You can import a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains budgeted or actual financial transactions. The process for this is as follows:
1) Create the Excel spreadsheet.
2) Create the Exact Synergy Enterprise document and attach the spreadsheet.
3) Run the background job to import the financial transactions.
Not applicable.
When you create the Excel spreadsheet, the following columns must be available for each transaction:
Column header
Limited list:
Used if the general ledger is created
These columns must represent the first row. Only the first worksheet is used. Any subsequent worksheets in the file will not be processed.
The transactions can be for multiple years and periods. However, each file can only be from one division.
When the Excel spreadsheet is filled with the required transactions, you can proceed to the next process. Only users with either the roles of Role 1 – General manager, 2 – Controller, 0 – Administrator, or 3 – F&A Staff at a Corporate level can upload the Excel spreadsheet. The steps to upload the spreadsheet are as follows:
After saving the document containing the Excel spreadsheet, the background job can be executed to import the transactions into the system.
After the background job is complete, the status of your document should be Archived. You can also check on the success of the background job at System/Reports/Log/Processes by selecting Exact.Jobs.FinExcel.FinExcel at Process and clicking Show.