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How to check the version of currently installed add-on, building block or custom solution


This document describes how to check what version of a building block or custom solution is installed and currently active in your Exact Globe company.


For building blocks and custom solutions, and also for E-WMS and ICL, it is necessary to maintain different versions, in order to create new tables, fields or indexes only when required. Therefore the version of newly installed software is compared with the version of previous installed software when Exact Globe is started and a company is opened. How this check is done, you can read in this document.

It is possible that updating to a higher version takes considerable time, because new fields or indexes are added to large tables. Therefore it can be necessary to check the currently installed version of a building block or custom software before installing a new version.

You can verify the currently installed version in Globe:

  • select menu Help, About
  • select tab Add-on
  • In the dropdown list at Group, select the add-on you wish to report on
  • The 'data model data' signifies the currently active version


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