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How-to: Background job for stock valuation


Stock valuation is a process of accessing the value of the current inventory. It consolidates the inflow and outflow of the inventory transactions, and calculates the current value of the stock. In Exact Globe+, you can perform stock valuation at Inventory ➔ Warehouse management ➔ Stock valuation. However, this might take some time to process depending on the data. Thus, a background job has been implemented whereby you can schedule the process to run based on the time you have defined.

You can run the background job on silent mode (command prompt) or using a task scheduler. However, the valuation method will be based on the settings defined at Valuation method under the Entry section at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings. If Standard cost price (Classic) is selected at Valuation method, the report will not be generated. After the background job has completed, a stock valuation report will be generated, and placed in the usr folder in the Exact software folder with format “StockValuations_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS”. For example, C:\Program Files\Exact Software\usr\StockValuations_20120409154330. Before starting the background job, your user rights to access the Inventory ➔ Warehouse management ➔ Stock valuation menu path will be checked. If you do not have rights to access the menu path, an error message “You have insufficient rights to perform this operation” will be displayed.


To create the scheduled task, you need the Exact.Inventory.StockRevaluation.exe file. You can find this file in the bin folder of the Exact Globe+ installation.

To create the scheduled task, you can use the following syntax: Exact.Inventory.StockRevaluation.exe -rsqlservername -Ddatabasename -u -f00000000435 -~  -BckJob <parameters>

The following parameters are available:
The parameters in red are mandatory.

Stock valuation screen field





Server name



Database name



User name (obsolete)



For checking, and you must have the stock valuation menu rights to perform stock valuation via the background job. If you do not have rights, the error message “You have insufficient rights to perform this operation” will be displayed. If this parameter is not defined or wrongly defined, the message “Invalid parameters” will be displayed.



You have to end the system parameters with these characters. After this, you can provide parameters for the functional flow of the application. If you do not provide this parameter, all the parameters above will be treated as parameters for your application rather than system parameters to automatically log in to a specific database.



To indicate the executable file is triggered via the task scheduler or command prompt. If this is not defined, the Stock valuation screen will be displayed.

Transaction date



To indicate the transaction date range for filtering purposes. You can define one or both of the parameters. 

For example:
If “-TDF31052012;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records after 31/05/2012.

If “-TDT31122012;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records before 31/12/2012.

If “-TDF31052012;” and “-TDT31122012;” are defined, the system will retrieve all the records between 31/05/2012 and 31/12/2012.

If “-TDF;” and “-TDT;” is NOT defined, the system will retrieve all the transaction records. 

This parameter is applicable only if the Stock valuation as from last revaluation check box at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings, under the Entry section is not selected. If you type “- TDF”, and “- TDT”, this parameter will be ignored even if the Stock valuation as from last revaluation check box is selected, and the logic will be the same as Inventory ➔ Warehouse management ➔ Stock valuation.

Item group



To indicate the item group range for filtering purposes. You can define one or both of the parameters.

For example:
If “-IGF5;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records after item group 5.

If “-IGT10;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records before item group 10.

If “-IGF5;” and “-IGT10;” are defined, the system will retrieve the records between item group 5 and item group 10. 

If “-IGF;” and “-IGT;” are not defined, the system will retrieve all the item group records.




To indicate the item code range for filtering purposes. You can define one or both of the parameters.

For example:
If “-IF100;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records after item code 100.

If “-IT200;” is defined, the system will retrieve all the records up to and including item code 200.

If “-IF100;” and “-IT200;” are defined, the system will retrieve the records from and including 100, and up to and including 200.

If “-IF;” and “-IT;” are not defined, the system will retrieve all the item code records.

Make item


This is an optional parameter. The values for this parameter are:

A - All
 – Make item
 – Non-make

Anything other than these values will, by default, be "A".  



This is an optional parameter. The values for this parameter are:

A - All
 – Level zero
 – Level one
 – Level two
 – Level three

Anything other than these values will, by default, be "A". 

User-defined field via [Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Assortments]


To indicate the item assortment for filtering purposes. In Exact Globe+, up to 10 assortments can be defined. If you defined 4 assortment parameters but there are only 3 assortments defined in Exact +, the last defined parameter will be ignored.

Type “ASST01” followed by assortment properties code.

For example:

Zero amounts (APP)

All amounts (APP)

Cost price/Purchase price




This group of parameters is only valid if the Valuation method per item check box under the Entry section at System à General à Settings à Inventory settings is selected. Otherwise, these parameters will be ignored.

If you define “-ZAAPP;”, the Zero amounts (APP) check box will be selected.

If you define “-AAAPP;”, the All amounts (APP) check box will be selected.

If both parameters are defined, the second parameter will always overwrite the value of the first parameter.

If “-ZAAPP;” is defined, the possible values for -PAPP; are C (Cost price) or P (Purchase price). For example, PAPPP. Anything other than the possible values will, by default, be C.

For “-AAAPP;”, you do not have to define the value behind because it will, by default, always be 1. (APP).

Zero amounts (SCP)


This group of parameters is only valid if the Valuation method per item check box under the Entry section at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings is selected. Otherwise, these parameters will be ignored.

If you define “-ZASCP;”, the Zero amounts (SCP) check box will be selected. You do not need to define the value after Use price because by default, it will always be C (Cost price).

Zero amounts (FIFO/LIFOActual costing)

Cost price/Purchase price



This group of parameters is only valid if the Valuation method per item check box under the Entry section at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings is selected. Otherwise, these parameters will be ignored.

If you define -ZAOth;, the Zero amounts (FIFO/LIFO/Actual costing) check box will be selected. The possible values for -POth; are C (Cost price) or P (Purchase price).

Zero amounts

All amounts

Cost price/Purchase price




This group of parameters is only valid if the Valuation method per item check box under the Entry section at System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings is not selected. Otherwise, these parameters will be ignored. Depending on the stock valuation method, the logic is same as the above.



To indicate to execute the executable file in silent mode. Error or warning messages will not be displayed.



The values for the parameters are:

N - None
– Totals only
– Detailed information

Anything other than these values will, by default, be N. If this parameter is not defined or wrongly defined, the report will not be generated.

Example: -rMySQLServer -D955 -u -f00000000435 -~ -BckJob; -TDF; -TDT; -IGF; -IGT; -IF; -IT; -ASST01; -ZAAPP; -PAPPC; -ZASCP; -ZAOth; -POthC; -S; -RT;

To create a scheduled task, follow these steps:

  1. Open the task scheduler in Windows by typing Task scheduler in the Windows search box.
  2. Create a new scheduled task by clicking Create Basic Task.
  3. At the Create Basic Task Wizard field, define a name for the task and click Next.
  4.  In the next screen, select the frequency to execute the task. Then, click Next.
  5.  Select the time and day for this task to start and click Next.
  6. In the next screen, select Start a program, and then click Next.
  7. Click Browse to select the Exact.Inventory.StockRevaluation.exe file in C:\Program Files\Exact Software\bin. At Add arguments (optional), append the syntax for the scheduled task. For instance: -rMySQLServer -D955 -u -f00000000435 -~ -BckJob; -TDF; -TDT; -IGF; -IGT; -IF; -IT; -ASST01; -ZAAPP; -PAPPC; -ZASCP; -ZAOth; -POthC; -S; -RT;
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish to create the task.

The task will be executed under the username that created the scheduled task. If you want to run the task under a different username and/or execute the task when the user is not logged in, do these additional steps:

  1. Right click the task and select Properties.
  2. Click Change User or Group to select a different user.
  3. Enable the setting Run whether user is logged on or not to make sure the task is also executed when the user is not logged in.


 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 23.532.191
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 404  Attachment:

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