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In this software you can create sectors to be used in accounts maintenance. Sector refers to the type of market an organization operates in. Go to System/General/CRM/Sectors and click New to create new sectors. Besides creating new sectors, you can also maintain existing sectors by clicking Open on a selected sector to modify its description.



Type a unique code for the new sector. You can type up to 10 alphanumeric characters for the code. After saving the code, you can no longer edit it.


Type a description for the new sector or edit the description for the existing selected sector.


Click the icon to attach a policy document to the sector if there is a policy stipulated to define the sector. For more information, see Related documents: Document Management Selection Screen.

Description NL/FR/ES/DE

You can type the description of a sector in a maximum of five languages. These languages are set in System/General/Settings/General settings under Descriptions in list boxes. In this example, you would type the description in Dutch under Description NL, French under Description FR, Spanish under Description ES, and German under Description DE.



Click Save to save the changes made to the description of the sector and the newly created sector.


Click New to create another new sector.


Click Close to exit.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.206.752
 Assortment:  Date: 19-06-2012
 Release:  Attachment: