Creating and modifying company accounts
Menu path
Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Entry ➔ Entry ➔ Account
This page allows you to create accounts and modify existing accounts. However, creating accounts will depend on the account settings at
Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔ Settings. If the Type: Select check box under the Account section is selected, users can create any type of accounts such as prospect, customer, associate, and other accounts. Otherwise, users can only create accounts that are not validated.
The Security: Check – Roles check box under the Account section determines the users’ roles and rights. If this check box is selected, users will require certain roles and rights to be able to create and modify accounts. For more information, see
Roles and rights below. Otherwise, users can create accounts regardless of any roles and function rights.
The Mandatory: Contract check box under the Customer section determines whether a contract is required before customer accounts can be created. If this check box is selected, contracts must be created before you can create customer accounts. If this check box is not selected, customer accounts can be created without contracts.
Roles and rights
- All users can create and modify accounts.
- To edit account types, function right 291 – Allows to edit account type, except reseller and customer is required.
By default, users with the Controller and Customer manager roles have this function right.
- To edit the status of the customer account, function right 292 – Allows to edit status of customer account is required.
By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To edit the status of the reseller account, function right 293 – Allows to edit status of reseller account is required.
By default, users with the Reseller manager role have this function right.
- To edit the status of the account except customer and reseller, function right 294 – Allows to edit status of account, except customer and reseller is required.
By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To delete accounts, function right 355 – Allows to delete accounts is required.
By default, users with the Customer manager role have this function right.
- To change the account type from customer to reseller, function right 406 – Allows to change account type from customer to reseller is required.
By default, users with the Reseller manager role have this function right.
- To customize the page of the account card (edit mode) on the corporate level, function right – 498 Allows to update the company wide account card customization is required.
By default, users with the Administrator role have this function right.
- For more details on function rights, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Function rights.
- For more details on roles, go to Modules ➔ System ➔ Setup ➔ Security ➔ Roles.
What version are you using?
The information in this document is applicable to product update 260 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
How do I create accounts?
- On the Select: Type page, select the type of account that you want to create.
- Define the fields, and then click Save.
Keep in mind: All fields with the "!" icon are mandatory.
How do I edit accounts?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Make the necessary changes, and then click Save.
How do I delete accounts?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Delete, and a message “Are you sure that you want to delete this record?” will be displayed.
- Click OK.
How do I change the account status to reference?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Reference.
Keep in mind: This function is available only for the Customer and Reseller accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
How do I block the account?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Blocked.
Keep in mind: This function is available only for the Customer, Reseller, and Supplier accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
How do I change the account status to pilot?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Pilot.
Keep in mind: This function is available only for the Customer accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
How do I change the account status to passive?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Passive.
Keep in mind: This function is available only for the Customer accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
How do I change the account status to active?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Active.
Keep in mind: This function is available only if the status of the account is Reference, Blocked, Pilot, Passive, or Inactive.
How do I change the account status to inactive?
- Go to Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Reports ➔ Accounts ➔ Search.
- Define the search criteria, and then click Show.
- Select the required account under the Account name column.
- Click Edit.
- Click Inactive.
Keep in mind: This function is available only if the status of the account is Active.
Click this to exit.
Click this to save the account information.
Click this to delete the account.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to change the account status to reference. These are accounts that you want as your references for potential customers. Reference status is available only for associate, prospect, customer, bank, not validated, lead, and suspect accounts. This button is available for the Customer and Reseller accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to block the account. This button is available for the Customer, Reseller, and Supplier accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to change the account status to pilot. These are pioneer users of the company’s products. This button is available for the Customer accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to change the account status to passive. These are accounts that deal only with the purchase of products from the company and not services. This button is available for the Customer accounts, and only if the status of the account is Active.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to change the account status to active. This button is available only if the status of the account is Reference, Blocked, Pilot, Passive, or Inactive.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Click this to change the account status to inactive. This button is available only if the status of the account is Active.
Note: This button is available only if you are editing the account.
Save + New
Click this to save the account information and create another account.
Note: The button is available only if you are creating an account.
Customise at the title bar to customize the fields or sections. You can add or remove existing criteria based on your preferences by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. Click Save to save the settings, Reset to clear the selections, Advanced to define more settings, or Close to exit without saving. Take note of the following fields/sections/columns:
Buttons section
This section allows you to enable or hide the buttons. For example, if you do not want the Inactive button to be displayed, clear the Inactive check box. This section is available only if you are editing an account.
Not used section
This section refers to fields that will not be used when creating accounts. You can place the fields in this section by dragging and dropping the fields into this section. Select the Not used check box if you want to display the fields that are not used when creating accounts.
Mandatory column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. Select the check boxes in this column to make the fields mandatory. For example, select the Code check box if you want the account code to be mandatory. Otherwise, the account cannot be saved.
Mode column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. Select Show to display the fields, Hidden to hide the fields, or Edit to allow amendments to be made to the fields.
Function rights column
This column is available once the Advanced button is clicked. You can select function rights for the fields. Function rights are created at Modules ? System ? Setup ? Security ? Function rights. For more information, see Overview of function rights.
You can create an account for the following types:
- Prospect — A potential customer who has indicated an intention to purchase the company’s products in the future. A prospect is not a customer.
- Customer — A customer who has purchased the company’s products whereby there is a contract.
- Associate — An account that has no product related business relationship with the company. Examples of associates are members of the board, investors, and competitors.
- Supplier — A supplier supplies products or services to the company.
- Reseller — A reseller sells and supports your products whereby the reseller manages one or more of your customers.
- Division — A division is part of the company that serves as an independent company whereby the division can sell and deliver its own products and services.
- Bank — A bank provides banking services to the company.
- Lead — A potential customer that has shown interest in the company’s products but have not requested for a sales quotation.
- Suspect — A potential customer who has not shown interest in the company’s products. These accounts are often gathered from external sources.
Summary section
On the left hand side of this section, you can add a picture or change the existing picture of the account by hovering your mouse over the picture, and then clicking Add picture or New picture respectively. To remove an existing picture, hover over the picture, and then click
Note: The following file formats are accepted for the picture: BMP, DIB, JPG, JPE, JPEG, JFIF, GIF, PNG, SVG, TIF, and TIFF.
Type a unique code for the account. This information is mandatory. If you type an existing code, the system will automatically assign the next available numerical code to the account.
Type the name of the account. This information is mandatory.
Type the address of the account. This information is mandatory.
Postcode / City
Type or select the postcode of the account. The city of the account is automatically displayed based on the postcode selected. You can also type the name of the city.
Country / State
Type or select the country code and the state code of the account.
Type the web site of the account.
Type the e-mail of the account.
Phone / Extension
Type the phone number and its extension of the account.
Type the fax number of the account.
General section
Note: This section is not displayed by default. You can display this section by customizing the page.
Type the name of the country where the account is located.
Phone queue
Type the phone queue number of the account.
Remarks section
This section is not displayed by default. You can display this section by customizing the page. Type the comments for the account in the box. Click Timestamp to put a timestamp for the remark, and click Full screen to expand the remarks box to a full page.
Note: HTML is also supported by this field. If “<”
and “>” is defined in the field, it will be considered as a HTML code.
Free fields section
This section is not displayed by default. You can display this section by customizing the page. This section contains extra fields which have been defined for the accounts. For more information on how to define extra fields, see Overview of free fields for accounts, contacts, and addresses.
Contact section
Note: This section is available only if you are creating an account.
Title / Initials
Select the title of the person and type the initials of the person.
First name
Type the first name of the person.
Middle name
Type the middle name of the person.
Last name
Type the last name of the person.
Job description
Type the description of the job that the person holds.
Job title
Select the job title of the person.
Type the e-mail address of the person.
Valid email address
Select this to indicate the validity of the e-mail address specified in E-mail. This allows for the management of bounced e-mails.
Note: This is automatically selected when an e-mail address is initially typed in at E-mail. When the e-mail address is subsequently removed from E-mail immediately after it was entered, this field will not be selected.
Email permission
Select this to indicate the permission status of sending e-mails to the e-mail address specified in E-mail. This allows the contact to unsubscribe from the service and stop receiving further e-mails. This condition is valid even after subsequent changes to the e-mail address in E-mail.
Note: This is automatically selected when an e-mail address is initially typed in at E-mail. When the e-mail address is subsequently removed from E-mail immediately after it was entered, this field will not be selected.
Type the phone number of the person.
Type the mobile phone number of the person.
Marketing section
Select the type of the account. If you are editing an account, the account type can be selected, such as Associate, Bank, Customer, Division, Prospect, or Reseller.
Type the date that the account type takes effect. If you are editing an account, this date cannot be changed.
Status / Since
The status of the account and the date the status takes effect are displayed. If you are editing an account, these fields are not enabled.
Security level
Type the security level for access to information of this account. For example, if you type “10”, only people with the security level of “10” and above are able to access the information of this account.
Type or select the classification of the account. By default, the classification defined in Classification under the Account: Defaults section at Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔ Settings will be displayed. For more information on classifications, see Overview of classifications.
Type or select the rating for the account. This is used to rate the account from 1 (the highest) to 7 (the lowest) to indicate the business relationship with the account. By default, the rating defined in Rating under the Account: Defaults section at Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔ Settings will be displayed. For more information on ratings, see Overview of customer ratings and Overview of reseller ratings.
Type or select the source for the account. This refers to the method you establish contact with the account, for example, through trade fairs, the internet, phone, letter of recommendation, and other methods. By default, the source defined in Source under the Account: Defaults section at Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔➔ Settings will be displayed. For more information on sources, see Overview of sources.
Type or select the sector that the account belongs to. This sector refers to the type of market an organization operates in such as manufacturing and retail. By default, the sector defined in Sector under the Account: Defaults section at Modules ➔ Customers ➔ Setup ➔ Other ➔ Settings will be displayed. For more information on sectors, see Overview of sectors.
Type or select the subsector that the account belongs to. This is used to further define the sector that the account belongs to. For more information on subsectors, see Overview of Subsectors.
Type or select the size of the account. This size reflects the number of employees in the account. For more information on account sizes, see Overview of Sizes.
Chamber of Commerce number
Type the Chamber of Commerce number for the account. An account will have this number if the company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
D&B number
This refers to the Dun & Bradstreet number. D&B has a databank in which information about companies is collected, edited, and verified from various sources on a daily basis. This is a unique number that can be used as a reference in a business.
Note: For more information, see Purchasing Dun & Bradstreet Risk Profile reports and Viewing Dun & Bradstreet Risk Profile reports.
Select the document to be attached to the account.
Exclude from merging
Click this check box to exclude the account from the duplication process. For more information on the duplication process, see Removing duplicate accounts.
Relations section
Type or select the account manager who is in charge of this account.
Cost centre
The cost center will be automatically defined based on the cost center defined for the manager.
Type or select the reseller for this account.
Parent account
Type or select the parent account of this account. A parent account is the holding company.
Financial section
Depending on the type of account, you may see different fields under this section. When you are editing an account, certain information cannot be modified. The following is the description for all available fields:
Type or select the division code of the account.
Debtor code
Type the debtor code of the account.
Creditor code
Type the creditor code of the account.
Customer code (External)
Type the customer code of the account. This is the code that the supplier provides.
Check date
Type the check date of the account. This date will be automatically updated once a reminder is generated for the customer for late payment.
Debtor account
Type or select the debtor code of the account.
Creditor account
Type or select the creditor code of the account.
Bank account
Type the bank account of the account, and then select an option from the list of bank account types. By default, the Default bank account type option is selected when there is no bank account type defined for the bank account. When the IBAN International Bank Account Number bank account type or a predefined bank account type with the check type set to “IBAN” is selected, this field will be automatically disabled. It will be prefilled with the IBAN code defined at IBAN once saved.
Note: For more information on defining bank account types, see Creating and modifying bank account types.
Type the International Bank Account Number for the bank account. The IBAN code must correspond with the existing bank account number predefined at Bank account for all countries except for Belgium, Germany, and Hungary. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.
Note: For more information on the general validation rules for IBAN, see and
BIC code
Type the Bank Identifier Code of the bank account.
Offset account
Type or select the code of the offset journal account.
Extra description
Type or select the extra description code of the account. This is used to search for reports.
Partial delivery allowed
Type or select this to allow partial delivery of sales orders for the account.
Back order
Type or select this to allow back orders for the account.
Invoice copies
Type the number of copies of invoices to be printed for the account.
Extra duty
Type or select this to allow extra duty for the account. An example of extra duty is tax.
Group invoice
Select how you want to group invoices.
- On invoice debtor — Select this to group invoices for the invoice debtor of the account.
- No — Select this if you do not want to group invoices.
- On order debtor — Select this to group invoices for the order debtor of the account.
Payee name
Type the payee name of the account.
Database section
Note: This section is not displayed by default. You can display this section by customizing the page.
Type the server name to automatically update the account during batch updates.
Type the database name to automatically update the account during batch updates.
Web site: Server
Type the server name of the website.
Web site: URL
Type the address of the website.
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Exact Synergy Enterprise
Date: |
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