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Viewing timeline

Menu paths

  • Click the  Timeline on the left panel.
  • Click  Timeline at the top bar.


The timeline feature allows you to share posts, status updates, discussions, and real-time notifications regarding business events, tasks, and actions.

Roles & rights

All the users can view the timeline.


  • For more details on function rights, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 264 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I view the timeline?

  1. Click  Timeline at the top bar.
  2. Click Timeline.

How do I view the timeline for posts?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the Posts tab.

How do I view the timeline for news?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the News tab.

How do I view the timeline for requests?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the Requests tab.

How do I view the timeline for reminders?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the Reminders tab.

How do I create a post?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Post hyperlink.
  3. Type the post to be shared at Share an update.
  4. Type the name(s) of the person(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  5. Click Post.

How do I create an announcement?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Announcement hyperlink.
  3. Type the title of the announcement at Choose a title for your announcement.
  4. Type the announcement at Write your announcement.
  5. Select the duration of the announcement at Pinning for.
  6. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share the announcement at Share with.
  7. Click Post.

For more information on announcements, see How-to: Posting announcements for social collaboration

How do I share an account, a document, a project, a workspace, a person, or an item?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Post hyperlink.
  3. Type a post at Share an update.
  4. Click Synergy Link.
  5. Select Document, Account, Project, Workspace, Person, Item, Opportunity, or Request at Select, and then type or select the document, account, project, workspace, person, item, opportunity, or request.
  6. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  7. Click Post.

How do I share existing posts?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click  on the feed of an existing post, and a pop-up page will be displayed.
  3. Type your message in the text box.
  4. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or groups with whom you want to share the post at Share with.
  5. Click Post.

How do I attach documents or images for the post?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Post hyperlink.
  3. Type a post at Share an update.
  4. Click Attachments.
  5. Click Click to add attachments.
  6. Select a file.
  7. Click Open.
  8. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  9. Click Post.

For more information on timeline attachments, see How-to: Creating, downloading, and deleting timeline attachments

Keep in mind: If you want to remove the file before posting, click  next to the filename. You can download the attachments by clicking the  icon next to the filename, and for certain files, the preview will be displayed if the  icon is clicked (the icon will be displayed if you hover the mouse cursor over the image). More than one file can be attached to the timeline. If only one image is attached to the timeline, the image will be displayed on the timeline. However, if more than one image is attached to the timeline, only the first selected image will be displayed on the timeline. The other images will be displayed as file attachments on the timeline but can be viewed by clicking the  icon.

How do I create polls?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Post hyperlink.
  3. Type a post at Share an update.
  4. Click Poll.
  5. Type the question for the poll at Question.
  6. Select the type of the answer option. You can select Single answer, Multiple answers, or Linear scale.
  7. Type the answers at the available boxes.
  8. Select when you want the poll to be closed at Closing in.
  9. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  10. Click Post.

For more information on polls, see How-to: Using polls in timeline.

How do I view the polls?

  1. On the Timeline page, click View all polls (on the right side of the page).

For more information on polls, see How-to: Using polls in timeline.

How do I select project links?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the Post hyperlink.
  3. Type a post at Share an update.
  4. Click Project links.
  5. Select a project at Select, and click Add.
  6. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  7. Click Post.

Keep in mind: The project link is a type of post attachment that will be available only for the project record wall. The project record wall refers to the timeline on a specific record page, and it is an extension of Synergy Links. The Project links button allows you to select the project link(s) listed under the monitor section for the project. Once Project links is clicked, all the project links will be displayed (including project links that have not been selected on the Project page) at the Select field. For more information, see Viewing project cards.

How do I create a customized tab?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the  tab.
  2. Click + Add new tab.
  3. Type the name of the tab at Tab name.
  4. Select the Set as default custom tab check box if you want the tab to be the default tab.
  5. Under the Group posts, News, Requests, People's post, and Reminders sections, select whether you want to view the group posts, news, requests, people's posts, and/or reminders.
  6. Click Save

How do I post and view the comments?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the  icon on the post that you want to post or view the comment(s).
  3. Type the comment at Add a comment.
  4. Click .

How do I delete the comments?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the  icon on the post with the comment that you want to delete.
  3. Click the  icon on the comment.
  4. Select Delete comment. The message “Are you sure you want to delete this comment?” will be displayed.
  5. Click OK.

Keep in mind: Only the creator of the comment or people with the Social collaboration administrator role can delete the comment. If the comment is in the group timeline, the group owner and managers can delete the comment.

How do I hide the posts and comments?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the  icon on the post or comment that you want to hide.
  3. Click Hide post. The message “Are you sure you want to hide this post?” will be displayed.
  4. Click OK.

Keep in mind: You will not be able to hide the post if you are not a member of the group post.

How do I reply to the comments?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click Reply on the comment.
  3. Type your reply.
  4. Click .

How do I like the posts and comments?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the  icon on the post or comment that you want to like.

How do I share the posts?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the All or Posts tab.
  2. Click the  icon on the post that you want to share.
  3. Type the post at Share an update.
  4. Type the name(s) of the person(s) or group(s) with whom you want to share at Share with.
  5. Click Post.

How do I copy the link of the feed?

  1. Go to the main timeline, personal timeline, record wall, or embedded timeline.
  2. Click the  icon on the feed that you want to copy.
  3. Click Copy link.

Keep in mind: Once the link is copied, the message “Copied to clipboard” will be displayed. When you view the copied link, you will be redirected to the feed itself. The error message “Record not found” will be displayed if the link is invalid, the feed does not exist anymore, or you do not have the rights to view the feed.

How do I view my timeline?

  1. On the Timeline page, click My timeline (on the right side of the page). 

How do I enable and create posts, announcements, or news in the HTML mode?

  1. When creating posts, announcements, or news, click the HTML icon in the editing bar.
  2. Insert the relevant HTML script.
  3. Click Post.

How do I revert to the Editor mode from the HTML mode?

  1. In the HTML mode, click the Editor icon in the editing bar.
  2. A notification message will be displayed.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The Editor mode will be enabled.

How do I embed feeds?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the Embed this feed hyperlink under the actions section.
  2. On the Embed this feed page, under the Options section, define the title of the feed by selecting the Show check box and then typing the title at the text box at the Title field.
  3. Select the code under the Code section and click Copy.
  4. Paste the code to your workspaces or websites.

Keep in mind: The fields under the Options section are optional.

How do I view the birthdays of the current year?

  1. On the Timeline page, click the See all hyperlink under the Birthdays section.
  2. On the Birthdays page, all birthdays of the current year will be displayed.

How do I use the record wall to start discussions about projects or accounts?

  1. On the project or account card, create your post under the Timeline section. 
  2. Click Post.
  3. The post will then be displayed on the record wall of the project or account card. 

How do I use the record wall to start discussions about documents?

  1. On the document page, click More and then click the Timeline tab. 
  2. Create your post in the Timeline tab.
  3. Click Post

Keep in mind: To view the record wall of projects or accounts, or other entities, you must at least have the right to view them. You will only be able to view posts of the mentioned entities that are shared directly with you, to everyone, or to the public or private groups of which you are a member. If you have the Social collaboration administrator role, all posts will be visible to you.


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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 27.655.082
 Assortment:  Date: 30-04-2020
 Release:  Attachment:

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