Standard section
Default currency
This setting determines the currency in which the amount
will be registered in the administration. By default, this setting is
pre-defined by the system based on the country legislation of your license when
you first create a new company using Exact Globe+. However, you can change
the default currency as long as no financial transactions have been recorded in
that currency.
Exchange rate notation
Select the exchange rate notation. Two options are
available; the Anglo-Saxon and the standard exchange rate notations. The
first example shown on the screen is the Anglo-Saxon exchange rate notation,
which is defined as the default currency price of one unit of the foreign
currency, while the second example denotes the standard exchange rate notation,
which is defined as the foreign currency price of one unit of the default
Note: You cannot change the Default currency and
the Exchange rate notation once a transaction has been recorded.
Public report directory
Type or select the public report directory to enable users
with the function right of saving an e-report to a public directory to save
reports in the defined public directory. With this function, other people can
gain access to the reports via the public directory.
Note: This setting is available only if you have the E-Report
module in your license and you are given the function right to save e-report to
a public directory.
Period and year control section
Financial year
This displays the lowest and the highest financial years of
your business. Additionally, you can type or change the default financial year
of your business. The Default field is a mandatory field.
Period-date calendar
Edit to
edit the financial years and periods in the system. For more information, see Overview of financial years and
Check: Closed periods
Select the required option to check for any balance error in
closed periods based on Reporting date or Date (transaction
date). In addition, the option also determines the date to be used in stock
valuation and revaluation as well as the general ledger, invoices, bank, and
cash revaluations.
Process profit / loss
Select the time option to process the profit or loss of your
company. Select By period if you want to process the profit or loss on
the last day of the selected period. Alternatively, select Yearly if you
want to process the profit or loss at the end of the financial year.
Cleanup section
Financial entry tables
This setting determines when the cleanup of (removal of
void) journal entries is done. Select one of the following options to determine
when you want to do a cleanup:
- Never — Select this if you do not
want the cleanup to be done automatically.
- After entries are processed —
Select this if you want the cleanup to be done after the journal entries are
- After P/L is processed —
Select this if you want the cleanup to be done after the profit and loss is
- After period is closed —
Select this if you want the cleanup to be done after the financial period is
Various manual cleanups can be done at .
Descriptions in list boxes section
Description field 1–5
Type or select your preferred languages used for Descriptions
in list boxes. For Description field 1, the language must be set to
the default language used in the administration. For the remainder, you can
type or select other languages used for Descriptions in list boxes.
CRM section
Request: Inactive
Select the type of request which must be realized to
deactivate a CRM account.
Request: Lead
Select the type of request which must be realized to promote
the status of a CRM account from a suspect to a lead.
Note: The available request options are based on the
active activity types defined via . For more information,
see Creating and maintaining activity
Select the default rating (1-7) for a new CRM account.
Type or select the default sector for a new CRM account.
Sector options are based on sectors defined via . For more information, see Creating and maintaining sectors.
Type or select the default size (the number of employees)
for a new CRM account. Size options are based on sizes defined via . For more information,
see Creating and maintaining sizes.
Type or select the default classification for a new CRM
account. Apart from the default options defined by Exact Globe+, which
are CA (Corporate Account), LA (Large Account), LE (Large
Enterprise), ME (Medium Enterprise), and SE (Small Enterprise),
you can also add more classification options by creating new classifications
at . For more information, see Creating and maintaining
Exact Synergy/Exact Synergy Enterprise section
Exact Synergy options
Select Exact Synergy Enterprise if you are using Exact Synergy Enterprise along
with Exact Globe+ or Exact Synergy Enterprise if you are using Exact Synergy Enterprise along with Exact Globe+. Selecting the product you
are using with Exact Globe+ is important to ensure that data from
a database in Exact Globe+ will be replicated correctly from XML to Exact
Synergy or Exact Synergy Enterprise.
Note: For users without the XML license, the Web
address field is added under the Exact Synergy/Exact Synergy Enterprise
section in the General settings screen. A tooltip message "Export
-> e-Synergy/Exact Synergy Enterprise, Where-used: [Professional service
automation - Sales invoices - At final print]" is displayed when you mouse
over the Web address field in the General settings screen.
Central Master Data Management section
Select this check box to synchronise account data from
Exact Synergy Enterprise to Exact Globe+. If you select this check box, you
have limited rights on the account fields, such as create, update, delete,
copy, and recode. All the fields in the account maintenance, buttons, and icons
will either not be displayed, disabled, or a message "No rights" will
be displayed. However, you can define free fields under the Extra tab in
the accounts maintenance screen.
Select the Free fields check box to enable the
account free fields to be synchronised. This check box is enabled only if the Accounts check box is selected. If this check box is selected, the free fields in
the following menu paths will be disabled:
Select this check box to synchronise item data from
Exact Synergy Enterprise to Exact Globe+. If you select this check box, you
have limited rights on the item fields, such as create, update, copy, and
recode. All the fields in the item maintenance, buttons, and
icons will either not be displayed, disabled, or a message "No rights"
will be displayed.
Select the Free fields check box to enable the item
free fields to be synchronised. This check box is enabled only if the Items
check box is selected. If this check box is selected, the free fields in the
following menu paths will be disabled:
General ledger
Select this check box to synchronise general ledger data from
Exact Synergy Enterprise to Exact Globe+. If you select this check box, you
have limited rights on the general ledger account fields such as create,
recode, and delete. The affected screens are Chart of G/L’s (at
), Maintain accounts
(at , and click New),
and the General ledger accounts browser (at , and click
at General
ledger accounts).
Select this check box to synchronise people data from Exact Synergy Enterprise to Exact Globe+. If you select this check box, you have
limited rights on the people fields such as create, recode, and delete. The
affected screens are people overview screen (at or
), people maintenance
screen (at or , select a person, and then click Open),
People browser (at ), and Subordinates
browser in the people maintenance screen.
Note: The Accounts, Items, General
ledger, and People check boxes are available only if
you have selected Exact Synergy Enterprise at Exact Synergy options in
the Exact Synergy/Exact Synergy Enterprise section, and it
is available only if you have selected the license option SE0150
Central Master Data Management.
Exact Purchase to Pay section
Note: This section is visible only if the Exact
Purchase to Pay add-on is enabled in ELIS.
This section is used for filtering of master data during migration or after creation of master data. A valid SQL statement is required for successful filtering. An example of a
valid SQL statement to be filled at the Filter field for Cost unit
is as follows:
kstdrcode like '%test%'
This is to reflect the SQL statement to return the cost
units where the code has the term "test":
select * from kstdr where kstdrcode like '%test%'
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of suppliers
from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. Click
to execute
Cost centre
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of cost
centres from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
Cost unit
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of cost
units from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
General ledger
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of general
ledgers from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of VAT from
Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter field, type a
valid SQL statement to filter the required data for synchronisation. Click
to execute
Exchange rate
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of exchange
rates from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
Payment condition
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of payment
conditions from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of projects from Exact Globe+ to Exact Payroll Plus. At the Filter field, type a valid SQL
statement to filter the required data for synchronisation. Click
to execute
Synchronise Non-Final Invoices
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of non-final invoices from Exact Payroll Plus to Exact Globe+. Doing so will affect how non-final invoices are processed in Exact Payroll Plus and Exact Globe+.
Exact Expense Management section
Note: This section is visible only if the Exact Expense Management add-on is enabled in ELIS.This section is used for filtering of master data during migration or after creation of master data. A valid SQL statement is required for successful filtering. An example of a
valid SQL statement to be filled at the Filter field for Cost unit
is as follows:
kstdrcode like '%test%'
This is to reflect the SQL statement to return the cost
units where the code has the term "test":
select * from kstdr where kstdrcode like '%test%'
Cost centre
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of cost
centres from Exact Globe+ to Exact Expense Management. At the Filter
field, type a valid SQL statement to filter the required data for
synchronisation. Click
to execute
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of items from
Exact Globe+ to Exact Expense Management. At the Filter field, type a
valid SQL statement to filter the required data for synchronisation. Click
to execute
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of VAT from
Exact Globe+ to Exact Expense Management. At the Filter field, type a
valid SQL statement to filter the required data for synchronisation. Click
to execute
Payment condition
Select this check box to enable synchronisation of payment conditions from
Exact Globe+ to Exact Expense Management. At the Filter field, type a
valid SQL statement to filter the required data for synchronisation. Click
to execute
Select this check box to enable and start the synchronisation of attachments from Exact Expense Management to Exact Globe+. This will be applied when you create new expenses or resubmit existing expenses.
Portal login credentials of main contact person section
This section allows the Exact Globe+ license checking
functionality to check the license update every first working day of the month.
Users with the Exact Globe+ administrator role will have to define this
section. However, the check on the license update file will be performed only
if the following criteria are met:
- The portal license option is enabled (set to 1) in the XMD/Exact.License/ServiceConfiguration.xml
- The first user with the Exact Globe+ administrator role opens
the company in Exact Globe+ within the month.
- The portal license option is enabled but the portal login
credentials are not saved in the database, whereby the checking will not be
performed, and the missing credentials will be logged.
If you are using an unauthorized credential, the system will
check for the license update, and the license will be updated. The next license
update will take place on the first working day of the following month.
However, the changes will only take effect after you have restarted Exact Globe+.
Once the license is updated, and the company is opened, the
message “Your license has been updated successfully” will be displayed. The
information of the updated license or update failure will be logged in
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Exact\ExactLicenseException.log. The
following will be displayed in the log file:
- Date and time the check or download was performed
- User name
- Database name
- SQL server name
- Status of the checking and update
Type the domain of the company. This field is mandatory.
User name
Type the user name of the company. This field is mandatory.
Type the password for the user name. This field is
Note: The changes made in this section will not be
displayed in the log screen.
Permitted file types section
File extensions (Attachments)
Type the file extension(s) that can be used for the document explorer in Exact Globe+. If you attach a document with a file type not defined in this field, you will receive an error message. Leave this field blank if all the file types are allowed.