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Exact Synergy   

Invoice settings in Exact Globe 200x



Although it almost seems that the user import contracts from e-Synergy this is not the case. e-Synergy generates an xml that contains information that Exact Globe 200x uses to create invoices. A few settings should be checked in Exact Globe 200x before any 'contract' prolonged in e-Synergy can be imported. These settings are related to the sales journals and invoice codes. You can differentiate the invoices generated from imported 'contracts'  by using an invoice code. This invoice code should be the same as the one is used in e-Synergy




The next setting should be changed to avoid that invoice numbers are created from the next free invoice number in Exact Globe 200x. Once it is set properly invoice numbers will be generated from the next free invoice number per journal.


Check settings 'Invoice code/ Journal link'


  • Open Exact Globe 200x and press 'settings'    in the menu
  • Select 'Invoice settings' .
  • Mark the option 'Invoice code/ Journal link' .


Create sales journal for e-Synergy contract invoices


This option is not mandatory because different invoice codes can be linked to one and the same sales journal. In case you like to differentiate the contract invoices with other importerd 'invoices' (for example consultancy requests or webshop sales requests) a new journal can be created.


  • Open Exact Globe 200x and select 'System' .
  • Select 'Journals'    in section 'Finance'.



  • Create a new sales journal.





Create invoice code for e-Synergy contract invoices


  • Open Exact Globe 200x and select 'System' .
  • Select 'Invoice codes'  in section 'Logistics'.



  • Create a new invoice code en link this to the appropiate sales journal. Keep the code the same as set in the contract parameters for the division you like to import the contracts for.




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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 07.144.278
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

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