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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Registering Shares Purchased or Disposed by Shareholder



When you link a shareholder to a division or a division to a shareholder, you can enter the details of the shares purchase or disposal transaction that involves the shareholder. In addition, you can also create and maintain transaction records for an existing shareholder.

Menu path

To create the transaction record for a new shareholder when you link a shareholder to a division, go to Financial/Setup/Organization/Divisions or HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions, display the overview of divisions and select a division to open the division card. Click Shareholders under the Monitor section. Under the Shareholders tab, click New. After you have selected a shareholder, click Save.

To create the transaction record for a new shareholder when you link a division to a shareholder, go to Financial/Setup/Organization/Divisions or HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions, display the overview of divisions and select a division to open the division card. Click Divisions under the Monitor section. Next, click New. After you have selected a division to be linked to the shareholder, click Save.

To create and maintain transaction records for a linked shareholder, go to Financial/Setup/Organization/Divisions or HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions, display the overview of divisions and select a division to open the division card. Click Shareholders under the Monitor section. Under the Shareholders tab, click the total number of shares held by a linked shareholder under the Total no. of shares held column to create or edit the transaction record for the selected shareholder. In the Share purchases & disposals section, click New to create a new transaction record for the shareholder or click the transaction date under the Date column to edit the selected transaction record.

To create and maintain transaction records for a linked child division, go Financial/Setup/Organization/Divisions or HRM/Setup/Organization/Divisions, display the overview of divisions and select a division to open the division card. Click Divisions under the Monitor section. Next, click the total number of shares held in a linked child division under the Total no. of shares held column to create or edit the transaction record for the shareholder in the selected child division. In the Share purchases & disposals section, click New to create a new transaction record for the shareholder or click the transaction date under the Date column to edit the selected transaction record.

Roles & rights

To create and maintain the shares transaction records, function right 62 – Maintain subsidiaries and shareholders is required. Users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save the shares transaction record for the shareholder. If you are linking a division to a shareholder and the transaction results to the percentage ownership of shares of the shareholder in the division is more than 50%, you will see the following message once you click Save:

Click Yes to include the division in the financial consolidation, No to exclude the division from the financial consolidation, or Cancel to close the message box. The details of the setting to include the division in the financial consolidation will be displayed in the Consolidation section of the overview of share movements of the shareholder. For more information, see Overview of Shares Movement.

Note: For shareholding of 50% or below, you can still manually include the child division in the financial consolidation. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Consolidation Records.


Click this to delete the selected shares transaction record. If there is only one transaction record between the shareholder and the child division, and you delete the record, you will see the message 'No transactions present' under the Remarks column in the shareholders' list of the child division. For more information, see Overview of Share Capital Transactions and Linked Shareholders.

Note: This button is available only if you click to open the last shares transaction record of an existing shareholder-child division pair. Once you have clicked Delete, the system will check whether there have been consolidated financial records generated. If there are no records found, the system will delete the shares transaction record for the shareholder-child division relationship. However, if there are records found, you will see the message "Consolidated financial statements have been generated for this division. Please run consolidation process again after adjustments have been made. Would you like to continue?" . Click OK if you want to continue deleting the shares transaction record or Cancel to not delete the shares transaction record.


Click this to exit.


Note: If you are linking a shareholder to a division, you will see the above screen. However, if you are linking a division to a shareholder, the order of fields in the top section and the General section will be different. In the second scenario, you will see the Shareholder field in the top section, followed by the Division and Type of shares fields in the General section. Meanwhile, fields in the Share purchases & disposals section will be the same.


This displays the division which you will create its shareholder’s shares transaction record. You can click the division link to view the division card of this division.

General section


This displays the linked shareholder who purchases or disposes the shares of the division. You can click the division link to view the division card of this shareholder.

Type of shares

This displays the type of shares involved in the shares transaction by the shareholder. The type of shares depends on the shares type you have selected when you link the shareholder to the division. For more information, see Linking Shareholders to Division.

Share purchases & disposals section


Type or select the date of the share purchase/disposal by the shareholder.


Select Purchase if the transaction involves shares purchase by the shareholder or Dispose if the transaction involves shares disposal by the shareholder.

Note: For the first transaction you create, only a purchase transaction is allowed as a shareholder cannot dispose shares for the first time when it does not have existing shares in the division.

No. of shares

Type the number of shares purchased or disposed by the shareholder.

Note: The number of shares disposed by the shareholder will be displayed in a negative value in the overview of shares movement of the shareholder. For more information, see Overview of Shares Movement.


Type the percentage of shares purchased or disposed by the shareholder in the transaction.

Note: The No. of shares and % fields are interconnected. If you have entered the number of shares, the system will automatically calculate the percentage of shares purchased or disposed. Alternatively, if you have entered the percentage of shares purchased or disposed, the system will automatically calculate the number of shares involved in the transaction. The percentage of shares does not accept values in decimals, hence the percentage is rounded to the nearest whole number. The percentage of shares purchased by a shareholder is calculated by dividing the number of shares purchased with the total share capital of the division. For example, if the division has a share capital of 100,000 shares and the shareholder purchases 50,000 shares, then the percentage will be calculated as 50%. Meanwhile, the percentage of shares disposed by a shareholder is calculated by dividing the number of shares disposed with the total shares the shareholder currently owns in the division. For example, if the shareholder currently owns 30,000 shares in the division and now disposes 10,000 shares, the percentage will be calculated as 33% (the percentage is rounded to the nearest whole number).

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 Assortment:  Date: 21-09-2010
 Release: 390  Attachment: