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The following screen will be displayed when you click
Change in the creditor, debtor, or general ledger cards. Alternatively, go to Finance/General ledger/Select/Search, select a transaction line, and then click Change.


Change section

Line/Our ref./Your ref./Entry/Our ref./Entry

Select the required option to determine the criteria that you want to change in the selected transaction. Depending on what you select, some criteria may not be enabled.

Fields section


Select the entry date you want to update or modify.

Reporting date

Select the reporting date you want to update or modify.

Fulfillment date

Select the fulfillment date you want to update or modify.

Our ref.

Type the our reference number for the selected entry to edit the value.


Type or select the general ledger account number created to modify the value for the selected entry


Type or select the required debtor to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type or select the required creditor to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type or select the resource ID who has modified or updated the selected entry.

Payment reference

Type the payment reference number to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type a new description to modify the value for the selected entry.

Your reference

Type a new creditor or debtor reference number to modify the value for the selected entry. This field is disabled for bank/cash revaluation entries when Our ref., Your ref., Entry, or Our ref./Entry are selected under the Change section.

Layout code

Select the required layout code to indicate the escalation level of a reminder for an outstanding item, from a friendly reminder to a final notice. Select one of the layout codes from 1 to 9.

Transaction type

Select the required option to modify the transaction type for the selected entry. The options available are:

  • Normal
  • Void
  • Opening balance
  • Correction
  • Fiscal

Note: The Void option will not be available if the selected entry is originated from the Invoice, Order, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing, Service, POS, or XML Logistics modules.

Cost center

Type or select the required cost center code to modify the value for the selected entry.

Cost unit

Type or select the cost unit code to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type or select the required serial or batch number to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type or select the item code of the selected entry to modify the value.


Type a new quantity to modify or update the value. The default quantity is 0 with 2 decimals.


Type or select the required warehouse to modify the value for the selected entry.

Warehouse location

Type or select the required warehouse location to modify the value for the selected entry.


Type or select the required project code to modify the value for the selected entry.

Free field 1 to 5

Type the free field information to modify the value for the selected entry. In total, there are 5 free fields. These fields allow you to type additional information (besides the available fields) of the particular transaction. You can customize the field labels at System/General/Free fields. For more information, see Related document: Maintaining Free Fields.



Click Advanced to display the Transactions section. Click Simple to hide it.


Click this to confirm the details entered.


Click this to cancel the entire transaction and to exit without saving the changes.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.372.150
 Assortment:  Date: 15-11-2010
 Release:  Attachment: