Menu paths
- Click the Workflow link or My workflow in the left menu.
- Click the Requests link or My requests in the left menu.
- Projects à Reports à Search à Projects
- Customers à Reports à Accounts à Search
- Customers à Reports à Contacts à Search
In general, there are two different types of accounts, namely company account and person account. The word “account” is used to describe both the company account and the person account in generic term.
The usage of the specific terms, such as “person account” and “company account” are used to refer to each account, namely, the person account and company account respectively.
On this page, you can see an overview of workflow or requests linked to an account, contact, person, or project. To access a person’s workflow or overview of requests, click Workflow or Requests respectively in the left menu. The initial view of both overviews is different but when you change the selection criteria, both overviews can display similar information. However, there are several differences between the overviews.
Workflow and requests differences
The initial differences between the Workflow and Requests overviews are:
- Involvement criteria — The pre-selected option at Involvement for the Workflow overview is Workflow. For the Requests overview, the pre-selected option at Involvement is the one you have selected previously. The exception to this is when the previously selected option at Involvement in the Requests overview is Workflow. In this case, the pre-selected option at Involvement is the one selected previous to that.
- Show criteria — The initial view for Workflow is List. For Requests, the initial view is Summary.
- Bulk: Actions button and list check boxes — These are available only when the Person is you, the option selected at Involvement is Workflow, and the view selected for Show is List. Thus, this button and list check boxes are available in the initial Workflow overview but not in the initial Requests overview. However, you can change the criteria in the Requests overview to make these available.
- Planning, Subordinates, and Statistics buttons — These buttons are available when you have selected Workflow at Involvement. Thus, these buttons are available in the initial Workflow overview but not in the initial Requests overview. However, these buttons will also be available in the Requests overview if you change the option at Involvement to Workflow.
Customization options
You will see different fields for each Involvement type in the Workflow or Requests overviews as the settings for the Criteria and Results sections are kept separately for each Involvement type.
To customize the Criteria and Results sections of the overviews, change to the desired Involvement type and click Refresh. Then, click
Customize to open the Workflow: Customize page. Select the desired fields in the Selection criteria and Columns sections and click Save. If the overviews are set to refresh automatically, you do not need to click Refresh after changing the Involvement type.
However, the Person, Involvement, and Show criteria fields cannot be customized and will be the same across all Involvement views. For more information on the Workflow: Customize page, see Customizing workflow and requests overviews.
Bulk operations
You can perform bulk operations on more than one request in your workflow at a time if the Bulk: Actions button is available. See Workflow and requests differences above for the conditions required to enable the Bulk: Actions button. However, bulk actions cannot be performed on Document Approval Tasks.
When you click the Bulk: Actions button, several other buttons become available. These buttons allows you to perform actions on up to 25 requests at once. To perform a bulk operation, select the check box of the desired request in each row of the workflow list and click the desired bulk operation button. Depending on the bulk operation, the system may prompt you for more information or confirmation.
During the bulk operation, the system will automatically add a timestamp at the end of the Remarks: Workflow field of each of the selected requests. If the Remarks: Workflow field is not available or cannot be edited at the current request status, the timestamp will be added at the end of the Remarks: Request field. If both fields are not available or cannot be edited at the current request status, or the operation is Bulk: Delete, the timestamp will not be added.
Once the bulk operation is completed, the system will display a report on the success or failure of the operation on each request. Click Close in the report page to display the workflow list. You can then select up to 25 other requests if you need to perform more bulk operations.
Note: Apart from Document Approval Tasks, the success or failure of a bulk operation on each request depends on the request type definition and the current status of the request. For more information on the actions and the request statuses where each action is permitted, see Creating and modifying requests.
Roles & rights
Users are able to view all their own requests and workflow. A user can view the requests or workflow of other people based on the user's security level, the Involvement selected, and the organizational relationship of the user to the person. A private request is listed only if you are the request creator or you are the current actor in the request.
- For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
- For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.
What version are you using?
The information in this document is based on product update 250.
How do I view workflow or requests related to an account, contact, person, or project?
- On the respective search page, define the search criteria, and then click Show. You can also access a person’s workflow or overview of requests by clicking Workflow or Requests respectively in the left menu, and then proceed to Steps 3 and 4. By default, the workflow or request overview page displays the workflow or requests of the person who is currently logged into Exact Synergy Enterprise.
- Select the required account, contact, person, or project, and then click Workflow under the Monitor section. Similarly, to access the workflow of the required person contact linked to a person account, select the required contact in the Type column under the Links section, and then click Workflow under the Monitor section. For projects, click Workflow in the Execution column under the Project monitor section.
- Define the required fields, and then click Refresh.
- Click Close to exit.
Click this to refresh the list based on the defined criteria.
Note: Even when overviews are set to refresh automatically whenever you change a criteria, you will still need to click this to refresh the list when you change certain criteria or after clicking Reset.
Click this to clear all defined criteria except the Person, Account, Project, Involvement, and Show criteria.
Click this to create a request. The person, account, or project pre-selected at the Person, Account, or Project field of the new request will be the person, account, or project in the Person, Account, or Project criterion of the Workflow or Requests overview. For more information, see New request menu.
Click this to view the planning schedule for the selected person. The planning shows the workflow items according to the respective dates.
Note: This button is available only if Involvement is Workflow when you are accessing the Workflow or the Requests overview pages from the left menu.
Click this to open the Workflow - Subordinates screen to view the workflow of the selected person's subordinates up to five subordinate levels. For more information, see Viewing the workflow of subordinates.
Note: This button is available only if Involvement is Workflow when you are accessing the Workflow or the Requests overview pages from the left menu.
Click this to open the Workflow: Statistics - Overview page where you can display a statistical overview of requests in a division. For more information, see Statistical overview of requests.
Note: This button is available only if Involvement is Workflow, when you are accessing the Workflow or the Requests overview pages from the left menu. You can also access the Workflow: Statistics - Overview page from Workflow à Reports à Requests à Statistics - Overview.
Bulk: Actions
Click this to display the bulk action buttons. The bulk action buttons are Bulk: Assign, Bulk: Delete, Bulk: Reopen, Bulk: Reject, Bulk: Process, Bulk: Realize, and Bulk: Approve. For more information on each action, see Creating and modifying requests.
Note: This button is available only if Person is you, Involvement is Workflow, and Show is List in the Criteria section. These are the required criteria for the Workflow overview.
Bulk: Assign
Click this to assign workflow requests selected in the list to a person. The system will ask you to select the person to whom you want to assign the selected workflow requests.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Delete
Click this to delete workflow requests selected in the list. The system will ask you to confirm the deletion.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Reopen
Click this to reopen the workflow requests selected in the list.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Reject
Click this to reject the workflow requests selected in the list.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Process
Click this to process the workflow requests selected in the list.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Realize
Click this to realize the workflow requests selected in the list.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Bulk: Approve
Click this to approve workflow requests selected in the list.
Note: This button is available after clicking Bulk: Actions.
Click this to exit.
Criteria section
The fields described here are enabled by default in Exact Synergy Enterprise. You may see different fields depending on the customizations you have performed previously on any of the Involvement types. You can customize the Workflow and Requests overviews by changing the selection criteria in the Criteria section and the columns in the Results section. You can also set the number of rows to be displayed in the list. For the Requests overview, you can customize the Criteria and Results sections differently for each Involvement type. For more information, see Customizing workflow and requests overviews.
Select a person to view the requests and workflow related to the person based on the selected Involvement type.
Note: This field is available only if you are accessing the Workflow or the Requests overview pages from the left menu or from the personal card.
Type or select a project to view the requests and workflow attached to the project. By default, the project selected on the projects search page is displayed.
Note: This field is available only if you are accessing Workflow from the Execution column under the Project monitor section from the project card.
Type or select an account to display the requests and workflow attached to the account. By default, the account selected on the accounts search page is displayed.
Note: This field is available only if you are accessing Workflow under the Monitor section from the account card (at Customers à Reports à Accounts à Search, select Company or Person at Account: Type, click Show, and then select an account).
Select the Involvement type to list the requests and workflow as described in the following:
- Workflow – Select this option to list requests currently in the workflow of the selected Person.
- Created – Select this option to list requests created by the selected Person.
- Manager: Workflow – Select this option to list requests in the workflow of the subordinates of the selected Person.
- Manager: Person – Select this option to list requests where the subordinates of the selected Person are specified in the Person field of the requests.
- Project: Member – Select this option to list requests where the selected Person is a member of the projects specified in the Project field of the requests.
- Project: Specific – Select this option to list requests where the selected Person is a member of the projects specified in the Project field of the requests but only for requests where the security level of the requests is Project (Specific).
- Approved – Select this option to list requests approved by the selected Person.
- Realized – Select this option to list only requests realized by the selected Person.
- Processed – Select this option to list only requests processed by the selected Person.
- Rejected – Select this option to list requests rejected by the selected Person.
- Realized + Processed – Select this option to list requests realized or processed by the selected Person.
- Manager: Account – Select this option to list requests where the selected Person is the account manager of the accounts specified in the Account field of the requests.
- Manager: Item – Select this option to list requests where the selected Person is the item manager of the items specified in the Item 1 field of the requests. By default, the Item 1 field is labeled as Item in a request form.
- Person – Select this option to list requests in the workflow of the selected person account specified in the Account field or to list requests for the person specified in the Person field of the requests.
- Person + Links – Select this option to list requests of all accounts (company and person accounts) and contacts that are linked to the selected person account in the Account field.
- Account – Select this option to list requests in the workflow of the selected company account specified in the Account field.
- Account + Subsidiaries – Select this option to list requests linked to the selected company account and its subsidiaries company accounts (if any) specified in the Account field.
- Project – Select this option to list requests in the workflow of the selected project specified in the Project field.
- Project + Children (1), Project + Children (2), Project + Children (3) – Select any of these options to display requests linked to the first, second, or third level of child projects respectively, of the selected project specified in the Project field.
- Contact person – Select this option to list requests that are linked to selected contact person of a person account. This option yields the same result as Person and is available only if you have selected the required contact on a person account card. Go to Customers à Reports à Accounts à Search, select Person at Account: Type, click Show, select the required person account, and then click the required contact link in the Type column under the Links section. Click Workflow under the Monitor section.
- Contact person + Links – Select this option to list requests of all person accounts and contacts that are linked to the selected contact person of a person account. This option yields the same result as Person + Links and is available only if you have selected the required contact person on a person account card. Go to Customers à Reports à Accounts à Search, select Person at Account: Type, click Show, select the required person account and then click the required contact person link in the Type column under the Links section. Click Workflow under the Monitor section.
Note: The availability of these options varies, depending on the search page or which link in the left menu you are accessing from, to view the workflow and requests.
Select a contact to display the requests linked to the contact specific for a company account type defined at the Account field. By default, the contact selected on the contacts search page is displayed.
Note: This option is available only if you are accessing Workflow under the Monitor section from the contact card of company account type.
Select List or Summary to display the workflow or requests in a list or grouped by categories respectively.
Select a category to view the requests in the selected request type category.
Note: This criterion is available only when Show is List.
Select an action to list only workflow requests that currently require the selected action.
Note: This criterion is available only when Involvement is Workflow.
Select a request status to list only requests that are in the selected status.
Note: This criterion is not available when Involvement is Workflow.
Select a request type to list only requests of this request type.
Note: This criterion is available only when Show is List.
Sort by
Select the preferred sorting method. You can sort in ascending or descending order based on Date, Created date, Modified date, Start date, End date, Priority, Type, Person, Item, or Account.
Note: This criterion is available only when Show is List.
Select an item to list only requests where the item is specified in the Item 1 field of the requests.
Note: By default, the Item 1 field is labeled as Item in a request form.
Results section
This section shows a list of requests or workflow based on the selected criteria if Show is List. You can sort the list by up to two sorting levels. You can specify the first sorting level in the list by clicking
in the column header to sort the list in ascending or descending order respectively. To specify the second-level sort, you need to enable the Sort by selection criteria by customizing the Criteria section for the current Involvement type. For more information, see Customizing workflow and requests overviews.
If Show is Summary, this section displays the request type categories and request types. In this case, the number of requests is displayed next to the request type category and request type. The total number of requests based on the selected criteria is displayed next to the title of this section. In Summary mode, some selection criteria may not be available.
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