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Exact System Information   

Change log ESI+ (Exact System Information)


System Info
  • Added 'AHV' to detect a virtual machine.
  • If Cost threshold for parallelism greater than 100 is detected, the advised value is suggested.
  • Fix and improved NUMA handing.
Health Check
  • Fixed issue with Trace flags contains null characters in XML file.
Advanced Checks
  • Correct number of possible filtered indexes are now shown.


  • Fix if databases contain spaces.
  • Check on .NET Framework.
  • Improved message when not enough WMI rights.
System Info
  • Improved detection of installed SQL instances.
  • Improved removal of HTML code tags.
  • Improved SP, CU, GDR retrieval from MS site.
  • Fix issues with creation of Tempdb files.
  • Fix Search, if word is not found a message is displayed.
  • Fixed check current CU
  • Removed HTML code tags
  • Improved check in database initial size and growth size.
  • Improved TempDB adjustments.
  • Added sqlserver.sql_text for each event
  • Fix, issue with conversion from ms to sec therefore, by default, only completed queries longer than 1.000 sec where shown.
SQL Maintenance
  • Fix if folder name for backup contains an apostrophe (').
Cleanup Logs
  • Header of the column is not highlighted when clicking on data row.
  • Added TempDB Contention to the overviews


  • Added press F1 to show help file
  • Moved the Question mark (?) icon to the Settings menu
  • Added System Tray popup showing the amount of recommended optimizations
  • Added within System Tray you can right click to directly go to 'Optimize' menu
  • Added a Notification icon which changes if you have optimizations. When you hoover over the icon you can see the amount of recommended optimizations
  • You can click on the name of the select menu to directly go to the help file of that menu.
SQL Maintenance
  • Layout adjustment to correctly show the Job history
  • Updated to version 1.3 improved handling of the optimization job
  • Removed Status Strip (not used)
  • New added Filter options using via right mouse click menu
  • Added notification if database does not use the autogrowth function. It will not recommend other autogrowth settings.
System Info
  • Removed <br> from 'SQL Cumulative Update' in Recommended column
  • Improved Search option
  • Copy function will now copy all selected value instead of only the last selected cell

Database Info
  • Table Sizes button moved to right mouse click functionality when clicking on grid
  • Added: 'Check Database' which checks the selected database integrity (can take a long time on large databases)
Advanced Checks
  • Fixed and improved DBCC check. In some cased it did return a result.
  • Added for SQL 2019 and 2022 check for 'AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC'.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Bing search replaced for MS Learn search to provide more information about waits stats.
  • Improved Wait Stats overview
  • Moved the Microsoft Security best practice link to the Security document
  • Moved the button: 'Create HTML' to the right mouse click menu and renamed to 'Export to HTML'


Advanced Checks
  • Fix: The view Details, now properly display with each 'Show Details' is used.
Advanced Indexes
  • Improved logic and moved the databases dropdown.
System Information
  • Issue with unsupported Win32_WinSAT on older OS solved.
  • Fix: Express edition will not only be advised to use 1410MB RAM
  • When Extended Event trace is stopped via the application, the Stop SQL Job is automatically removed.
Health Check
  • Advanced Checks is not displayed correctly after running the Health Check.


  • When canceling Apply, progress bar is now not displayed.


  • Startup parameter: '-S:' added to provide SQL Service instance name to connect to.
  • Hide ESI+ tool when automatically started from EG+.
  • Enabled and Disabled buttons are now more visible.
  • Improved connection handling.
Cleanup Logs
  • Cleanup Log button will now only be enabled when rows are selected.
  • Button Save will not be enabled on Express editions of SQL.
  • Layout adjustments to be in line with ESI+ tool.
  • Improved Delete button handling


  • Layout adjustments.
  • Adjusted way for downloading of the needed files for the ESI+ tool.
  • Hovering over the Exact Logo now has the correct cursor.
  • Fix error when stopping Extended Event.
  • Traces now only traces error above severity 17 instead of 10, you can adjust the value in Settings - Traces.
  • Xel Traces files are now stored in the de default SQL Log folder.
  • Improvement in the stop process of the Extended Event.
Advanced Checks
  • Database Growth now have visible link when growth moments are found, and counter reset every time the check is executed.
  • You can now save the option: 'Fill Factor <> [number] (default 90)', <> is replaced by 'not equal to' text. <> are not allowed within a file name.
  • Several improvements regarding undo functionality.
  • MDF vs LFD not shown in 0.00 format.
  • When online connection, online data will used over local installed data.
  • Added help button, to directly go to Synergy help document.
Advanced Indexes
  • Improved logic and moved the databases dropdown.
Cleanup Logs
  • Removed the View button, now when you select a database the information about the included SQL tables is directly shown.
  • Fixed issues with multiple databases, they are now correctly shown.
  • Added help button, to directly go to Synergy help document.
  • New setting within Traces for the severity level (default 17) for capturing the errors.
Health Check
  • Added check for RebuildBalanceTables.
  • Added button to remove the obsolete RebuildBalanceTables jobs.
  • Added Version check of the selected databases.
SQL Maintenance
  • Improved detection and handling of the Job(s).
System Info
  • Space between CU text removed.
  • Removed Service Pack information when SQL Server 2017 or greater is used.
  • Added: Authentication Mode of SQL Server.
  • Click on update link to update SQL Maintenance Job, now also show correct label in top bar.


  • Change the look at feel to more match Globe+.
  • Changed some icons.
  • Removed from all data grids the row indicator when not needed.
  • Fix issue when (only in error.log) ESI+ is started for the first time with a new EG+ installation.
  • Fix if number of errors in log is too large for int16
Cleanup Logs
  • Fix issue with not closed connection.
  • Detection of non-existing databases using the job steps.
  • When 'ESI+ LogHandler' is found the 'Delete Job' button is enabled.
Advanced Checks
  • Re-enabled the unknown table in the right mouse click menu for Unknown Tables.
  • Fix drop view if schema <> dbo.
  • Improved temporary View selection.
Blocking Locks now called Traces
  • Revamped menu, now you can choose between 'Blocking Locks' or create an Extended Event that can be used to trace, blocking locks, lock time outs, errors and query that tun longer that 1 sec on the selected database.
  • New: Added check if Forced Parameterization is used.
  • Added new button only visible when SQL Service needs to be restarted, you have the option to do this from the ESI+ tool.
  • New: Added right mouse click option only for removing Tempdb files to first clear the SQL cache. In some cases, the Tempdb file can only be deleted by restarting the SQL service or clearing the cache.
  • Fix, rights mouse-click on 'Enabled users with Sysadmin Role' to show details works again.
SQL Maintenance
  • Fix: When ESI+ job fails it is shown in the SQL Job history table.
Health Check
  • Remove option to create Extended Event. You can now use menu Traces to create Extended Event.
Status Log now called App Log


  • Issues solved when have search for a database in menu: 'Database Info' and 'Accept and Start analyzing' again.

Cleanup Logs

  • Fix: issue with Filtered indexes and cleaning the log tables.
  • Improve handling and messaging.
  • New: Now only one job is created and every select databases will be added as step
  • New: When clicking on the 'View' button, you will see the selected tables within SQL Job when applicable.
  • New: Right-mouse click to remove an added database from the SQL Job
Database Info
  • Improved performance
System Info
  • Added End of Life information for SQL Server 2019 and 2022
  • Fix: Issue when database is closed to retrieve the scooped database information
  • Fix: Number of incorrect Tempdb value is now reset after a new 'Accept and Start analyzing'
  • Fix: Error message: 'Conversion from string to type 'Integer' is not valid.'
  • 'SQL Editon' renamed to 'SQL Edition'.
Advanced Index
  • Automatically select the whole row when clicking on a cell
Advanced Checks
  • Improved handling of this menu
SQL Maintenance
  • Improved error handling
  • Improved Update View button handling


  • Remove the need for the ESI_Autoupdater+.exe.
  • Changed the order of the menu buttons.
  • Improved calculations for Available Mbytes, Maximum size of server memory, OS Available Memory.
  • Improved 'System Memory State' handling.
  • NEW added Bing search via right mouse click on an item.
  • Removed the links from the wait stats, Bing search can be used to find information about the wait stats.
  • Added rounding to Wait Stats and Subtree Cost.
Database Info
  • Moved the database growth to the Advanced Checks.
Advanced Checks
  • Added database growth.
System Information
  • Improved calculations for SQL Maximum Server Memory.
  • Performance improvements.
  • New right mouse click option to remove the create mini dump files.
  • Improved scaling


Advanced Checks

  • Added: list of Stored Procedures (SP) which are not compatible with Filtered Indexes.
  • New: Incompatible SP will not be excluded within the list of 'Not Implemented Filtered Index'.
  • Adjusted, Undo Filtered Indexes does not skip indexes that does not contains NULL values
System Info
  • Fix: Corrent number too many Tempdbs are now shown correctly
  • NEW: based on customer ESI data the expected amount of Memory and number of cores are calculated via Machine Learning.
  • Added: 'SQL Trace Flag' to check the added trace flag at the startup of the service.
  • Adjusted, when database option: 'Target Recovery Time (Seconds)' is not equal to 60, it will be suggest to be changed.
Health Check
  • Added the Action column of the Advanced Checks to the XML
  • Added 'Avg. Network Package size' to the Performance option. A value other when the default size of (4096) might cause a performance bottleneck.
  • NEW: Added option to monitor the bucket_count for ad hoc queries to see if it needs to be increased with trace flag 174.
Database Info
  • Improved database scoped value check
  • New font is now Arial 10.



Advanced Checks

  • _tda Indexes renamed to Hypothetical Indexes and add the link to actually remove those indexes.
  • Removed the Undo links, this can now be accessed via right mouse click on the Value column.
  • Now Indexes and Tables can correctly be compressed separately.
  • Fix: error solved when clicking on the header columns
  • Adjustment, now not all adjustments are set to capital character. It uses the original characters
  • Added total Fill Factor <> [default fill factor]
  • Fix: issue with SQLExpress edition in retrieving the startup account name.
  • Fix: error: 'Could not find database ID [number], name '[name]'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again.'
Database Info
  • Moved Show Fragmentation and Show Statistics to the Advanced Indexes menu.
System Information
  • New: Added information about the version of the ESI SQL Maintenance Job.
  • Removed the <br/> from the SQL Cumulative Update, SP and GDR recommendation.
  • New: If applicable for your system, it will show the Windows System Assessment Tool scores for CPU, Disk and RAM.
  • Now distinction is shown between user and SQL create mini dump files.
  • New: Number of maximum cores for Express Edition can now be set using ESI+ tool.

SQL Maintenance

  • Fix: creating SQL job now correctly check if SA can be used as job owner, otherwise the current user will used.
  • Improved Update Statistics (now includes auto created stats and check if FullScan is performed on all statistics).
  • Fix: Handling backup option.
  • New: Now the ESI+ reports if there is a new version of the SQL Maintenance job available.
  • Fix: Error while clicking on Step header in ESI+ Job History.
  • New: All settings used in SQL job are retrieved and displayed.
  • Adjusted, minimum number of pages is set to 100 instead of 8.
Advanced Indexes
  • Fix: Clicking on headers are now working properly
  • New: Added: View Index Fragmentation and View Index Statistics
  • New: Right mouse click to rebuild index and/or update statistics
  • New: Option to save the script for Rebuild index and update statistics
  • Removed the <br/> from the SQL Cumulative Update, SP and GDR recommendation.
  • Fix: Orphaned user issue with SQL servers which are case sensitive
  • When clicking on Security menu option, the check is not automatically performed. You need to click on the Check button.
  • Adjusted, default query timeout increased from 30 to 60 sec.
  • Added counters: 'Processor Queue Length', 'Avg. Disk Queue Length', 'Pages/sec', '% Disk Time' and 'Available MBytes' for the Performance option.
  • DiskSPD only visible when ESI+ is executed on SQL Server.
  • New: Added option: 'Local Disk Speed' when ESI+ is executed on the SQL Server to calculate the disk performance which contains the largest Exact database using the 'Windows System Assessment Tool'.



  • You can now select a Font, Size and Style
  • SQL Jobs Work Time now Up Down option instead of date selector
  • Added to Advanced Checks adjustable Fill Factor. Default is 90
  • Removed the obsolete option for collation check. Which is now within the Advanced Checks


  • Improved performance in running diagnostics
  • Improved coding in several areas
  • Every button is now in the color of the selected default color in Settings menu
  • Double click on the Application name in the main program will show the Change Log
  • Warning SQL files on the C: drive now includes the Logical Name
  • Added check if SQL Server 'Default index fill factor' is 0 or 100

Cleanup Logs

  • Shows the data gained for the selected rows (logs) once a row is selected
  • Issue with double Log files shown fixed
Status Log
  • Added button to delete the selected log file
  • Minor query improvement in Performance query
  • If you click on a link for more information about the Wait Stat and the Wait Stat is not found on the Microsoft web page, a clear message is displayed
  • Copy button now only enabled when data is shown
  • Exclude: 'PREEMPTIVE_OS_DOMAINSERVICESOPS' from Wait stat list
Advanced Indexes
  • Improvement how the buttons work with all options
SQL Maintenance
  • Added tooltips for all options
  • Added option called: 'Check Mode' with the options Limited (default) and Detailed. Detailed with take longer but results in more accurate data. It also will optimize indexes when the page density is below 70%.
Database Info
  • Fragmentation query adjustment, now uses 'Logical Fragmentation' and 'Avg Page Density' to make difference more clear
  • Added 'Fill Factor', 'Has_Filter' and 'alloc_unit_type_desc' to 'Check Fragmentation' function.
  • Changed Row count for record count in index for 'Check Fragmentation' function.

Cleanup Logs

  • Added start time of current Job for the selected database is now displayed in Start Time field
  • Start time new Job will automatically be 10 min later that the last start time.
  • Fixed button: 'Delete Job'

Advanced Checks

  • Added database owner check and option change to SA user
  • Action for LEGACY_CARDINALITY_ESTIMATION moved to Action column
  • For Unknown Indexes you now have the option to delete the index(es) instead of disabling them
  • For Unknown Triggers you now have the option to delete the trigger(s) instead of disabling them
  • Added function to save the information shown in the Details.


  • When ESI+ tool is started on same machine as the SQL server, the port will be ignored and Shared Memory will be used to connect.
    Otherwise TCP/IP must be enabled on local SQL servers.


Cleanup Logs

  • Added to the Status Log page the time it took to complete the Cleanup of the selected log tables
  • Improved the progressbar status
  • Fixed issue with cursor when no log tables are selected.
  • Added BacoErrorLog, BacoAppLogDays, BacoAppLogHours, BacoAppLogApps, CompanyLogs and HRErrorLog as log tables
  • Added Check if temp Log table before creating one
  • Added Begin Tran and Commit
  • Added check if all saved records or restored in the Log file before deleting the temporary table

Advanced Checks (revamped)

  • New layout introduced.
  • Added the temp Cleanup Log table to the 'Select TEMP tables' option
  • Improved Orphaned Users check
  • Added Shrink option for the LDF file if LDF is > 50% of MDF file(s)


  • Button height is reduced to fit more buttons


  • Added Advanced Check section for Show disabled triggers and indexes
  • Move Filtered indexes rows to Advanced Checks
  • Changed the TimeOut value input method

Status Log

  • Added extra space to the left side


  • Improved Orphaned Users check


  • Auto closed databases are now excluded from the database list
  • Added SQL Port if SQL servers configured to use different port


Cleanup Logs (NEW)

A new menu is created to maintain your log tables. You are able to view, set number of months to keep your data and clean your logs. Create a SQL job to automatic remove entries older than the provided months.
You can also see how may rows will be deleted and how much free space this will be gained.


  • New menu 'Cleanup Logs' added to the Menu options
Health Check
  • Added Database Info to XML file


  • Improved error handling when Web Proxy is used
  • Databases in Single user mode are skipped
  • New icons
Advanced Checks
  • Improved Orphaned users check
  • Increased function button size to fit all text
  • Improved Orphaned users check
  • New for SQL 2022 when Log file growth exceeds 64MB it will be adjusted to max 64MB otherwise Instant File initialization (IFI) will not work.

Database Info

  • Improved 'Show Statistics' option by excluding 'Auto_Create_Statics' information.


  • Added check on database Target recovery time on SQL Server 2016 and newer

  • Added check on database user with conflicting rights
  • Adjusted check for SQL Cumulative Update, now same a System Information

System Information
  • Adjusted the amount, size of Tempdb are displayed



System Information

  • Fix: When SQL Express is used, SQL Agent does not need to run
  • Added: Info about TempdB advised size when incorrect
  • Adjusted: Backup Compression not showed for SQL Express edition, because this not supported
  • Adjusted: Cost threshold for parallelism for Express Editon not changed to 25
  • Fix: Optimized TempDB now only available for SQL editions Enterprise and Developer
  • Added: Right mouse click menu contains now Show All option

Advanced Indexes
  • Adjusted: SQL Active days label was not always shown correctly
  • Changed: data is now exported in XML format instead of Excel file
Health Check
  • Fix: Error solved when there are no queries for Subtree Cost calculation
  • Adjusted: resize used fonts
  • Fix: 'Service Name SQL Server' recommendation now clickable when SQL instance name is used
  • Fix: If no CU update needed, it will not show None, but recommendation will be empty
  • Fix: Error solved showing guest user in SQL databases using right mouse click menu
  • Fix: Firewall details shows correct number of records
Exact Script
  • Adjusted: If script is not found and cannot be downloaded from FTP, the script is skipped


System Information
  • Fix: Microsoft website was changed, now ESI+ can read the information correctly again
  • Added: Information about GDR (General Distribution Release) is now shown when not met requirements


  • Added: SQL General Distribution Release


Database Info
  • Fix error with Open connection not closed.

System Information

  • Fix correct detection of EPYC and OPTERON processors
  • Service Pack (SP) check for older SQL Servers now faster (data not retrieved from Microsoft Website)
  • Memory_Model and Instant_File_Initialization values now retrieved from all supported SQL Servers with appropriate SP


Health Check
  • Fix error while using button: 'Create Extended Event'
  • Reliability now shows message


  • Great performance improvements


  • Fixed detecting if delayed durability can be applied

System Information

  • Link to SQL Critical Errors in Logs [] works again
  • Number of errors on Log not correctly displayed
  • Fixed check error log for all logs

SQL Maintenance
  • Fix if SQL is not Enterprise or Developer edition the Defrag Online option will not be added to the job
  • Menu will not be enabled when connected to Express Edition of SQL

System Information

  • Fix long Customer code can now be saved


  • Support for Windows 2022 server and SQL Server 2022
  • Several visual changes

Health Check

  • Reliability Check not executed on unsupported Windows 2008 systems.
  • Index Info now automatically filled when clicking on HealthCheck button.
Database Info
  • Fix check for 'optimize for ad hoc workloads'
Advanced Checks
  • MAX DOP is now removed from and always checked for every database
  • Fix and improved 'max degree of parallelism' calculation advise
  • Add Copy function to right mouse menu
  • Improved BUFFER POOL EXTENSION advice, now only on SSD without SQL database


  • Added to the Performance option: 'System Memory State', 'Physical Memory Low', 'Virtual Memory Low' indicators



  • Bug fix not detecting database settings solved
  • Network package size will now be adjusted by the tool if incorrect
  • Adjusted when multiple times connecting to SQL server will not result in adding SQL server name in upper screen.
Database Info
  • Added 'Auto Create Stats Incremental On' to the database options grid for supported SQL engines
Advanced Checks
  • Bug fix correct detection MAX DOP per database and adjusting the value to default value 0.



  • Fix run time error bug
  • Added functionality to Export to CSV for some values
  • Added functionality to copy to Clipboard for some values
  • Added functionality to show the status of individual Windows Firewall profiles
System Information
  • Warning when SQL2016 is used, because mainstream is ended on Jul 13, 2021
  • Warning when SQL2017 is used, because mainstream is ended on Oct 11, 2022
SQL Maintenance
  • Simplified the tab and combined and optimized Indexes and Statistics job
  • Added Refresh button for the Job History overview
  • Added functionality to order the Job History grid. Single header click is DESC double header click is ASC
Advanced Check
  • Added check on Orphaned users in the database
  • Fixed issues due to SQL injection check
  • Add or removing Filtered indexes will take compression of the index in account
  • Add or removing Fill Factors will take the compression of the index in account
  • Compress tables will not only compress known Exact tables, with the new option all you can compress all tables with selected database

Database Info

  • Added Internal and External fragmentation to the Fragmentation query


Security (NEW!)

  • A whole new option is introduced to quicky check how secure your SQL server is configured
System Information
  • Warning when SQL2012 is used, because not supported by Microsoft
  • Warning when SQL2014 is used, because mainstream is ended, in extended until Jul 9, 2024
SQL Maintenance
  • Minimal improvement to the SQL Index optimize job
  • Minor layout improvements
  • Select Color button now shows the current select color
  • Menu added for the new Security menu.
  • When ESI+ tool is closed, if exist the generated Help.html file is deleted
  • Check on SQL Injection before executing a query (if occurs it is also written in Error.log)
  • All datagrids now have the same look

Database Info

  • Moved search boxes to the right


Advanced Indexes

  • Adjustments to information messages
System Info
  • To improve performance, 'Lock Pages in memory' is replaced by 'Memory Model'
  • To improve performance, 'Perform volume maintenance tasks' is replaced by 'Instant File Initialization'
  • Added Search functionality to right mouse click option, inclusief Ctrl-F option
  • Added functionality to reset colors
  • Windows Accent Color is now used by default. Can be overruled within the settings
  • When Windows Dark mode is selected, it will be applied to the application.
  • Added Setting for Dark Mode
  • Improved message handling when no SQL Instance is detected on machine
  • Menu System Info now only enabled after 'Accept and Start Analyzing'
  • Menu Panel behavior improved
  • Show Execution Plan with start SSMS and when finished set waiting cursor to default
  • Added column:'Encrypt_Option' to 'SQL Processes' option

Health Check

  • Reliability is now automatically executes when Heath Check menu is started



  • Added function to search for SQL Servers within your network.
  • Error: 'Invalid object name 'sys.master_files'. SQL' solved when connecting to a Azure SQL environment.
  • Improved SQL Server version detection
  • Error handling adjusted to use new ErrorProvider control
System Info
  • Check: 'SQL Critical Errors in Logs [setting value]' is now working proper
  • The ESI Tool and Script versions are now displayed the same on all platforms
  • Incorrect spelling adjusted and Region and Date/Time format are now displayed separate
  • All settings are now grouped based on Menu item
  • All settings values are now saved when leaving the application
  • SQL Job Work Time now shows hh:mm instead of hh:mm:ss
  • Used parameters are now shown in the main menu title
  • Used Window Size is now saved on exit and used when starting the application
  • Added functionality by clicking on Wait Stats wait type a message box providing more information.
  • Historic SQL Queries now show Execution Plan, which you can click on to open within the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • Subtree Cost now show Execution Plan, which you can click on to open within the SQL Management Studio
  • Added Right mouse to show Execution Plans within SSMS for Historic SQL Queries and Subtree Costs
  • Added functionality to display the total CPU, Disk IO, Memory and Wait Time per Application
  • Added functionality to copy cell value to clipboard

Health Check

  • Fix error when running Health Check twice
  • Solved issue with query for SQL Jobs



System Info

  • Improved check on: 'SQL Maximum Server Memory'
  • Issue fixed when trying to connect to non-accessible SQL server
  • Added option (right mouse click) to only show the recommendations
Database Info
  • Databases in Single-user mode are now excluded to avoid error messages
  • Added Search functionality for databases
  • Added functionality, button: 'Show Statistics' to display the statistics of the select table and filtered indexes information

SQL Maintenance

  • Now saves index and statistics settings per user
  • Added functionality, statistics can now be rebuild based on age or number of modifications in percent
  • Improved and fixed Performance counter checks
  • Added the following counters: (Batch Requests/sec, SQL Compilations/sec, SQL Re-Compilations/sec, Lazy writes/sec, Page Splits/sec)
  • Added functionality within Performance option when hoover over value that is to high an explanation is provided
Advanced Indexes
  • Fixed Filtered Indexes not retrieving potential tables
  • Adjusted set every font to the default font.


