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Discovering workspaces

Workspace is the page that is displayed firsthand when you log in to Exact Synergy Enterprise (ESE). The workspace concept allows you to organize the information in the form of widgets on the page based on your preferences, job scope, or responsibilities.

People with the Professional, CRM, or Employee self-service role, as well as customers, resellers, and suppliers are able to access to workspaces. However, certain features and widgets may not be available for people with the Employee self-service role, customers, resellers, and suppliers.

The following is an example of a workspace:

This document comprises the following chapters:

1.1 Types of workspaces

1.2 Introduction to top menu

1.3 Introduction to general navigation menu

1.4 Introduction to search feature

1.5 Introduction to workspace header

1.6 How do I ...?

1.7 What happens when I ...?

1.8 Related topics

1.1 Types of workspaces

There are two types of workspaces in ESE: personal and company. You can set the type of the workspace during the creation of the workspace, or when modifying existing workspaces.

1.1.1 Personal workspace

A personal workspace provides freedom for everyone to organize the information based on their needs.

1.1.2 Company workspace

A company workspace appears the same for everyone in the company, providing a platform for everyone in the company to focus on the same strategies and to reach towards common goals.

1.1.3 Built-in company workspace

The built-in company workspace is used in cases where there is no company workspace in the system, or the user is redirected to the default company workspace and none is available in the system. This built-in company workspace acts as a page that guides people on how to create a company workspace.

This built-in company workspace:

  • is shared with everyone with the Can view right,
  • is displayed in the Workspaces catalogue page for filtering,
  • can be used as a template to create another workspace, and
  • cannot be modified or deleted by anyone, as no one has the right to edit or delete this workspace.

For an existing user, this built-in company workspace is pinned to the general navigation menu in the COMPANY WORKSPACES section by default. This workspace can be removed from the menu if preferred.

For a new user, this built-in company workspace can be accessed by clicking Company workspaces (when the menu is docked and collapsed). However, this built-in workspace will not be pinned to the COMPANY WORKSPACES section (when the menu is expanded). In this case, the user is able to access this workspace via the Workspaces catalogue menu item.

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1.2 Introduction to top menu

The top menu on a workspace contains the following:

  • General navigation menu — The general navigation menu contains menu items, which provide quick access to features available in ESE. More on this in section 1.3 Introduction to general navigation menu.
  • Search feature — You can perform a quick search on an existing person, account, request, document, project, or even a workspace via this search box. More on this in section 1.4 Introduction to search feature.
  • +Create hyperlink — You can easily create a request, document, project, or data for a person using this hyperlink. As this document revolves around workspaces, only the creation of workspaces will be explained. More on the creation of other entities in Creating entries. More on the creation of workspaces in section 1.6.1 How do I create a workspace?.
  • Modules hyperlink — This hyperlink contains modules that are available within ESE. The modules that are displayed here match the modules that you have selected at Preferences, in the Modules sections under the Menu tab.

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1.3 Introduction to general navigation menu

The general navigation menu contains menu items, which provide quick access to features, such as workspaces that you have created or pinned to the menu, workspaces catalog, your workflow, planning, documents, and history of documents viewed. The general navigation menu can be accessed via the icon at the top left of your screen. Upon clicking this icon, it will change to .

1.3.1 Layout of general navigation menu

You can display this menu in a few different layouts.

a) Collapsed and docked layout

This is the default layout. This layout permanently displays the icons of the menu items at the left side of your screen. This is the only layout that does not provide you an access to reorganize the sections in this menu.

b) Expanded and docked layout

This layout permanently displays the icons and names of the menu items at the left side of your screen.

c) Expanded and undocked layout

This layout allows the menu to be displayed only when you click . This menu will collapse by clicking or anywhere outside of the menu.

1.3.2 Features accessible via general navigation menu

The following explanations on the menu items will be based on the default layout of this menu, which is collapsed and docked.

Company workspaces

Clicking this displays the company workspace that has been set as default. If there is no company workspace in the system, you will be redirected to the built-in company workspace. More on this in section 1.1.3 Built-in company workspace.

To view other company workspaces that have been pinned to this menu, you have to change the layout of this menu to either expanded and docked, or expanded and undocked.

My workspaces

Clicking this displays the personal workspace that has been set as default.

To view other personal workspaces that have been pinned to this menu, you have to change the layout of this menu to either expanded and docked, or expanded and undocked.

Workspaces catalogue

Clicking this displays the Workspaces catalogue page, which offers an easy interface for you to search for, share, and create workspaces. More on this in Viewing catalog of workspaces.

My section

This section contains menu items that provide easy access to pages related to you, such as your workflow, calendar, planning, documents, groups, and projects of which you are the member.

The menu items that are displayed here match the items that you have selected at Preferences, in the My work and My work, create & search sections under the Menu tab.

Quick links section

This section contains menu items that provide quick access to features such as news, list of documents set as favorite, recent documents created or owned by you, and list of documents that you have viewed.

The menu items that are displayed here match the items that you have selected at Preferences, in the Quick access section under the Menu tab.

Clicking this arrow will change the layout of the general navigation menu to expanded and undocked.

1.3.3 Other simple but useful features

You can easily set a personal workspace as default from the general navigation menu, or remove workspaces (that you have pinned) from this menu.

Hover your mouse over the preferred workspace. The following actions can be done:

  • Click to set a personal workspace as default. This is not available for a company workspace, as you need a right to set a company workspace as default. More on this in section 1.6.1 How do I create a workspace?. The icon next to a workspace indicates that it is the current default workspace.
  • Click to remove the workspace from being pinned to this menu. Note that you cannot remove workspaces that have been pinned to your menu by other people.

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1.4 Introduction to search feature

You can easily search for an existing person, account, request, document, project, or even a workspace by typing the name in the search box. The search text corresponds to the entity that you have selected at the drop-down menu next to this box.

For an example, you have selected Documents as the entity, and typed “test”. The search results will contain only documents that have the word “test”. Other entities will not be included in the search results.

You can view a history of your search by enabling this feature at Preferences, in the Search section under the General tab. Simply select the Show history check box and save your preferences.

The next time when you type something in the search box, you will see a history of your search. See the following for an example:

In the event that you do not want to keep the current search history, simply click the Clear history hyperlink and the search history will be removed. Note that clearing your search history will not affect the search history by other people.

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1.5 Introduction to workspace header

The header of your workspace contains the title of your workspace, the Check in or Check out button (if you have shared this workspace with another person), and icons.

The icons are only displayed when you hover your mouse over the header of the workspace. The following icons are available:

1.5.1 Edit, Share

Click this to modify the information and sharing properties of the workspace. In the edit mode, the workspace area that contains the widgets will be greyed out, and the Information panel will be displayed on the right.

At this moment, you can modify the details of the workspace, set the workspace as default, or delete the workspace. The Sharing section in this panel provides an easy way for you to select the people with whom you want to share the workspace. More on modifying workspaces in sections 1.6.3 How do I modify my workspace? and 1.6.9 How do I modify a shared workspace?, on sharing workspaces in section 1.6.8 How do I share a workspace with another person?, and on deleting workspaces in section 1.6.12 How do I delete an existing workspace?.

1.5.2 Copy template & create a new workspace

Click this to use the workspace that you are currently viewing as a template to create another workspace. All widgets, settings, and sharing options defined for this workspace will be copied to your new workspace. At this moment, you can change the settings and sharing options. The widgets and the layout can only be modified once the workspace has been saved.

You can use any company workspace (that has been shared with you) as a template to create another personal or company workspace if you have the Company workspace administrator role. Without this role, you can use any workspace (that has been shared with you) as a template, but only to create a personal workspace.

More on this in section 1.6.1 How do I create a workspace — Using an existing workspace as a template?.

1.5.3 Pin to others

This feature allows you to pin workspaces to other people. This is useful when you have a shared group workspace that you want to set to their general navigation menu for easy access.

Right to pin workspaces

This icon is available at the header only if these two criteria are met:

  • You have the Workspace pin role on the Corporate, Division, or Project level. Function right 1018 – Allow to pin workspace for others is linked to this role.
  • The workspace has been shared with you, for which you have been given the Can view or Can edit right.

See the following flow chart for further explanations on the people to whom you can pin the workspaces:

More on this in section 1.6.10 How do I pin a workspace to another person?.

1.5.4 Pin, Unpin

You can pin a workspace to the MY WORKSPACES section under your general navigation menu by hovering your mouse over the header of the workspace, and then clicking Pin. This icon will then be changed to Unpin so that you can remove the pinning of this workspace from this menu later.

You cannot unpin workspaces that have been pinned to your general navigation menu by other people. When viewing these workspaces, the Unpin icon at the header will be disabled. The name of the person who pinned the workspace will be displayed as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the icon.

1.5.5 Information

Click this to view more information of the workspace. The Information panel will be displayed on the right, which contains information of the workspace as well as the Export workspace button. If you are the owner of the workspace, you can immediately reshuffle and resize the widgets in the workspace area, as well as add widgets to or remove widgets from the workspace area. Otherwise, you are required to have the Can edit right for this workspace in order to make changes to the widgets. More on this in section 1.6.8 How do I share a workspace with another person?.

1.5.6 Add a Link widget to workspace

You can add a Link widget from any Exact Synergy Enterprise page to your workspace. This Link widget provides quick access to a feature that you frequently used. For an example, you have to create project entries daily. Thus, you can add a Link widget that will redirect you straight to the menu path of the project creation, Modules > Projects > Entry > Project. With this, you can start creating projects with just one click on the Link widget.

More on this in section 1.6.11 How do I add a Link widget to my workspace?.

Note: If you have a screen reader installed in your system, such as NVDA, the screen reader will read out the title of the widget in the workspace when you tab through it.

1.5.7 Help

Click this to display help files related to the selected page. You can also perform a search of documents using the available criteria.

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1.6 How do I …?

This section provides a step-by-step guide on a list of actions:

1.6.1 Create a workspace

You can create a person entry, account, request, document, or workspace via the +Create hyperlink at the top menu. As this document revolves around workspaces, only the creation of workspaces will be explained. More on the creation of other entities in Creating entries.

You can create a workspace via several ways. Before you begin, it is good to know the following requirements regarding company workspaces:

  1. You can create a company workspace only if you have the Company workspace manager role (which is linked to function right 1020 — Allow to create and edit company workspace) or Company workspace administrator role (which is linked to function right 1019 — Allow to create, edit and set default company workspace). Without any of these role, the Type field will not be available when creating a workspace.
  2. You can set a company workspace as default only if you have the Company workspace administrator role. Without this role, the Set as default company workspace check box will not be available when creating a workspace.

Create an empty workspace

You can create an empty workspace, which you can then personalize by adding widgets and rearranging them according to your preferences.

To create an empty workspace:
  1. Click +Create at the top menu, and then click Workspace.
  2. Click Empty workspace. You will see the following:

  3. Type the title of your workspace in the box located on top of the Information panel. This is mandatory.
  4. At Description, type a description for your workspace.
  5. At Type, select Personal or Company as the type of the workspace.
  6. You can make this workspace as the page that is displayed firsthand when you log in to ESE by selecting the Set as default workspace or Set as default company workspace check box respectively.
  7. In the Sharing section, click Add to select the people or account with whom you want to share the workspace. More on this in section 1.6.8 How do I share a workspace with another person?.
  8. Click Save. You will be redirected to the workspace that you have just created. You can now add widgets and arrange them according to your preferences. More on this in section 1.6.4 How do I add a widget to my workspace?.


  • You can access the workspace that you have created via the general navigation menu. If the layout of this menu is collapsed and docked, you can access only the default company and personal workspaces. You can access other workspaces only if a different layout is applied to this menu.

  • You can also access this workspace at the Workspaces catalogue page. More on this in Viewing catalog of workspaces.

Using an existing workspace as a template

You can create a workspace using an existing workspace as a template. Via this method, all widgets that are currently being displayed on the workspace will be copied over to the new workspace, saving you the time in adding and arranging widgets from scratch. The sharing properties are not copied over.

To use an existing workspace as a template:
  1. Click +Create at the top menu, and then click Workspace.
  2. Click Copy & Create. You will see the following:

  3. From the workspace cards displayed, search for the one to be used as a template, and then click Copy template & create a new workspace at the top right of the particular workspace card. You will see the following:

  4. Type the title of the workspace in the box located on top of the Information panel. This is mandatory.
  5. At Description, type a description for the workspace.
  6. At Type, select Personal or Company as the type of the workspace.
  7. You can make this workspace as the page that is displayed firsthand when you log in to ESE by selecting the Set as default workspace or Set as default company workspace check box.
  8. Define the sharing properties in the Sharing section. More on this in section 1.6.8 How do I share a workspace with another person?.
  9. Click Save. You will be redirected to the workspace that you have just created. You can now add more widgets and rearrange them accordingly. More on this in section 1.6.4 How do I add a widget to my workspace?.


  • You can access the workspace that you have created via the general navigation menu. If the layout of this menu is collapsed and docked, you can access only the default company and personal workspaces. You can access other workspaces only if a different layout is applied to this menu.

  • You can also access this workspace at the Workspaces catalogue page. More on this in Viewing catalog of workspaces.

Export and import a workspace

You can save a workspace as an XML file, which makes it possible for you to export and import the workspace between different Exact Synergy Enterprise databases.

To export a workspace:
  1. Go to the workspace to be exported, and then hover your mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Information.
  3. At the Information panel, click Export workspace. You will be asked to open or save the XML file.
  4. Click Save or Save as to define the location to save the XML file.
  5. Click Save. The XML file will be saved to the location defined.
To import a workspace:
  1. Go to any workspace, click +Create at the top menu, and then click Workspace.
  2. Click Import. You will see the following pop-up page:

  3. Click Browse to select the XML file.
  4. Once you have selected, click Save. You will be redirected to the workspace that you have imported.


  • Regardless of the type of workspaces, all imported workspaces will be set to Personal.

  • Other than the title and description of the workspace, it is not advisable to change other information via the XML file.

The following table lists some scenarios related to the exporting and importing of workspaces:


Expected behavior after the import process

Workspace contains Me widget with a person selected.

If the person exists in the Exact Synergy Enterprise database to which the XML file is imported, the information of the person selected will be displayed. Otherwise, the information of the workspace creator will be displayed.

Workspace contains Document widget.

During the export of this workspace, the document defined will be excluded from the XML file. Therefore, this widget displayed on the imported workspace will be empty.

Workspace contains link or embed widgets with images.

Selected images will be created in the Exact Synergy Enterprise database to which the XML file is imported.

Workspace contains other widgets.

All filter criteria will be successfully exported to the XML file. However, if any of the filter criterion is not available in the Exact Synergy Enterprise database to which the XML file is imported, then the particular information will not be displayed on the widgets on the imported workspace.

Workspace contains customized widgets.

If the ascx files for the respective customized widgets are not present in the Exact Synergy Enterprise database, then error messages will be displayed for the respective customized widgets on the imported workspace.

Sharing and pinning information have been defined for the workspace.

The imported workspace will not contain the sharing and pinning information that were previously defined.

Workspace is a built-in company workspace or of type Company workspace.

The type of the imported workspace will be set to Personal.

Tom checks out the workspace, makes changes to it but has not check in the changes.

If Tom exports the workspace in an XML file, and imports it to a different Exact Synergy Enterprise database, the changes that have yet to be checked in will be available.

