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Exact Financials   

Webservices: Record is created by other user

The error message 'Record is created by other user' may be caused by multiple request being offered at the same time. An example is the import of financial entries where the sequencenumber is created during the import.

You have 4 alternatives to address this issue:


  1. The sending external application sends the requests are send one by one.
    The sending application holds sending next request until a reply from the webservice is received
  2. Queue in Tomcat.
    It's possible to setup Tomcat in such a way that every Soap request is placed in a queue. The request will be offered sequentially.
  3. Create a delay in the offering of Soap requests in the external application.
    There should be a delay of some milliseconds between Soap requests.
  4. Add the sequencenumber to the Soap request.
    In the example of financial entries the error message is caused by the fact that several financials entries get the same sequencenumber. This is not accepted by Financials because the sequencenumber should be unique for the combination Company, Journal, Year, Period in ATRSH.
    A consequence of this logic is that all financial entries must be posted (or deleted) before a next batch of entries is offered to prevent duplicate sequence numbers in the financials entries.

The options 1,2 and 3 can be used in case of sequential offering of requests but webservices can be used by more than 1 external application and the use of webservices will grow. 
There is a solution feedback created on this issue (78.657.162) but development will take a lot of time. 

Any suggestion on this issue is welcome. 

Exact Financials > Release notes 7.25





 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 28.999.304
 Assortment:  Date: 24-08-2022
 Release: 7.25  Attachment:

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