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Product Updates 418 and 417: Priority payment file (iFile) improved for HSBC Australia

The priority payment file (iFile bank format) for HSBC Australia has been improved to support the following:

  • the company data settings will be reflected in the priority payment file, and
  • the payment reference information of the Second Party Details Record’s (SECPTY) segment will be mapped to the relevant fields in the priority payment file.

The enhancements are as follows:

Company data settings

The company data settings will now be reflected in the generated priority payment files (iFile bank format) at fields 22, 23, and 24 of the BATHDR segment. This enhancement is applicable to the cash instruments, and the domestic and foreign transfers of HSBC Australia. It is also applicable to the inter-account transfers, and the local and foreign transfers instruction types.

The table lists the information that will be retrieved from the Company data settings screen and reflected in the generated priority payment files:

Information in the Company data settings screen

Priority payment file (iFile format)

Address line 1 and Address line 2

Field 22

City and County/Province

Field 23


Field 24

Note: The character limit for field 22 is 35 characters. The combination of the values of the Address line 1 and Address line 2 fields will be based on the character limit and the remaining characters will then be trimmed.

The following sample screens display the information that will be retrieved from the Company data settings screen and then reflected in the generated priority payment file:


Payment reference information

The payment reference information of the Second Party Details Record’s (SECPTY) segment of the priority payment files (iFile bank format) will be mapped to the relevant fields of the SECPTY segment in the priority payment files. Previously, the value from the Description field of the purchase invoice details screen was used as the payment reference information. In this enhancement, the payment reference information will be retrieved from the Payment reference field instead.


The improvement is applicable to the iFile bank format, domestic and foreign payments, as well as to the cash instruments of HSBC Australia.

Mapping of payment reference information in the SEPCTY segment

When generating the priority payment files, the payment reference information of the purchase invoices will be mapped to fields 44, 45, and 46 of the SEPCTY segment. The payment reference information will be mapped to the fields based on the length of characters.

The following sample of the generated bank file reflects the payment reference information that has been defined in the purchase invoice details screen:

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.754.352
 Assortment:  Date: 02-01-2019
 Release:  Attachment: