2 or {&T-acc-nr-revenue-turnover}

Cost account: 3 or {&T-acc-nr-revenue-cost}

1 or {&T-acc-nr-revenue-neutral} If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
15 block LOG     Block   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
16 revalue LOG     Revalue   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "003 Currency" is required. 200814 W
                If account is profit and loss account, then the value of the field cannot be changed. 200817 W
17 compress LOG     Compress   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
18 acc-nr-mdim LOG     Multi Dimension Account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "010 Cost Analysis 2 - Cost Unit" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
19 assets-acc LOG     Assets account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "051 Fixed Assets" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
20 acc-nr-cheques-be LOG     Cheques/BE account   False If sub-total account is yes or empty, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
                To change value of this field, license "065 BOE" is required. 200814 W
                If the account is an inter-company account, then this field cannot be updated. 200815 W
21 descr-ml-1 CHAR A25   ML description 1     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
22 descr-ml-2 CHAR A25   ML description 2     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
23 descr-ml-3 CHAR A25   ML description 3     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
24 descr-ml-4 CHAR A25   ML description 4     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
25 descr-ml-5 CHAR A25   ML description 5     If ? then set to ""; otherwise truncated to 25. 20001 W
26 perc-non-deduct-vat DEC N3,2   Percentage non-deductible VAT.   0 If it is "" or ? then set to 0.    
                This field is available only for Belgium functionality and hence Belgium company. 200814 W
27 acc-nr-non-deduct-vat CHAR A9 ledger Non-deductible VAT account.     This field can only be updated if "Percentage non-deductible" has non-zero value. 200812 F
                If "Percentage non-deductible" has non-zero value, then this field cannot be empty. 200801 F
                Ledger account with this code must exist. 200803 F
                This field is available only for Belgium functionality and hence Belgium company. 200814 W
28 acc-nr-type INT N2   Type purchase VAT return. Goods: 1 or {T-GOODS}

Services: 2 or {T-SERVICES}

Investments: 3 or {T-INVESTMENTS}

No VAT update: 4 or {T-NO-VAT-UPDATE}

Always VAT update: 5 or {T-ALWAYS-VAT-UPDATE}

1 or {T-GOODS} This field is available only for Belgium functionality and hence Belgium company. 200814 W
              If it is "" or ? then set to 1 ( Goods Box 81 ).    
                It should have value from 1 to 4. 20003 W
                If it is 5 ("Always update VAT return"), then this value cannot be updated. And it is set to 1 (Goods box 81). 200812 W
                If "Disable VAT" has been set in menu Financial preferences, then this field cannot be updated. 200812 W
29 note CHAR A2000   Note     If ? then "":U otherwise truncated to 2000. 20001 W
30 ifall_block LOG True/False   Block for changes   False If ?, then set to FALSE. -  

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > General ledger accounts

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.695
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: