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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

System menu

Menu path

Modules ➔ System


This page displays two tabs: Reports and Setup, which contains all functions and/or processes for the System module.

Roles and rights

Users with the System module license can access this module. 


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 263 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

Reports tab

Page views section


Click this to see the overview of page views per person. For more information, see Page views report.


Click this to see the overview of page views grouped by applications. For more information, see Page views report.


Click this to see the overview of page views in terms of hours spent by Employees, Resellers, Customers and Public. For more information, see Page views – Hours report.


Click this to see the overview of page views history. For more information, see Page views – History report.

Activity section

Activity: Current

Click this to see the overview of current activities performed by users. For more information, see Current system activities report.

Activity: History

Click this to see the overview of activity history. For more information, see Activity history report.


Click this to see the overview of session. For more information, see Session content report.

Log section


Click this to view the application log. For more information, see Application log report.


Click this to view the data log. For more information, see Data log report.


Click this to view the system errors log. For more information, see Error log report.


Click this to view the processes log. For more information, see Process log report.


Click this to view the performance log report. For more information, see Performance counter report.


Click this to view the login log report. For more information, see Viewing login report.

Database section


Click this to see the overview of system tables. For more information, see Overview of database tables.

File groups

Click this to see the overview of file groups. For more information, see Database file group report.


Click this to see the overview of files stored in the installation directory of Exact Synergy Enterprise. For more information, see System files report.

Add-ons section


Click this to see the overview of SDK solutions available in the system. For more information, see Viewing information on SDK solutions.

Synonyms section


Click this to see the overview of synonyms. For more information, see Overview of synonyms.

Back office integration section


Click this to see the overview of the synchronized entities. For more information, see Monitoring synchronized entities.

Setup tab

Settings – General section


Click this to define the calendar settings used by SynergyExchange for the synchronization of Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exchange. SynergyExchange is a background job which synchronizes appointments between Exchange and Exact Synergy Enterprise. For more information, see Calendar settings.


Click this to define the system settings for process types. For more information, see Overview of process types.


Click this to define the settings for different types of fields. For more information, see Overview of system settings.


Click this to customize the General, Style, Menu, Workflow, Documents settings and Corporate (Settings). For more information, see Customizing Exact Synergy Enterprise.

Settings – Database section

Log: Data

Click this to define the log data settings. For more information, see Log data settings.

Log: Truncate

Click this to define the number of days for certain log entries to be stored in the database. For more information, see Log truncate settings.

Query: Duration (Maximum)

Click this to define the maximum duration of time a query can take. For more information, see Setting maximum time for query.

Connection setting

Click this to change the database connection mode between the Application Role and SQL Login. For more information, see Changing database connection settings

Update database password 

Click this to change the password of the SQL Login that is used to access the database. This menu path is available only if the SQL Login option is selected at Connection Mode under the Role section on the Connection Setting page. For more information, see Changing database passwords.  

Attachment settings

Click this to define the attachment settings. For more information, see Defining attachment settings.

Settings – XML section

Schema: XML

Click this to view the XML schema.

Schema: Document

Click this to view the XML schema documentation. For more information, see Overview of XML documentation.

Security section


Click this to allow users with sufficient rights to log on to Exact Synergy Enterprise as another user. For more information, see Delegating access.


Click this to display the overview of roles. For more information, see Overview of roles.

Function rights

Click this to search for function rights and also to create function rights for people. For more information, see Overview of function rights.


Click this to view the list of web servers with access rights. For more information, see Overview of web servers with access rights.

Metadata section


Click this to export the metadata. For more information, see Exporting metadata.


Click this to define the file the metadata will be imported from. For more information, see Importing metadata.

XML section


Click this to import a file via XML. For more information, see XML import.


Click this to export a file via XML. For more information, see XML export.


Click this to view and modify the topics that are set for XML replication. For more information, see Overview of XML topic definitions.


Click this to view the results of the import and/or export of files via XML. For more information, see Status of XML import and export.

Replication – Sources

Click this to define the settings for XML replication across multiple databases in Exact Synergy Enterprise. You need to define the replication sources to replicate the data via XML. For more information, see Overview of replication sources.

Replication – Targets

Click this to define the settings for XML replication across multiple databases in Exact Synergy Enterprise. You need to define the replication targets to replicate the data via XML. For more information, see Overview of replication targets.

References section


Click this see the list of countries available in the system. You can also modify the country entries. For more information, see Overview of countries.  

Countries: Classifications

Click this to see the list of the continents or regions used to classify the countries. For more information, see Overview of continents/regions.


Click this to view the list of currencies available in the system. You can also modify the currency entries. For more information, see Displaying currencies.

Time zones

Click this to view the list of time zones available in the system. You can also create and modify the time zones. For more information, see Overview of time zones.


Click this to view the list of name titles available in the system. You can also create new and modify the titles. For more information, see Overview of titles.

Terms section


Click this to search for terms used in Exact Synergy Enterprise. You can also customize the terms based on your needs. For more information, see Searching terms.


Click this to search for customized terms used in Exact Synergy Enterprise. For more information, see Searching terms.

Full-text index section


Click this to view the list of words used in documents and requests that have been indexed through a background job performed by ExactFullText.exe. You can also indicate certain words as noise words. For more information, see Overview of words.

Noise words

Click this to view the list of noise words. Noise words are words that are used frequently in documents and requests. If such a word is used in a search query, it will generate a long list of search results. Examples of common noise words are “the” and “and”. For more information, see Overview of noise words.


Click this to create and maintain the synonyms. For more information, see Creating and maintaining synonyms.

License section


Click this to view the license information. For more information, see License information.


Click this to update the license. For more information, see Updating license.

Database section


Click this to create a database. For more information, see Creating new database.

Set up company

Click this to define the settings for the new company. For more information, see Setting up company.

Other section

Installation: Microsoft office Add in

Click this to install or uninstall Microsoft Office Add In. For more information, see Installing MSXML component and Office Add-In.

Installation: Microsoft Exchange 2007 Background Job

Click this to install Microsoft Exchange 2007 background job. For more information, see Installing SynergyExchange2007 background job application.

Installation: Microsoft Exchange 2010 Integrator

Click this to install or uninstall Exact Exchange Synchronizer. For more information, see How-to: Installing Exact Exchange Synchronizer (Exchange 2010).

Installation: Connector Exact Synergy Campaigner

Click this to install or uninstall Connector Exact Synergy Campaigner.  For more information, see How-to: Installing and uninstalling connectors for Exact Synergy Campaigner.

Installation: Connector Exact Synergy Campaigner - DMZ Subscriber

Click this to install or uninstall Connector Exact Synergy Campaigner - DMZ Subscriber. For more information, see How-to: Installing and uninstalling connectors for Exact Synergy Campaigner.

Installation: Exact Synergy Enterprise Document Downloader

Click this to install or uninstall Exact Synergy Enterprise Document Downloader.  For more information, see How-to: Installing and uninstalling Exact Synergy Enterprise Document Downloader.

Installation: Exact Synergy Enterprise Word Merge (32-bit)

Click this to install the ExactWordMerge x86.msi file.

Installation: Exact Synergy Enterprise Word Merge (64-bit)

Click this to install the ExactWordMerge x64.msi file.

Documents: Repair

When documents are not properly converted (not Unicode-compliant) after the Unicode conversion is completed, you can click this to perform a search of the relevant documents and select the required ones to be repaired. For more information, see Searching for Non-Unicode-compliant documents to be repaired to Unicode-compliant documents.

Repository section


Click this to see the list of repository groups. You can also create repository groups. For more information, see Overview of repository groups.


Click this to rebuild the repository. For more information, see Rebuilding repository.

Add-ons section


Click this to define the SDK settings. For more information, see Defining SDK settings.

Web services section


Click this to activate the web services of the business components. For more information, see Setting up web services.

Mobile Apps section


Click this to define the mobile application settings. For more information, see Defining mobile application settings.

Back office section

Back office connection

Click this to set up the connection settings for your back office applications. For more information, see Defining back office connection settings.

Reporting Services Integration section


Click this to set up the connection settings with your Reporting Server environment. For more information, see Defining Reporting Services Integration settings.


Click this to view all reports which are available via the Reporting Services Integration. You can also maintain reports, report groups, and data sources from here. For more information, see Managing reports - Reporting Services Integration.


Click this to view and create schedules for reports to be delivered at a certain time and frequency. 


Click this to subscribe to your preferred reports. The reports will be sent to you based on the respective schedules defined.

Central Master Data Management section


Click this to activate the Central Master Data Management functions. However, you will see this section only if you have selected the license option YA0150 Central Master Data Management. For more information, see Activating Central Master Data Management (CMDM)functions.

Social Collaboration section


Click this to define the social collaboration settings. For more information, see Defining social collaboration settings

Session Management section


Click this to define the session management settings. For more information, see Setting up session management.

Templating tools section

Best practices: Import

Click this to import the best practices files. For more information, see Importing best practices files.

Exact Lightweight Integration Server section


Click this to activate or deactivate, and/or configure the Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) solutions. For more information, see Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) solution settings.

Note: This menu path will be displayed only if the following conditions are met:

  • the Exact Synergy Enterprise license contains the 998 license option (for the Exact Private Cloud (EPC) users),
  • Exact Synergy Enterprise has been added as a product endpoint in ELIS, and
  • the user is an administrator or has the 1059 function right at Corporate level.

Background Processes section


Click this to select the background jobs that you want to run, define the parameters for the jobs, and select the interval for the jobs to be executed. For more information, see Setting up background processes.

Note: This menu path will be displayed only if the Exact Synergy Enterprise license contains the 998 option, and the user is an administrator or has the 1060 function right at Group level.

Related document


 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 15.429.319
 Assortment:  Date: 31-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment:

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