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E-WMS - Item locations



With E-WMS item locations you can configure minimum and maximum stock levels per warehouse location, as opposed to Exact Globe Next warehouse management where minimum (minimum PO level) and maximum stock levels are configured only for the main location in a warehouse. The stock levels per E-WMS item location are used in E-WMS Replenishment, Directed Put-Away and ASP receipt validations. Instead of or in addition to using item locations, you can also configure items per location type.

To be able to use E-WMS item locations following is required:

  • SE1312 Warehouse location
  • SE1381 E-WMS II (or: older license module SE5710 Pick-it Replenishment)
  • Exact Globe Next setting 'Warehouse locations' enabled, in menu System, General, Settings, Inventory settings. 


Item locations are maintained in menu WMS, Setup, Location management, Item locations (or in release 407 and earlier: WMS, Setup, Item locations).

When starting this menu a list of available item locations is shown.     

Delete deletes the currently selected item location, after confirmation
Open opens maintenance for the selected item location (or double-click an item location)
New opens maintenance for a new item location
Close returns to the previous menu

When creating or editing an item location, following details are available.

The information item code, warehouse and location are disabled when editing an existing record, since these are the key fields.

Item code
Enter an existing item code or browse in the available item codes. Items of type standard and bulk can be selected. This information is mandatory.

Enter an existing warehouse code or browse in the available warehouse codes. This information is mandatory.

Enter an existing warehouse location code or browse in the available locations for the selected warehouse. This information is mandatory.
At this point, the combination of item code, warehouse and location is validated. If this combination already exists in E-WMS item locations the location will turn red and the message "already exists" will be displayed.

Minimum stock
Enter a quantity in sales units to represent the minimum stock level. When the stock level on this location goes below this level, E-WMS Replenishment will start the replenishment process for this location - provided you are not replenishing based on 'requirements only' (see E-WMS Replenishment settings). When using a minimum of 0 (zero), replenishment will only be triggered when the stock drops below zero.

Until release 407 the minimum stock level is always compared with the Exact Globe Next shelf stock minus other pending replenishment receipts for this location.
From release 408, all pending receipts for this location are subtracted as replenishment requirement. Also in 408, the setting 'Regard picked as issued' was introduced. When enabled, the 'physical' or visible warehouse stock is compared to the minimum level, instead of the shelf stock.

Maximum stock
Enter a quantity in sales units to represent the maximum stock level you want to have available on this location. This is also intended as the maximum quantity which will physically fit on this warehouse location.
E-WMS Replenishment will take this maximum level into account as maximum than can fit on this location. If the quantity to be replenished is larger than the location maximum, either other locations have to be configured for this item, or the required quantity will only partly be refilled.

Maximum: Allowed
This quantity field was introduced in release 408, and is only used in ASP receipt scans and in receipt stock validations, to determine how much is maximum allowed on this locations. This could be more than the 'maximum stock'. The default value for this field is 0 (zero), which means there is no maximum. This maximum allowed quantity is only validated when the WMS setting 'Full location validations' is enabled, or when SKU Management is enabled.

In release 407, the field 'Maximum stock' was initially used to apply this 'maximum allowed' validation; but this turned out to be too restrictive. Therefore, this setting was added later.

For above sample item: when changing 'Maximum: allowed' also to 50, and when receiving quantity 51 of this item on this location, following error will show:


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