System Info
  • Fix error: "Conversion from string" within query for Hybrid Buffer Pool for SQL Server 2019
  • No Server CPU suggested on Windows Workstation Operating System
Database Info
  • Option: 'Table Sizes' sort order adjusted
  • Option: 'Check Fragmentation' sort order adjusted
  • Clear button added
  • Disk performance data-grid dynamically shown below Performance Counter data-grid
  • Option: 'Initial TempDB size' interaction improvement
  • Using original database names and captions


System Info

  • Fix: error message: 'Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow [6].'
  • Added Hybrid Buffer Pool for SQL Server 2019
  • Check mini dump files now uses UNC folder only when remote SQL server is used.
  • Additional Try - Catch for issue reading library Win32_PhysicalMemory
Health Check
  • Cost Parallelism value now included in query to retrieve cost
  • Added Auto Scroll option
  • Changed Index icon

Advanced Checked

  • Enlarge the Checked List Box
  • General Recommendation is now read only
  • Search option aligned with Group Boxes
  • Health Check menu now shows active indication line
  • Resolved Time Out issues for HTTPS, FTP, Upload by using the Time Out setting in the Settings menu.
  • All errors are now shown in the Logs menu with a red color.
  • Adjust the FTP site check.



System Info

  • Added SQL critical errors from Error Logs (Severity 17 and higher are registered)
  • SeManageVolumePrivilege and SeLockMemoryPrivilege can now be retrieved and set for remote SQL server
  • Added: 'Total Size All Databases' in MB
  • Added: check if 'Remote DAC' (dedicated administrator connection) is enabled
  • Mini Dump files are now checked
  • Detection number of SQL instances
  • Check user table in Master database


      · Rare IPv6 issue solved

SQL Maintenance

  • Added horizontal scroll bar for databases
  • Aligned the Group Boxes
Advanced Checks
  • Improved check for accurate database name for Consistency Check
  • Added LDF size vs MDF size
  • Option: "View Installed ESI Indexes" can now be filtered on selected database
  • Added additional temp tables to select
  • Added displays the number of removable temp tables
  • Moved the size of the unknown tables to the correct position

Database Info

  • Moved 'SQL Queries' to Performance menu and optimized for speed
  • Adjusted and fixes Refresh button option

Advanced Indexes

  • Fix: Select duplicate or overlapping indexes only possible in 'View Duplicate Index' option
  • Made the text: 'Filter on Database' bold when it is obligated to select a database


  • Adjusted buttons to drop down box for selecting performance item
  • Added 'Wait Stats' option
  • Added 'SQL Queries' and renamed to 'Historic SQL Queries', which shows the historic executed queries sense last startup
  • Adjustment to Page Life Expectancy calculation
  • Added 'SQL Jobs' to quickly see which job runs during working hours and if it run on existing database, number of successful and failed executions
  • DiskSPD does not show result in Log menu if Log menu is not enabled


  • Added thousand separator to all numeric up down controls
  • Added 'SQL Queries' default value of 0.5 second
  • Added setting to set work hours for SQL Jobs, default 07:00 until 18:00
  • Menu Performance renamed to Show Performance


  • Added additional check if virtualization is used for SQL Server
  • Improved support for Windows virtual machine hosted by Linux server
  • Improved debug functionality
  • Health Check functionality added
  • Exact Financials EDIS database is now included
  • Fix when no connected NIC is used, not show info.



System Info

  • Added check for SQL Server 2016 and newer if Autogrow_all_files is enabled for the TempDB's 
Advanced Indexes
  • Missing indexes now only shows indexes suggestions if score value is above the default value of 100.000, see Settings to adjust this value.
Database Info
  • Fixed: Error: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object
  • Added CPU SQL, Idle and Other usage values (default for the last hour, see Settings)
  • Fixed: Performance view now shows rows in (dark) orange when criteria close to critical values
  • Fixed: Header click now orders the current view
  • Buttons en large for fit better on HD screens.
  • CPU Duration in Minutes (default 60 minutes) for the Performance tab
  • Saving Settings now always done when leaving menu.
  • Added 'Missing Indexes minimum Score' (default value 100.000) for Advanced Indexes option: 'Missing indexes', advised by Microsoft.
  • Revamped Azure SQL checks
  • Improved Debug function





  • Enhanced check for e-mail validation
  • Fixed sending Improvement Report (using account)



  • Adjust alignment and textbox layout
  • ESI+ now sends a HTML based report via Google account when e-mail address is filled in.
System Info
  • WebBrower component (IE) replaced by DataGrid, now able to open links in default browser
  • Added more information (links) about the recommendations
  • Able to sort on columns
  • Added: 'SQL Network Packet Size'
  • Services are now displayed using Display Name instead of Name
Database Info
  • Fixed: Checking fragmentation will now only show the selected table
  • Adjusted more readable column headers
Advanced Indexes
  • Simplified the Duplicate Indexes overview (user seek, scan and look ups are now combined)
  • To select overlapping indexes the SQL needs to be up and running for at least 30 days and the index must be used
  • Fixed: Issues with sorting orders
  • Fixed: Selecting Duplicate Index will not select Clustered or Unique Indexes
  • Duplicate Indexes is now order by records size
Advanced Check
  • Fixed: Failing to optimize if items starts with numbers (now [] are used for every item)
  • Adjusted minimum disk latency from 7 to 50 ms
  • Added option for minimum number of rows for duplicate indexes (default 1.000)
  • Fixed: No more unnecessary beeps in non critical message boxes.




  • System boot drive will now not get advice for 64K blocks if it contains SQL databases
  • Shows warning for backup age bases on setting within Settings menu.
  • Arithmetic Overflow message solved
Database Info
  • Clicking on column header will change the sort order descending
  • Double clicking on column header will change the sort order to ascending
  • Row formatting now applied to all options
Advanced Indexes
  • Error displayed due to column resizing wrong View
  • Solved delete handling of all Views
  • Added right mouse click option within the View Duplicate Indexes option to select the duplicate indexes or overlapping indexes
  • Provide information about the number of selected rows
  • Add Row_count to option: 'View Duplicated Indexes'
Advanced Check
  • If option: 'Create with Compression' within Setting menu Filtered Indexes is enabled, it will only be applied during the optimizing Filtered Indexes if the SQL system is compatible, otherwise the setting will be ignored
  • Highlight words option added for Views
  • Filtered Indexes error fixed due to SQL Table constraint indexes where included. Constraints (indexes) are now skipped.
  • Added right mouse click Save option within the list view for all relevant options.
  • Visibility label: 'View Detail' corrected
  • Single click to select items from list instead of 2 clicks
  • Reset settings option moved to the top / right
  • Settings menu can now be scrolled to see every setting on smaller resolutions
  • Added Backup Age to show only warning when value is met (default 7 days or longer)
  • All Data Grids will now resize row height when High DPI (4K) monitor is used.



Main Menu

  • You can now resize menu panel by right mouse click and drag
  • Support for Windows 11
  • ESI+ is now a signed application
System Info
  • Added Hard disk detection, Spindle Speed, PhysicalSectorSize and Health Status
  • Added RAM Media Type, Bus Type, Configured RAM Speed and number of occupied memory Slots
  • Added Check Active (user) Screen Saver
  • Added Processor L3CacheSize
  • Added detection of Linux host (VM) system
  • Correct detection of RAM which can be addressed to SQL (issue with SQL 2014 Standard Edition and more then 64GB RAM)
  • Lock Pages in Memory and Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks now can handle services started with UPN instead of Domain\Username
Menu Performance
  • Added DISKSPD to get disk IO performance
Advanced Indexes
  • Duplicated index now shows overlapping indexes instead of only duplicate indexes
  • Duplicated index columns size adjusted to easy viewing
Blocking Locks
  • Fixed CSV Separator when Application name contains comma (,)
  • Performance optimization and handling adjustments
Advanced Checks
  • Now displays 'Not Supported' for Table and Index compression on unsupported systems
  • Show Details issues solved

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 30.378.531
 Assortment:  Date: 20-09-2024
 Release:  Attachment:

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