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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Viewing catalog of workspaces

Menu paths

  • Workspaces catalogue
  • ? Workspaces catalogue


This page lists all personal and company workspaces that you have the right to copy as templates, view, and/or modify. The workspaces are displayed in the form of cards.

You can also make use of the filter criteria via the icon to display only the workspaces that you want to see.

In this document, the workspace term refers to both personal and company types, unless specified.

Roles and rights

All users with the Professional, CRM, or Employee self-service role are able to access this page. This page is also available for resellers, suppliers, and customers.


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 260 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I view the workspaces?

  1. On the Workspaces catalogue page in the Browse workspaces section, select an option to specify the workspaces to be displayed in the All workspaces section.
  2. Click the icon to further refine the criteria, and then click Apply filters.
  3. Click the desired workspace card that is displayed in the All workspaces section.

How do I check in workspaces that I have checked out?

  1. On the workspace card, click Check in. A message will be displayed to confirm the action.
  2. Click Yes to check in the workspace.

How do I share workspaces with other people?

  1. On the workspace card, click Share. The Information panel will be displayed on the right.
  2. In the Sharing section, click Add. The Sharing: [Name of the workspace] page will be displayed.
  3. Select one of the options available on the left to indicate if you want to share the workspace based on person, project, role, division, et cetera.
  4. On the available field(s) on the right, select the relevant person, project, role, division, job group, job title, cost centre, cost centre group, or account with whom you want to share the workspace.
  5. Then, specify the right to be given.
  6. Click Add. The Sharing: [Name of the workspace] page will be automatically closed. The person or people with whom you have shared the workspace will be displayed in the table.
  7. Click Save at the header. If the Can view or Can edit right is given to at least one person, the message “Check in workspace?” will be displayed.
  8. Click Yes.

Keep in mind: The check in and check out modes are applied to prevent the workspace from being edited by more than one person at the same time.

How do I remove the sharing of workspaces with other people?

  1. On the workspace card, click Share. The Information panel will be displayed on the right.
  2. In the Sharing section, click next to the respective person whom you want to remove the sharing. The person will be removed from the table.
  3. Click Save at the header. If the workspace is still shared with other people with the Can view or Can edit right, the message “Check in workspace?” will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes.

Keep in mind:

  • You can only remove the sharing right from a person if you are the creator of the workspace, or have the Can edit right for the workspace.
  • You can remove the sharing rights from everyone at one time by clicking Stop all.

How do I use the workspace as a template to create another workspace?

  1. On the workspace card, click Copy template & create a new workspace. The same workspace will be displayed, with the workspace area in grey.
  2. At the header in the field, type the title of the workspace. By default, the title of the workspace which you are using as a template will be filled.
  3. At the Information panel on the right at Description, type a description for the workspace.
  4. In the Sharing section, click Add to share the workspace with other people. This step is not required if you do not want to share the workspace with anyone.
  5. Click Save. The newly-created workspace will then be displayed.

How do I pin workspaces to my general navigation menu?

  1. On the workspace card, click Pin. The icon on the workspace card will change to Unpin, indicating that the workspace has been pinned to the general navigation menu.

How do I remove the pinning of workspaces from my general navigation menu?

  1. On the workspace card, click Unpin. The icon on the workspace card will change to Pin, indicating that the workspace has been removed from the general navigation menu.

Keep in mind: The Unpin icon is not enabled on the workspace card of the personal workspace if it has been set as the default workspace.



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