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Creating and viewing stock counts


Stock count is a process of counting inventory on a periodic basis throughout the year. Stock count is used to check for discrepancies between physical and record balances. On a regular basis, stock counts will help to detect errors and correct them. Inventory is broken down into ABC classification and frequency of count is assigned based on this classification. The classification groups items into categories based on certain activity characteristics such as the sales quantity, revenue, and cost of goods sold. You can create and view the stock counts at Inventory ➔ Warehouse management ➔ Counts.


Click New to create a new stock count. After clicking New, the Counts screen will be displayed. You can define the criteria of the new stock count here.

Range section


Select a warehouse to display items that are linked to this warehouse.


Type or select a location to display items that are linked to this location. Select the All check box to display items for all locations. 

Note: This field is available only if Warehouse locations is selected at System ➔ General ➔ Settings under Inventory settings at the Fulfillment section.


Click this to display a list of all your assortment types. The Assortments screen will be displayed. Select the assortment(s) for which you want to display items(s), and then click Select. Click Close to return to the  Counts screen. You will now see a green check mark and “In use” next to the Assortments button.

Item group

Type or select an item group or item group range to display items that belong to the item groups. Select the All check box to display items for all item groups.

Item code

Type or select an item or an item range to display the item(s). Select the All check box to display all items.


Select Sales unit or Purchase unit to process the items using the sales or purchase unit.

Selection section

Item status

Select the Active, Blocked, Discontinued, Future, and/or Inactive check boxes to display items with the corresponding status. You may select more than one.

Attributes section

Stock controlled

Select this check box to display stock controlled items. Stock controlled items are items that are replenished based on the reorder point (minimum and maximum stock levels or a recurring period)

Extra section

Reference date

Type or select the reference date when the stock count is created.

Use: Counting cycle

Select this check box to select all items that are at least 1 day or above the counting cycle in the item maintenance. If the Use: Counting cycle check box is selected, this date will be compared with the date displayed at Date Last Counted in the item card and Counting cycle in item maintenance (go to Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain), select an existing item, and then click Open. Under the Inventory tab, click  Edit in the Warehouses section).


Type or select a person ID to display items which the person is responsible for planning.

Sort by

Select Items or Warehouse location to sort items according to the selected options. 

Note: This is available only if Warehouse locations is selected at System ➔ General ➔ Settings under Inventory settings in the Fulfillment section.

Show quantity zero

Select one of the following to display the item(s) according to the available options:

  • For all locations — Select this to display all items and locations (including items with zero stock quantity).
  • Only for default locations — Select this to display items with default locations and zero stock quantity.
  • Never — Select this to display only items with stock quantity.

Note: This is available only if Warehouse locations is selected at System ➔ General ➔ Settings under Inventory settings in the Fulfillment section.

ABC analysis section

Use inventory class from ABC analysis

Select this check box to enable the available options under Sort by .

Sort by

Select the required option to sort items by the following: Quantity used, Sales quantity, Revenue, Cost of goods sold, Purchase cost, and Margin.


Type the percentage for each of the categories to specify the amount relative to other items in each category (based on factors selected in Sort by) you want to display. Select the check box next to the respective categories to display items from that category.

Note: A, B and C  are available only if the Use inventory class from ABC analysis check box is selected.

Print section

Print current stock

Select this check box to print the stock count report for the current stock quantity.

Print serial batch number

Select this check box to print the stock count report with information on serial batch numbers.

Sort by warehouse location

Select this check box to print the stock count report with the warehouse location in ascending order.

Note: This is available only if Warehouse locations is selected at System ➔ General ➔ Settings  under Inventory settings in the Fulfillment section.



Click Advanced to display the advanced criteria. Clicking Simple to hide the advanced criteria.


Click this to generate a preview of the stock count items in the stock check report. After you click Print, the Report screen will be displayed. You can proceed to print the report by clicking on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.


Click this to process the stock counts entered for the items. For more information on processing stock counts, see Processing stock counts.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.546.809
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

OH380-IT-CreatingandViewingStockCounts.doc 108.5 KB Download