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Connectivity Manual - Employees

File name: premp.csv

No Field name: Type Format Ref Description Remarks Default
1 adm_nr INT N6 admdat Company number Mandatory -
2 employee_code CHAR A8 - Employee code Mandatory -
3 name CHAR A30 - Name - -
4 initials CHAR A10 - Initials - -
5 address CHAR A30 - Address - -
6 zipcode CHAR A8 - Zip-code - -
7 city CHAR A30 - City - -
8 telephone CHAR A15 - Telephone number - -
9 country CHAR A3 countr Country - -
10 e_mail CHAR A60 - E-mail address - -
11 room CHAR A10 - Room number - -
12 extension CHAR A6 - Extension - -
13 date_employed DATE DD/MM/YYYY - Date employed - -
14 departure_date DATE DD/MM/YYYY - Departure date - -
15 contract_time DEC N3,2 - Contract time - -
16 job_level INT N2 - Job level - -
17 capacity DEC N4,2 - Capacity - -
18 curr_code CHAR A3 curren Currency code - Default currency
19 rate_int DEC N9,2 - Internal rate - -
20 rate_ext DEC N9,2 - External rate - -
21 fiscal_id CHAR A9 - Fiscal ID - -
22 cost_center CHAR A8 ccent Cost center - -
23 department_code CHAR A8 prdep Department code - -
24 position_code CHAR A8 prpos Postition code - -
25 unit_code CHAR A8 prunit Unit code - -
26 euserid CHAR A12 euser User ID - -
27 block LOG Y/N - Block - No
28 search_code CHAR A10 - Search code - -
29 lang_code CHAR A3 lang Language as of 3.51.1 -
30 house_nr INT N6 - House number as of 3.51.1 -
31 house_nr_addition CHAR A8 - House number addition as of 3.51.1 -

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Project > Employees

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.325.014
 Assortment:  Date: 03-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: