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Exact Financials (v3)   

Business logic: creditors

Revised for version 3.42

As of version 3.42 an extra test type value has been added for the bank account type (primary giro). This should be used to set the primary giro account.

Revised for version 3.26.2

As of version 3.25 the maintenance of creditors has been altered to use IFALL4 business logic. This also means that import through IFALL4 offers extra functionality to users. If the IFALL import procedure (edis/interf/finance/eicredit.p) is not altered to (edis/interf/finance/eicredit4.p), import of creditors will still work the same. Below you will find a description of the changes which have been introduced for IFALL4.


Table names: credit, boecrd

Bold = New
Italic = Obsolete

Nr Field name Data type Field length Ref Description Check/Action
1 ADM_NR Integer 6 admdat Company mandatory
2 CREDITOR Integer 8 credit Creditor mandatory 
3 SEARCH_CODE Character 15 - Search code -
4 NAME Character 30 - Name -
5 ADDRESS_1 Character 30 - Address line 1 -
6 ADDRESS_2 Character 30 - Address line 2 -
7 ADDRESS_3 Character 30 - Address line 3 -
8 POSTAL_CODE Character 8 - Postcode -
9 CITY Character 30 - City -
10 COUNTRY Character 3 countr  Country -
11 TELEPHONE Character 15 - Telephone number -
12 FAX_NR Character 15 - Fax number -
13 LANG_CODE Character 3 lang  Language -
14 CAT Character 2 crdcat  Category -
15 CONTACT Character 30 - Contact -
16 SEX Integer 2 *  Sex 1/2/3   
17 TITLE_CODE Character 4 title  Title -
18 INITIALS Character 10 - Initials -
19 FUNCTION Character 15 - Fuction -
20 TELEPHONE_CONTACT Character 15 - Telephone number -
21 E_MAIL Character 60 - E-Mail address -
22 CONTACT_WEBSITE Character 160 - Contact website -
24 BANK_ACC_NR_1 Character 34 Bank account number -
25 BANK_CURR_CODE Character 3 curren Bank number currency code -
26 BANK_NAME Character 30 - Bank name -
27 SWIFT_ADDRESS Character 11 - Swift address -
28 BANK_CITY Character 30 - Bank city -
29 BANK_COUNTRY Character 3 countr  Bank country -
30 BANK_ACC_TYPE_BLOCK Character 3 - Bank number type blocked -
31 BANK_ACC_NR_2 Character 34 Blocked account -
32 BANK_CURR_CODE_BLOCK Character 3 curren Bank number currency blocked -
33 POSTBANK_ACC_TYPE Character 3 bnktpe  Postbank number type -
34 POSTBANK_ACC_NR Character 34 - Postbank account number -
35 PAY_METHOD Integer 2 *  Payment method 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 
36 AUTO_PAYMENT Logical 1 - Automatic payment -
37 PAY_CONDITION Character 4 paycon  Payment condition -
38 CUST_NR Character 10 - Customer code -
39 ACC_NR_CONTRA Character 9 ledger Offset account -
40 CURR_CODE Character 3 curren Currency code -
41 JOURNAL_NR Integer 3 journl  Journal number -
42 VAT_NR Character 20 - VAT number -
43 CHECK_DATE Date 10 - Check date -
44 VAT_CODE Character 3 vattrs  VAT transaction -
45 CHANGE_VAT Logical 1 - VAT transaction adjustable -
46 ATTENTION Logical 1 - Attention field -
47 BOE_LIMIT Decimal 21 - Boe limit -
48 GROUP_CHEQUE_BE Integer 2 - Group cheque BOE -
49 BLOCK Logical 1 - Block -
50 DISC_PERC Decimal 7 - Discount percentage -
51 SURCH Decimal 21 - Credit line -
52 PRICE_LIST Character 3 llplst  Price list -
53 BUYER_CODE Character 12 stuser  Buyer code -
54 COST_CODE Character 8 llcoc  Cost code -
55 ORDER_METHOD Character 8 lldome  Order method -
56 EXDESCR_CODE Character 2 - Extra description code -
57 IFALL_BLOCK Logical 1 - Ifall block -
58 PRIMARY_CRD_POSTBANK_ACC Character 34 - Primary postbank account -
59 BNK_CURR_CODE_1 Character 3 curren Bank currency 1 -
60 BNK_CURR_CODE_2 Character 3 curren Bank currency 2 -
61 NOTE Character 999 - note -

Clarification of the fields

2 If a '?' is entered here, the last used creditor number will be increased with the increment factor defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'Subadmin.' Tab. Creditor number 0 cannot be used.
16 '1' for Male, '2' for Female, and if this field is left empty, Unknown will be entered during import.
25 Changed to bnk_curr_code_1.
32 Changed to bnk_curr_code_2
34 Changed to primary_crd_postbank_acc.
35 1 = Cash
2 = Bank
3 = Giro
4 = Collect
5 = Acceptgiro
6 = Cheques
7 = BACS
8 = Remittance
9 = Bill of exchange
10  = Bill of exchange bank

If this field is left empty, the payment method defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] will be used as default.

41 The journal selected, should be a purchase journal.

Bank accounts

Table name: bnklnkc, bnkacc

Nr Field name Data type Field length Ref Description Check/Action
1 ADM_NR Integer 6 admdat Company mandatory 
2 CREDITOR Integer 8 credit Creditor mandatory  
3 BANK_ACC_NR Character 34 ledger Bank account mandatory 
4 CURR_CODE Character 3 curren Currency mandatory 
5 ACCNCD Character 3 bnktpe Bank type mandatory 
6 BNKACCMSK Character 50 - Bank account -
7 NAME Character 30 - name -
8 SWIFT_ADDRESS Character 11 - Swift address -
9 COUNTRY Character 3 countr Country -
10 ADDRESS_1 Character 30 - Address line 1 -
11 ADDRESS_2 Character 30 - Address line 2 -
12 ADDRESS_3 Character 30 - Address line 3 -
13 POSTAL_CODE Character 8 - Postal code -
14 CITY Character 30 - City -
15 TELEPHONE Character 15 - Telephone -
16 FAX Character 15 - Fax -
17 TITLE_CODE Character 4 title Title code -
18 INITIALS Character 10 - Initials -
19 CONTACT Character 30 - Contact -
20 SEX Integer 2 - sex 1/2/3 
21 FUNC_DESC Character 30 - Function description -
22 E_MAIL Character 60 - E-mail -
23 PRIMARY Integer 6 * Primary
24 CODE_DC Character 1 - debtor / creditor "C"

Clarification of the fields

Bank mask will be automatically filled based on the bank account type.

203201 = Primary
203202 = Blocked
203203 = Normal
203204 = Primary (giro)

24 Value should always be "C" for creditors

Creditor addresses

Table name: crdnac

Nr Field name Data type Field length Ref Description Check/Action
1 ADM_NR Integer 6 admdat Company mandatory 
2 CREDITOR Integer 8 credit Creditor mandatory 
3 CODE Character 8 delnac Addess mandatory 
4 NAME Character 30 - Name -
5 ADDRESS_1 Character 30 - Address line 1 -
6 ADDRESS_2 Character 30 - Address line 2 -
7 ADDRESS_LINE_3 Character 30 - Address line 3 -
8 POSTAL_CODE Character 8 - Postal code -
9 CITY Character 30 - City -
10 COUNTRY Character 3 countr Country -
11 TELEPHONE Character 15 - Telephone -
12 FAX Character 15 - Fax -
13 TITLE_CODE Character 4 titles Title code -
14 INITIALS Character 10 - Initials -
15 CONTACT Character 30 - Contact -
16 FUNC_DESC Character 30 - Function description -
17 SEX Integer 2 * Sex 1/2/3
18 E_MAIL Character 60 - E-mail -
19 LANG_CODE Character 3 lang Language

17 '1' for Male, '2' for Female, and if this field is left empty, Unknown will be entered during import.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.208.786
 Assortment:  Date: 14-04-2008
 Release: 3.25  Attachment: