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PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Enhanced KSeF layout for outgoing and incoming e-invoices (Polish legislation)

Exact Globe+ started supporting the Polish National e-Invoice System (KSeF) since product update 503.

In this product update, we have enhanced the layout and incoming e-Invoice features.

Document settings

We have added the database fields below under the Header block at System > General > Settings.

  • QR Code
  • KSeF reference
  • Verification link

You can add these fields in the sales invoice layout for the KSeF report.

KSeF sales invoice submission (export)

When you process the outgoing e-Invoice at Finance > Entries > National e-Invoice System (KSeF) > Outgoing e-Invoices, the QR code, KSeF reference, and verification link will be displayed. However, these fields will be displayed in the e-Invoice only if you have added them under the Header block at System > General > Settings.

The verification link will be displayed when you scan the QR code. The link will direct you to the National System e-Invoices portal and the invoice information will be displayed.

KSeF purchase invoice receipts (import)

We have also added the QR code, KSeF reference, and verification link in the incoming e-Invoice preview. The details will be displayed when you click the Preview button at Finance > Entries > National e-Invoice System (KSeF) > Incoming e-Invoices.

Note: Although the KSeF portal allows you to create invoices online either manually by entering the details or importing the XML, the functionality in this product update only supports invoices that are submitted through Exact Globe+.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 32.051.141
 Assortment:  Date: 23-07-2024
 Release:  Attachment: