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Product Update 399: Routing Number Contains Account Number for MCB Bank and Moduro & Curiel's Bank in Bonaire Netherlands Antilles

The electronic cash flow functionalities such as processing domestic payments, foreign payments, importing of bank statements, collection, and other transfers require unique bank formats for the specific banks in the respective countries. Previously, the routing number (this is the routing number of the RDFI where the creditor has his/her account) was hardcoded. This number was taken from the routing numbers in the financial institution list provided by MCB Bank in Netherlands Antilles.

In this product update, the routing number will contain the account number defined at Account number bank in the Maintain bank account numbers screen. However, if the Account number bank field is not defined, the routing number will contain the hardcoded value in the payment order. For more information on maintaining bank account numbers, see Creating and Maintaining Bank Account Numbers.

Note: This update only applies to MCB Bank and Moduro & Curiel's Bank in Bonaire Netherlands Antilles, and the changes are applicable for both domestic fund transfer (DFT) and foreign fund transfer (EFT).

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.072.656
 Assortment:  Date: 10-05-2017
 Release: 399  Attachment: