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Troubleshooting Central Warehouse: generic problems

1.       What tools do I have in case of any problems ?

·      The CW monitor screens: in the central database menu [Order/To be processed/CW central admin/CW monitor]; in the sales database this is menu [Order/To be processed/CW sales admin/CW monitor].

·      For the services: check the Windows Application event log on the services PC.

·      Check the table csPickitErrorReport in both databases; this is basically the same data as shown in the CW monitor.

·      Use the SQL profiler tool to trace problems while they occur.

2.       On starting a CW Control Centre or the CW monitor, I see a message that MSCOREE.DLL cannot be found.
(Re)install Microsoft Dot Net 2.0 or higher.

3.       I changed the quantities upon fulfillment, but still the original quantities ordered are invoiced ?
This might be the result of the standard Globe setting "Invoice method" in menu [System/ General/Settings/Order settings]. This should be set to "Time & Material" instead of "Fixed". This option can also be set per sales order in the "conditions" screen.

4.       On exporting order data, like invoices or fulfillment from central to sales, I see the error message "The company settings don't match" ?
This means that there is probably an error in the CW company setup. You may have changed either the company code or the database name of a CW database link. Check following screens for the database name and the correct company name:

·      sales database: maintenance CW warehouse, CW-button

·      sales database: maintenance CW supplier, CW-button

·      central database: maintenance CW debtor, CW-button

5.        The CW services don't seem to do anything at all.
Check following :

·      Are the services actually running (status "started") ?

·       Does the CONFIG file for the services contain the right server and database ?

·       Re-start the services and see what happens

·      Check the Windows event application log for errors

·      Check the CW monitor or SQL table csPickitErrorReport for recent errors

·      Compare the date of the services EXE-files (exeaCWSalesExportService.exe) with the date of the CW files within Globe (bin\exeaSDKShell.exe in Globe program folder). They should have the same date. If not, uninstall the services (Control panel/software) and re-install and reconfigure the services.

·      schedule a job to restart the services each night

6.       When starting CW export functions, or using the CW stock button in order entry, I get the error message "Company (XXX): Error: Connection error. Server (XXXXXX), Database (XXX): The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)"
This error can occur when you are using a specific account for the CW link ("user" option in CW maintenance screens) and having insufficient local rights. This user should have local administrator rights on the PC or server where the CW function is started. In another case, (re)installing Microsoft MDAC solved this error.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 20.179.704
 Assortment:  Date: 02-02-2010
 Release:  Attachment:

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