If another person other than Tom exports the workspace in an XML file, and imports it to a different Exact Synergy Enterprise database, the changes that have yet to be checked in will not be available.

In short, whatever that you currently see on the workspace that you exported will be available in the imported workspace.

1.6.2 View or search for a workspace

To view a workspace via the general navigation menu:
  1. Click at the top menu. If the default layout is currently applied to this menu, it will change to the expanded and docked layout.
  2. Click the title of the workspace in the COMPANY WORKSPACES or MY WORKSPACES section. If the workspace is not displayed in the section, click the more hyperlink to display more workspaces.
To search for a workspace via search box:

  1. In the search box at the top menu, type the full or partial title of the workspace.
  2. On the left of the search box, click the arrow to display a list of entities, and then select Workspaces.
  3. Click . The Workspaces catalogue page will be displayed with a catalog of workspaces (in the form of workspace cards) that match the text entered.
  4. Click the desired workspace card. The workspace will be displayed.
To search for a workspace via Workspace Catalogue:
  1. If the default layout is currently applied to this menu, click Workspaces catalogue. The Workspaces catalogue page will be displayed.
  2. You have two ways to search for the workspace. One way is via the Browse workspaces section. Click the respective hyperlink to search for the workspace:
    • All — This hyperlink displays the workspaces that are created by you, and those that have been shared with you with the Can edit, Can view, or Can use as a template right.
    • Personal — This hyperlink displays the workspaces that you have created but are not shared with anyone.
    • Company — This hyperlink displays the company workspaces that you have created and those that have been shared with you with the Can edit, Can view, or Can use as a template right.
    • I can edit — This hyperlink displays the workspaces that have been created by you and those shared with you with the Can edit right.
    • I can view — This hyperlink displays the workspaces that have been created by you and those shared with you with the Can view right.
    • Templates — This hyperlink displays the workspaces that have been shared with you with the Can use as a template right.
  3. Another way you can search for the workspace is via the Criteria section. In the available fields, type the title of the workspace and/or select the person who created the workspace, and then click Apply.
  4. Finally, click the desired workspace card. The workspace will be displayed.
To search for a workspace via the Quick search widget:

In order to search for workspaces using this widget, you must first add this widget to your workspace. More on this in section 1.6.4 How do I add a widget to my workspace?.

  1. On the widget, type the full or partial title of the workspace, and then click >. The Workspaces catalogue page will be displayed with a catalog of workspaces (in the form of workspace cards) that match the text entered.
  2. Click the desired workspace card. The workspace will be displayed.

1.6.3 Modify my workspace

  1. Go to the workspace, and then hover your mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Edit. The Information panel will be displayed on the right.
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.

1.6.4 Add a widget to my workspace

  1. Go to the workspace, and then click Add widget located at the bottom right. If this workspace has been shared with other people, hover your mouse over the header of the workspace, click Check out, and then click Add widget.
  2. Note:

    If the workspace has been shared with other people, and one of them has checked out this workspace for editing, Add widget will not be available.

  3. On the widgets catalog, search for the desired widget, and then click on the widget. The widget editor page will be displayed. Depending on the widget selected, different fields and options will be available on this page. See the following for an example of the widget editor page for the Quick search widget:

  4. In the Properties section, define the settings for the widget.
  5. You can define the layout of the widget including its background color in the Layout section.
  6. Click Save. The widget will then be added to the workspace. You can then rearrange the widget according to your preference.

Depending on the role that you have been assigned with, certain widgets may or may not be available for your usage. More on this in Widgets available for different roles.

1.6.5 Resize a widget on my workspace

  1. On the workspace, hover your mouse over the widget.
  2. Click at the bottom of the required widget.
  3. Drag the widget to the required size. The changes will automatically be saved.

1.6.6 Remove a widget on my workspace

  1. On the workspace, hover your mouse over the widget.
  2. Click . The Edit: [Name of the widget] page will be displayed. For example, if you are editing the Calendar widget, the Edit: Calendar page will be displayed.
  3. Click Delete. The message “Are you sure you want to delete this widget?” will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes to remove the widget from your workspace.

1.6.7 Customize my own widget

You can customize your own widgets by creating an XML file named “Webparts.Ext.xml”, and then add this file to the xml folder of your Exact Synergy Enterprise installation path. More on this in How-to: Defining custom widgets in widgets catalog.

1.6.8 Share a workspace with another person

You can select the person with whom the workspace is to be shared, and then specify whether the person can view or edit the workspace, or only use it as a template to create a workspace. It is also possible to share your workspace based on projects, divisions, job titles, et cetera. The following rights are available:

  • Can use as a template — This person can use the workspace as a template to create another workspace.
  • Can view — This person can view the workspace, and use the workspace as a template to create another workspace.
  • Can edit — This person can view, edit, or delete the workspace, use the workspace as a template to create another workspace, and specify the people with whom the workspace is to be shared. When this right is given to one person or more, the check in and check out modes apply to the workspace. This right is not available if you are sharing the workspace by account.

When sharing workspaces based on the Account option:

  • Customers — Selecting this option at the Security level field indicates that customers at security level 1 and partners at security level 2 will be able to view the workspace or use it as a template to create another workspace. Internal users will not be able to view the workspace or use it as a template.
  • Partners — Selecting this option at the Security level field indicates that only partners at security level 2 will be able to view the workspace or use it as a template to create another workspace. Customers and internal users will not be able to view the workspace or use it as a template.

For an example, you would like to share a workspace named “My workspace 1” with James Brouw. You can perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “My workspace 1”, and then hover your mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Share. The Information panel will be displayed:

  3. In the Sharing section, click Add. You will see the following:

  4. Select the entity on the left panel, and fill in the relevant information. The fields that are displayed on the right depend on the selection of entity. In this example, select People.
  5. Type the ID of James Brouw or his name at the Person field.
  6. Next to the Security level field, select the right to be given to James Brouw.
  7. Select the Notify check box if you want to notify James Brouw (via a request) that this workspace has been shared with him.
  8. Click Add. You will be redirected to the Information panel, and James Brouw will be listed in the table in the Sharing section:


  • As the Notify check box is selected at step 7, a Task request will be created for and sent to James Brouw once the Exact.Jobs.Workspaces background job is performed.

  • When the Task request cannot be created for the selected person, a Task request will be created for and sent to you (the person performing the sharing action) for notification purpose. This error will also be logged at Modules > System > Reports > Log > Errors

  • You can easily share the workspace to more people by clicking Add + New at step 8.

  • If the user becomes inactive, the shared workspace(s) that belong to the inactive user will be automatically assigned to the manager of the inactive user. If the inactive user does not have a manager, the shared workspace(s) will not be assigned to anyone.

Notification feature for customers and partners

The Notify check box is only available to the customers and partners if in the request type definition of the Task request, the All option is selected at Type for the Person field. See the following for an example:

Sharing feature for a company workspace

When it comes to sharing, there is a slight difference between the default company workspace and other company workspaces. The default company workspace has to be shared with all employees. Thus, upon selecting the Set as default company workspace check box for a company workspace, the following message will be displayed depending on the situation:

  • When no other company workspace has been set as default:

  • When there is another company workspace that has been set as default:

Once a company workspace is set as default, the sharing option for the Internal entity will be automatically defined with the Can view right, as shown in the following:

For this sharing option, you can change the right to Can edit. However, you cannot change the right to Can use as a template. Upon saving with this right, the message “In order to set this workspace as default, it needs to be shared to view or edit with all employees. Please, change viewing rights for “Internal 10”.” will be prompted.

1.6.9 Modify a shared workspace

When a workspace is shared with one person or more, the check in and check out modes are applied to prevent the workspace from being edited by more than one person at the same time.

To modify a shared workspace:
  1. Go to the workspace, and then hover your mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Edit. The Information panel will be displayed on the right.
  3. Make the changes, and then click Save. A message “Check in workspace?” will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes to check in the workspace and allow other people to modify the workspace.


The Edit icon is not available at the header if you do not have the right to edit the workspace, or the workspace has been checked out by someone, thus preventing other people from editing the workspace at the same time.

Let’s look at the following example to understand how the check in and check out modes work.

In section 1.6.8, you have shared “My workspace 1” with James Brouw. At this moment, you are not able to add any widget to this workspace ( Add widget is not displayed at the bottom right).

To modify this workspace, you have to check out the workspace either by clicking the Check out button, Edit, or Share.

By clicking the Check out button, the following will occur:

  • This workspace is now in the checked out mode.
  • This workspace is now locked by you for editing.
  • The Check out button will be replaced with the Check in button.
  • Add widget is available for you to add more widgets to the workspace.

By clicking Edit or Share, the following will occur:

  • This workspace is now in the checked out mode.
  • This workspace is now locked by you for editing.
  • The Information panel is displayed for editing, with the workspace area greyed out.

When James Brouw views “My workspace 1”, the workspace will be displayed as follows:

At this moment:

  • At the header of the workspace, the name of the person who is currently checking out the workspace is displayed.
  • James Brouw is not able to add any widget to this workspace ( Add widget is not displayed at the bottom right).
  • James Brouw is not able to modify the workspace ( Edit and Share are not displayed at the header of the workspace).
  • If you have saved the changes made to the workspace title and in the Information panel, but have yet to check in the workspace, these changes can be seen by James Brouw. However, if you have made changes to the widgets, these changes can only be seen by James Brouw once you have checked in the workspace by clicking the Check in button.

1.6.10 Pin a workspace to another person

With the Workspace pin role, you can pin a workspace to the general navigation menu of other people. Note that you can only pin a workspace to people with whom you have shared the workspace. More on sharing workspaces in section 1.6.8 How do I share a workspace with another person?.

For an example, you would like to pin a workspace named “My workspace 1” to James Brouw. You can perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “My workspace 1”, and then hover the mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Pin to others. You will see the following:

  3. Select the check box next to James Brouw.
  4. Select the Notify check box to notify James Brouw (via a request) that you have pinned this workspace to his menu.
  5. Click Save.


  • As the Notify check box is selected at step 4, a Task request will be created for and sent to James Brouw once the Exact.Jobs.Workspaces background job is performed.

  • When the Task request cannot be created for the selected person, a Task request will be created for and sent to you (the person performing the pinning action) for notification purpose. This error will also be logged at Modules > System > Reports > Log > Errors.

Notification feature for customers and partners

The Notify check box is only available to the customers and partners if in the request type definition of the Task request, the All option is selected at Type for the Person field. See the following for an example:

If you pin the same workspace to the same person for more than one time, no request will be sent for the second time. If there is a need to send another Task request to the same person, you will have to unpin the workspace from his My workspaces, and then pin the workspace to the person again.

1.6.11 Add a Link widget to my workspace

You can add a Link widget from any Exact Synergy Enterprise page to your workspace. If for an example, you have to create project entries daily, you can add a Link widget that will redirect you straight to the menu path of the project creation.

To add a Link widget to workspace:
  1. Go to any page in Exact Synergy Enterprise. Based on the example, go to the project creation page.
  2. Click Add a Link widget to workspace. You will see the following:

  3. At Add to, select the workspace to which you want to add the Link widget.
  4. Type the title and description of the workspace at Title and Description respectively. By default, the name of the page will be filled.
  5. At URL, type the hyperlink of the page to which you want to add to the workspace. By default, the hyperlink of the current page that you are viewing will be filled.
  6. Define other property and layout settings, if required.
  7. Click Save.

Once you have clicked Save at step 7, one of the following scenarios may occur:



Message displayed


You are the creator of the workspace defined at the Add to field, and the workspace is not shared with anyone.

The following message will be displayed:

Click OK.


The workspace is shared with other people.

The following message will be displayed:

Click Yes to change the workspace to the check out mode. The following message will then be displayed:

Click OK.


The workspace is currently checked out by someone else.

The following message will be displayed:

Click OK.

1.6.12 Delete an existing workspace

You can delete a workspace that you have created.

To delete an existing workspace
  1. Go to the workspace, and then hover your mouse over the header of the workspace.
  2. Click Edit or Share.
  3. Click Delete. The message “Are you sure you want to delete this workspace? This action can't be undone.” will be displayed.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.


You cannot delete a workspace that you have set as default, or if the creator of the workspace is using it as the default workspace.

For a shared workspace, you can only delete the workspace if you have the Can edit right for the workspace. However, there are times when you cannot delete a shared workspace. See the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

Andrew creates “Workspace ABC”. He then shares the workspace with Kimi and Roy and grants them the Can edit right.


Set Workspace ABC as default workspace?

Can delete Workspace ABC?







In this scenario, no one can delete “Workspace ABC” because the creator of this workspace, Andrew, has set this workspace as his default workspace. In order to delete “Workspace ABC”, Andrew has to first set a different workspace as default.

Scenario 2

Andrew creates “Workspace ABC”. He then shares the workspace with Kimi and Roy and grants them the Can edit right.


Set Workspace ABC as default workspace?

Can delete Workspace ABC?







In this scenario, Andrew, Kimi, or Roy is able to delete “Workspace ABC” because Andrew did not set this workspace as his default workspace.

Scenario 3

Andrew creates “Workspace ABC”. He then shares the workspace with Kimi and Roy and grants them the Can edit right.


Set Workspace ABC as default workspace?

Can delete Workspace ABC?







In this scenario, Andrew, Kimi, or Roy is able to delete “Workspace ABC” because Andrew did not set this workspace as his default workspace. As for Kimi, another workspace will automatically be set as default for him once “Workspace ABC” has been deleted.

The workspace that is automatically selected for Kimi will be based on the IDs of the workspaces under his My workspaces listing. When there is no other workspace in his listing, a default workspace will be automatically created for him and pinned to his My workspaces listing.

1.6.13 Rearrange order of sections and menu items in general navigation menu

The order of the sections and menu items in the general navigation menu can be rearranged according to your preference. The Reorganize sections hyperlink is made available at the bottom of this menu when the layout is expanded and docked, or expanded and undocked.

Reorganizing sections
  1. Go to the workspace, and then click Reorganize sections at the bottom of the general navigation menu. The sections are now indicated with the icon.
  2. Drag the section, and then drop it to the preferred order.
  3. Click Done.
Reorganizing menu items
  1. Go to the workspace, and then click Reorganize sections at the bottom of the general navigation menu.
  2. Click the or icon to rearrange the menu item in an ascending or descending order respectively.
  3. Alternatively, you can drag the menu item, and then drop it to the preferred order within the same section.
  4. Click Done.

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1.7 What happens when I ...?

1.7.1 Change the type of an existing shared workspace

When switching an existing shared workspace from one type to another, the message “This workspace is shared with others. Changing its type will remove all shares and pins. Are you sure you want to proceed?” will be displayed. The following will occur:

  • If you are the creator of this workspace, clicking Yes will remove all sharing and/or pinning of the workspace.
  • If you are not the creator of this workspace, clicking Yes will remove all sharing and/or pinning of the workspace. Upon saving or checking in the workspace, another message “All shares and pins will be removed and you are unable to access the workspace after this. Do you want to grant yourself with edit right?” will be displayed. The following will occur:
    • By clicking Yes, this workspace will be shared with you again with the Can edit right, allowing you to modify this workspace later on.
    • By clicking No, you will no longer be able to modify this workspace as your Can edit right to this workspace has already been removed. At this time, only the creator of this workspace has the right to modify it.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 27.609.178
 Assortment:  Date: 16-10-2024
 Release:  Attachment:

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