The timeline feature allows you to share posts,
status updates, discussions, and real-time notifications regarding business
events, tasks, and actions.
All the users can view the timeline.
The information in this document is
applicable to product update 264 and higher. If you have versions lower than
this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
This document comprises the following
tabs and sections:
All tab
This tab displays all the timelines. The
list of notifications will be displayed when the
Timeline icon is clicked. The latest thirty
notifications will be displayed. The notifications that will be displayed are:
- Message to the individual or group
- Sharing of entities for documents, projects,
accounts, and workspaces of the individual or group
- Sharing of attachments of the individual or
- Comments on the timeline
- Replies to the comments on the timeline
- Requests (notification will be displayed if you
are required to perform the next action on the request; otherwise, you will
only get a notification for the request if you are following the request)
- Calendar items
- News items
- Notifications if you have been added to a group
The notifications will still be displayed
if the timelines have been deleted.
You can type the URL under the timeline
post section, and the web page will be displayed on the timeline. If more
than two URLs are entered, the first entered URL will be displayed in the URL
card. The display preferences are as follows:
- If an entity is added followed by the URL, the
entity card will be displayed whereby the URL will only be displayed as a
hyperlink in the message box.
- If the attachments are added followed by the
URL, the URL card will be displayed followed by the attachments.
- If the attachments are added followed by the
URL, and one or more of the attachments are pictures, the URL card will be
displayed followed by the attachments.
You can filter the posts that you want to be
displayed by clicking the
icon on the All tab. You can choose to display only
the posts, requests, and/or reminders on the timeline. By default, the News check box is selected, and cannot
be edited.
You can access another person’s timeline by
clicking the name of the person on the feed post. The person’s timeline allows
you to see the posts that the person has shared, profile, cover photo, and
personal information. The personal information of the person will also be
displayed in the person’s timeline in the Personal
info section. However, if the information is not defined, the information
will not be displayed. The timeline of the person’s owner card will be
displayed if See person card is
clicked. However, customers, resellers, and partners will not be able to access
the person’s timeline after clicking the person’s name in the embed widget in
the shared workspace. The person’s timeline can also be accessed by clicking View person’s timeline in the personal
card or personal hover card. However, this hyperlink will be displayed only if
you have the roles and rights to use the social collaboration functionalities.
The person’s timeline will display the feeds that the person has shared, and
the feeds that have been shared directly to the person. You can also write a
message to the owner of the timeline when you visit the person’s timeline by
clicking Write message to xxxxxxxx.
However, this will not be available if you are accessing your own timeline. Once
the posting box is displayed, you will not be able to collapse it. When the
timeline text box is clicked, the Share
with section will be displayed with the name of the timeline owner. The
name of the timeline owner cannot be removed. The timeline owner can define which profile detail other users are allowed to view by clicking the
icon under the Personal info section (the icon will not be displayed in the people timeline). The respective field will be displayed under the Personal info section if the field is switched on. However, if the field has not been defined in the person card, and the field has been switched on, the field will not be displayed under the Personal info section. The switch status will depend on the security level defined in the person card. The switch status will be "on" for security levels 1 to 10, and "off" for the other security levels. However, if the security level has been customized at the division and corporate levels, the customization at the division level will precede the customization at the corporate level. You can also choose to display the birth year under the Personal info section by selecting the Show year check box. The fields that you have selected to be displayed under the Personal info section on the person's timeline will not affect the visibility of the value of the field in the person's resource card. For example, if the Birthday field has been turned on under the Personal info section, the birth date of the person will only be displayed on the person's timeline but not displayed in the person's resource card.
When you click a document card in the timeline,
the document will be displayed in a lightbox. Click the Open document hyperlink in the lightbox to view all the details of
the document in another tab. The document can also be edited if you have the
edit rights.
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Posts tab
This tab displays all the posts such as:
- Message to the individual or group
- Comments on the timeline
- Replies to the comments on the timeline
This tab also allows you to create announcements
by clicking Announcement. For more
information, see How-to: Posting
announcements on timeline.
You can also filter the posts that you want to
be displayed by clicking the
icon on the Posts tab. Under the Group posts section, you can choose to display the posts from all
the groups by selecting the All my
groups option, display the posts only from the mandatory groups by
selecting the No groups option, or
display the posts from selected groups by selecting the Select option and group check box(es). In the People’s posts, you can choose to display all the posts by
selecting the All posts option, no
posts by selecting the No posts, or
display the posts posted by specific people, your posts, and/or posts that you
commented by selecting the Select
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News tab
This tab displays all the news. The layout
of the news depend on the layout defined at News service under the
Default: Frontpages section on the Documents: Settings page. For
more information on setting up documents, see Setting up documents. If
the layout at News service is not selected, the news page (click the
News icon on the main page) will be used to retrieve the news documents.
The news are displayed on the timeline only if Default is defined at Use under the Layout
section on the Layout: Frontpage page. For more information, see Creating
and modifying frontpage layouts. However, if Document is selected at
Use, and News service is defined, the news on the timeline will be displayed based on the news page but if the news page uses the Document
template, the news will not be displayed on the timeline.
The news in the timeline can be customized and
filtered by clicking the
icon in the News tab. You can choose to display all
the news by selecting the All news
option, or display the news from the selected groups by selecting the Select option. If the All option is selected, the news from
the news group and old news will be displayed in the timeline. If the Select option is selected, only the
non-mandatory news groups can be selected. The news from the mandatory groups
will still be displayed in the timeline. The old style front page news will not
be displayed.
The My Not
Published section displays all the news that have been written but were not
published. The news that are waiting for approval or waiting for the publishing
date, and news that are in draft will be displayed.
Requests tab
This tab displays all the requests that are
in your workflow. The next action that you have to take for the request will
also be displayed (for example, approve, process, and other request actions).
The details of the requests can be viewed by clicking More actions. However,
the action button will not be displayed for the requests with the Draft
or Rejected status (only the More actions button will be
displayed). The View remarks button will be displayed if you have been
remarked in the request. The Dismiss button will be displayed for the
rejected, approved (the button will be displayed only if you are the creator of
the request, and the Approved: Inform – Creator check box under the Who
can approve the request section under the Flow tab on the Workflow:
Request type page is selected. For more information, see Creating and
modifying request types – Flow tab), modified (the button will be displayed
if the Follow changes to this request icon on the request is clicked),
and draft requests. When the Dismiss button is clicked, the request will
be removed from the timeline.
For documents that require approval, the
tasks will be displayed on the timeline. Click View document to
open the document. Once the document is approved or rejected, the document
approval request will be removed from the timeline.
For the document approval requests, only the View document button will be displayed
whereas for the Contract Management
System (CMS)requests, only the More
actions button will be displayed. For the service management requests or
requests whereby the Service check
box is selected (at Modules ➔ Workflow ➔
Requests ➔
Request types, under the Actions tab
under the Planning section), only the More actions button will be displayed.
You can also filter the requests that you want
to be displayed by clicking the
icon on the Requests tab. Under the Requests section, you can choose to
display all the requests by selecting the All
requests option, no requests by selecting the No requests option, or display the requests based on the selected
request type and/or display the requests that you have created by selecting the
Select option.
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Reminders tab
This tab displays all the calendar items. The calendar events are displayed at the
top of the timeline 15 minutes before the events and 15 minutes after the
events. The details of the appointment will be displayed if the hyperlink of
the appointment is clicked. If Dismiss is clicked, the calendar post
will be removed from the timeline.
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Hidden posts
Click Hidden posts to view all the posts that
have been hidden. All the posts that have been hidden will be displayed based
on the dates the posts were created. To display the post, click and then click Unhide post on the post that has been hidden. The post will be
removed from the hidden posts page, and the post will be displayed in the
timeline based on the date the post was created. The hide option is not
available for the posts that are not published.
This tab also allows you to create customized tabs.
The following sections will be displayed when + Add new tab is clicked:
Group posts section - Under the Group
posts section, you can choose to display posts from all your groups by
selecting the All my groups option,
no groups by selecting No groups, or
posts from certain groups by selecting the Select
News section - Under the News
section, select the All news option
to display all the news in the timeline, the No news option if you do not want any news to be displayed, or the Select
option to select the news from any of the selected news group (including the news
from the mandatory groups). However, if the Select option is selected, the previous
news (old style front page news) will not be displayed.
Requests section - Under the Requests
section, select the All requests
option to display all the requests in the timeline, select the No requests option if you do not want
any requests to be displayed, or select the Select option to display the requests based on the request type
selected, and/or the requests that you have created if the Actor check box is selected.
People's post section - The People’s
posts section allows you to select the specific person’s feed that you want
to be displayed in the timeline. Select the All posts option to display all the feeds, the No posts option if you do not want any feeds to be displayed, or
the Select option to select the
person that you want the feeds of the person to be displayed. If you have
selected the Select option, you can
also select the My posts check box
to view the feeds that you have created, and/or select the Posts I commented on check box if you want the posts that you have
commented to be displayed.
Reminders section - Under the Reminders
section, select the All reminders
option to display all the reminders in the timeline, or select the No reminders option if you do not want
any reminders to be displayed in the timeline.
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My groups section
This section displays the group(s) that you have
joined. Click on the group to view the posts and news for the group. You can
also click Browse groups to view the
groups. For more information on groups, see Discovering
groups in social collaboration.
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Birthdays section
This section displays the current and upcoming
birthdays. To view all birthdays of the current year, click the See all hyperlink.
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More section
Embed this feed
Click this to copy the code displayed, and paste
the code into a location, for example, embed widget.
View polls
Click this to view the polls. For more
information on polls, see How-to: Using
polls in timeline.
My timeline
Click this to view all the feeds that you have
created. The top nine feeds will be displayed. The New posts button will be displayed if there are new posts. Your
profile and cover photo will also be displayed. You can edit the cover photo by
moving the mouse cursor over the cover photo, and clicking Update cover photo. When Update
cover photo is clicked, the Upload
new and Remove options will be
displayed. You can upload a new photo by clicking Upload new, or remove the cover photo by clicking Remove, and display the default photo
(the Remove option will be displayed
only if the cover photo is not the default photo).
The My
not published section in your timeline will display all the news and
announcements that you have written but did not publish. The news to be
approved, and news that are pending will be displayed. However, the news with
rejected approvals will not be displayed under this section. You will be able to view your own “My not
published” feeds in your timeline, group timeline, and the News tab if you have the Social collaboration administrator
role. If you have the Social collaboration administrator
role, you can also view the feeds of others that are not published (feeds that
are in draft, pending, and waiting to be approved) in the person’s timeline.
The Delete option and Draft button at the news posting box
will be displayed. However, if you do not have the Social collaboration administrator role, the My
not published section will not be displayed in the people timeline. You
will only be able to view your own “My not published” feeds in your own timeline,
group timeline, and the News tab. If
you do not have any unpublished feeds, the My
not published section will not be displayed.
The Groups
section in the personal and My timeline
displays the groups of which the person is a member. Other people will be able
to see the private groups if they are a member of the group. The public groups
can be seen even if the person accessing the group is not a member of the
group. The groups will be displayed in alphabetical order. If the mouse cursor
is on the group, the tooltip will be displayed. The list of all the groups will
be displayed if “+ [n]” is clicked.
The news and announcements will be displayed in
a light box when it is clicked with the
icon for you to edit or
delete the news or announcement. If the “Need approval” group setting is
selected, the created news will require approval. The user that created the
news can always edit the news but an approval request will be created when the
news is submitted. When the news is deleted, the existing approval request will
also be deleted. The number of approval request is based on the number of
groups for which the news is written for that require news approval. However,
if the default news approval process is used, and the news is written by the
group owner or a manager, the news will be pre-approved.
The Organisation section displays the
organisation chart whereby the manager of the person and the people directly
reporting to the person will be displayed. The organisation chart can be
collapsed and expanded. By default, the organisation chart
will be collapsed. The organisation chart can be expanded by clicking "+
[number]" to display the subordinates that share the same manager as the
person, while clicking
collapses the organisation chart. In the collapsed mode,
the name and job title of the person, as well as the manager of the person,
will be displayed. A maximum of two managers to whom the person reports will be
displayed, and four people directly reporting to the person will be displayed. However,
if the resolution is smaller or the page is resized, less people who are
reporting to the person will be displayed. Only the active people will be
displayed in the organisation chart.
Go to [default
news group]
Click this to view the News group page.
Code of conduct
Click this to view the code of conduct page.
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