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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - Countries

File name: land.csv

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Remarks Default
1 Adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company * -
2 Country CHAR A3   Country Mandatory -
3 Descr CHAR A30   Description - -
4 Curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency - -
5 Vat-rep-nr CHAR A2 vatrep VAT fiscal representative - -
6 Country-iso CHAR A2 isocnt ISO country - -
7 Descr-ml[1] CHAR A30   ML description 1 - -
8 Descr-ml[2] CHAR A30   ML description 2 - -
9 Descr-ml[3] CHAR A30   ML description 3 - -
10 Descr-ml[4] CHAR A30   ML description 4 - -
11 Descr-ml[5] CHAR A30   ML description 5 - -

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Finance > Countries

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.324.289
 Assortment:  Date: 02-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: