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ESI+ tool: Cleanup Logs

With version 5 of the ESI+ tool you can now enable in the Settings menu the option: 'Cleanup Logs'. This new functionality provides you the possibility to easily and quickly maintain Log tables of Exact Globe, Synergy or ELIS databases.
First you need to select a database and provide the number of Months (default 6) of data you want to keep in your Log files.

Cleanup Log contains the following options: 

When in front of the database the checkbox is enabled, it means that the database is included in the SQL job: 'ESI+ LogHandler' to clean the selected Log tables. 
When you click on a database, only the selected Log tables are displayed, you can only enable the checkbox by clicking on the Save button and select at lease select one Log Table.
Once you have one or multiple rows (or SQL Log Tables) selected, you will see how much free space in MB you will gain and how many rows will be left over after the Clean Log option.

Clean Log
You first need to select Log tables so that the row(s) is/are highlighted in the table. Click on the option: 'Clean Log' a popup message will appear, if you click on the Yes button this function will quicky remove the unwanted log data in the selected Log files.
You can use the right mouse click to quickly select or deselect all rows.

(Tested on a 147GB database, deleting ~9 GB of data took ~27 sec.)

Save Job
With this function you can create/add the selected database as a step to the SQL Job called: 'ESI+ LogHandler'.
If it already exists, it will update the changes.
The SQL job will be executed every day at the provided time (default 22:00 hours) which will delete all records that are older that the provided Months (default 6).
You need to select at least one Log Table to be able to enable the Save button.

Note: To remove a database from the SQL Job, right mouse click on the database and click: 'Remove from Job'

Delete Job
This function deleted the SQL Job: 'ESI+ LogHandler'.  If the SQL Job does not exist, the button: 'Delete Job' is disabled.



 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.435.802
 Assortment:  Date: 26-06-2024
 Release:  Attachment:

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