This page allows you to create and maintain service activity requests. Service configurations can be selected for the service activity, and resources and materials for the service activity can be defined. However, the service management functionality must be activated by selecting the Service check box under the Service section in the General tab on the Workflow: Request type page (go to and click New).
Also, the configurations tree can be customized to display items predefined by the codes and serial numbers at Items and Serial numbers under the Configurations Filters section in the Configurations tab. This allows you to add the items you want from the service configurations directly to the service activity for the account selected in the service request. For more information, see Maintaining settings for Service management.
All users can create, edit, and delete service activity requests.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 503 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
The New activity page is divided into the following tabs. Click the links below to view the contents for the respective tabs.
General tab
General section
Type or select a division for the service activity. This field is mandatory and cannot be edited once the service activity is saved. By default, your division is displayed.
Activity type
Type or select the type for the service activity. This field is mandatory.
Type a description for the service activity. This field is mandatory.
Type or select an address for the service activity.
Type or select a problem for the service activity.
Type or select a solution for the service activity.
PM type
Type or select a preventive maintenance type for the service activity.
Display Configurations tab
Select this check box to display the Configurations tab. By default, this check box is selected.
Documents section
This section displays the documents that are attached to the service activity. Click Add to add a document for the service activity. Documents can be added to the service activity only after you have saved the service activity.
Remarks/Notes section
Type a remark or some notes for the service activity.
Click this to put a timestamp for the remark or note.
Full screen
Click this to view the remarks or notes in full screen.
Configurations tab
Service configurations section
Show: Selected
Click this to view the selected service configurations.
Note: This hyperlink is displayed only after Show all is clicked.
Show all
Click this to display all the service configurations.
Note: This hyperlink is displayed only after Show: Selected is clicked.
Show: Filters
Click this to display the Configurations Filters section.
Configurations Filters section
This section allows you to search for the service configurations by the following criteria:
to search for the service configurations based on specific item codes. Only items with the codes that are linked to the account selected in the service request will be displayed. Select the check box(es) next the required item codes, and then click Add. Click Close to return to the service request.
Serial numbers
to search for the service configurations based on specific serial numbers. Only items with the codes that are linked to the account selected in the service request will be displayed. Select the check box(es) next the required serial numbers, and then click Add. Click Close to return to the service request.
Once the criteria have been defined, click Show to display the search results, Reset to clear the current search criteria, or Configurations to view and/or add the configuration items. For more information, see Adding configuration items for Service management.
In the search criteria, Items and Serial numbers are independent of one another.
The item code and the serial number for the item you have selected will be displayed at Items and Serial numbers with their respective hyperlinks leading to the item card and the Items: Serial number page. However, if more than one selection is made, there will be indications on the number of item codes or serial numbers selected without any hyperlinks.
The configurations tree must be customized to display configurations filtered by the item codes and serial numbers. For more information, see Maintaining settings for Service management.
- You will see the Configurations button only if you click the Show: Filters hyperlink.
Hide: Filters
Click this to hide the Configurations Filters section.
Show: Search
Click this to search for the service configurations.
Note: This hyperlink is displayed only after Hide: Search is clicked.
Hide: Search
Click this to hide the search criteria.
Note: This hyperlink is displayed only after Show: Search is clicked.
Create: Configuration
Click this to create a service configuration. For more information, see Creating and maintaining service configurations for Service management.
Filter configurations by project
Select this check box if you want the service configurations to be filtered based on the projects.
Note: This check box is available only if a project is selected in the request.
Extra information section
This section displays the extra information of the service configuration and service configuration item. If the service configuration on the left is clicked, the Code (click this to view the details of the service configuration. For more information, see Creating and maintaining service configurations for Service management), Description, Location, Account (click this to view the details of the account. For more information, see Viewing company account cards), Address (click this to view the details of the address), and Engineer of the service configuration will be displayed. You can click View history to view the service requests created for the service activity. For more information, see Overview of service activities for Service management.
If the service configuration item on the left is clicked, the Code (click this to view the details of the service configuration item. For more information, see Viewing item cards), Description, Serial number (click this to view the details of the serial number. For more information, see Creating and modifying serial numbers or batch numbers), Quantity, Start date, and End date of the service configuration item will be displayed. You can also click View history to view the service requests that contain the service configuration item. For more information, see Overview of service activities for Service management.
Resources tab
By default, when you create a resource line for a service activity, the Hour type column is automatically filled with the hour item predefined at Activity type at . However, if this prefilled hour item is not linked to the selected warehouse to which you have access right, or if the warehouse housing the hour item is inactive, an error message will be displayed and the resource planning line will be set to blank. You will have to manually define the fields. Additionally, if you make changes to any existing resource lines whereby you have no access right to the selected warehouse, an error message will be displayed. The changes made cannot be saved.
The Resource planning section will
be defined based on the values that you have defined on the Service: Activity types page.
Type or select a service configuration for the resource planning line. The configurations will be displayed only if one configuration or more is selected under the Configuration tab.
Hour type
Type or select an hour type for the service configuration.
- By default, the field displays only hour items defined for the division selected in the service activity request and for the selected warehouse to which you have access right. For more information, see Creating and maintaining warehouses in Exact Globe+.
- The fulfillment date that is displayed in the
service order in Exact Globe+ will follow the latest end date on each
warehouse that is linked to the hour line and material line. However, if the
hour lines have two different warehouses and the material lines include three
different warehouses, of which one is not attached to one of the hour lines
(such as dropship warehouse), the system will display the latest end date from
either warehouse. If there are two hour lines and one material line, and all
the lines are linked to the same warehouse, the system will use the latest end
date in the hour line as the fulfillment date in Exact Globe+. Moreover, if
there are no warehouses in the hour line that match the material line, the fulfillment
date will use the latest end date for either warehouse.
Hours required
Type the number of hours required for the service configuration.
Type or select a person who will be in-charge of the service configuration.
Start date
Type or select a start date and time for the service configuration.
End date
Type or select an end date and a time for the service configuration.
Select this check box if the service configuration comes with a warranty. By default, this check box will be selected based on the start and end dates of the serial number of the configuration item selected for the resource line.
Note: When a
service configuration includes an hours agreement with a discount
percentage, and a user selects the Warranty check box in the resource line, a percentage of “100%” is
displayed at the Discount field
when the user clicks on the Details
icon. When the Warranty check box
is cleared, the value at the Discount
field will change back to the discount value stated in the agreement.
The service agreement is displayed for the service configuration.
The status of the service configuration is displayed. The item code that causes the error will be displayed in the error message.
Note: If the check mark is displayed, you will not be able to edit the resource planning line. The resource planning line can be edited only if thee exclamation mark is displayed.
Delete to delete the created resource planning line or
Cancel to cancel the resource planning line when adding or editing the resource planning line. A message “Are you sure you want to mark for delete this record?” will be displayed if
Delete is clicked. Click OK. If
Cancel is clicked, the existing resource planning lines will not be deleted.The error message “Back office validation is in
progress, please try again later” will be displayed if
Delete on the service activity line is clicked when the system is
still updating the service activity line in Exact Globe+.
Note to add and/or view a note for the resource planning line.
Details to define and/or view the details of the resource planning line, such as sales price, discount, invoice to, and other details. When a service activity with configuration is created with or without a linked service contract, by default, the system will use the currency of the account. If the account at the Invoice to field under this section for the service activity is changed to another account with a different currency, the currency under this section will not be changed. However, once the service activity is planned or approved, the hour line will be displayed in Exact Globe+ (service order line) based on the currency of the latter account. If there is more than one hour line with different invoices to accounts, and with different currencies in the service activity, once the service activity is approved or planned, Exact Globe+ will display the service order based on the currencies of the accounts. For example,
- Account 1 is using Hong Kong dollars (HKD) as its currency.
- Account 2 is using Australian dollars (AUS) as its currency.
- Account 3 is using American dollars (USD) as its currency.
If a service activity under Account 1 is created, the service activity for all the hour lines added will be in HKD under the Details section.
If an hour item is created, the system will check the price list defined in Exact Globe+. In Exact Globe+, the types of agreement sets are:
- New price
- Amount
- Percentage
- Markup
When the Warranty check box is cleared in the service request, the system will check the price of the item from Exact Globe+ to determine whether the item has a price agreement and if the item is using the original price. Once the new price is synchronized to the hour line in Exact Synergy Enterprise, the price will be converted based on the current exchange rate. The system will convert the currency based on the following:
- when changing an existing line with a different hour.
- when adding a new hour line.
- when clearing the Warranty check box for each hour line.
- when changing the service contract with the linked additional hour agreement.
The currency of the service order in Exact Globe+ cannot be changed once the service activity is approved or planned.
Service activities with negative discount items can be created (based on the price list and price agreement created in Exact Globe+ for the Hour agreement type). The negative discount amount can be defined at Discount for the hour line.
Note: If the check mark is displayed under the Status column, you will not be able to edit the note or details. The note or details can be edited only if the exclamation mark is displayed under the Status column.
Select this check box to realize the resource planning line. Planned will be displayed if the resource planning line has been planned.
Note: This check box is available only if the Start date, and End date fields are defined, and the resource planning line is not invoiced.
icon will be displayed if the resource planning line is invoiced.
Add new record
Click this to add resource planning lines for the service activity request.
Note: This hyperlink is available only if the service activity request is not invoiced.
Material tab
Select a service configuration for the service activity request. The configurations will be displayed only if one configuration or more is selected under the Configuration tab.
Note: The
service configuration will be automatically selected if the account only has
one service configuration, and the Hours
required and Hour items fields
have been defined under the Defaults:
Hour planning section on the Service:
Activity types page. The service configuration will not be automatically
selected if the account has more than one configuration, or the Hours required and Hour items fields have not been defined under the Defaults: Hour planning section on the Service: Activity types page.
Type or select a material for the service configuration.
Note: By default, the item browser will display only items or materials for the selected warehouse to which you have access right. For more information, see Creating and maintaining warehouses in Exact Globe+. If you make changes to the material selection in any existing material planning line for the selected warehouse to which you have no access right, an error message will be displayed. The changes made cannot be saved.
Type or select a warehouse for the service configuration.
- The warehouse browser will display only warehouses with the active status to which you have access right. For more information, see Creating and maintaining warehouses in Exact Globe+. Any attempts to change the existing warehouse selection for any existing material planning line to which you have no access right will prompt an error message. The changes made cannot be saved.
- If the Warehouse locations check box under the Fulfillment section in Inventory settings in Exact Globe+ (for more information, see Inventory settings) is not selected, the system will get the stock quantity from the Free stock column in the warehouse (for more information, see Creating and maintaining items – Inventory tab). Thus, when you select a warehouse and an item, Exact Globe+ will check the defined item code and take the stock quantity from the free stock in that warehouse. However, if the Warehouse locations check box under the Fulfillment section in Inventory settings in Exact Globe+ is selected, the system will get the stock quantity from the default warehouse location of the item. If a warehouse and an item have been selected, Exact Globe+ will check the defined item code, compare the quantity of the item under the Free stock column and stock from the default location, and display only the lowest quantity for the stock. The Stock column in the service order request will display the lowest stock quantity.
- Checking conditions are available to find the
warehouse based on the service engineer’s rights to the warehouses (in Exact Globe+) when adding the additional part or hour item automatically. The
warehouse(s) will be retrieved based on the following conditions:
- The engineer is linked to the warehouse(s) as a
contact person, and has access to the warehouse(s).
- If the engineer is linked as a contact person to
multiple warehouses, the top most warehouse from the list of warehouses to
which the service engineer has access, will be used.
- If the engineer is not linked to any of the warehouses
as a contact person, the main warehouse will be used if the engineer is linked
as a user for the warehouse.
- If
the engineer is not linked as a resource to the main warehouse, the top most
warehouse from the list of warehouses to which the engineer is linked as a
resource, will be used.
Serial number
Type or select a serial number for the service configuration.
Note: By default, the serial or batch browser will display only items containing serial numbers for the selected warehouse to which you have access right. For more information, see Creating and maintaining warehouses in Exact Globe+. If you make changes to the serial number selection in any existing material planning line linked to the warehouse to which you have no access right, an error message will be displayed. The changes made cannot be saved.
Type a quantity for the service configuration.
The stock quantity of the service configuration is displayed. This will be displayed once the material line is saved whereby the system will check the stock position of the item in Exact Globe+.
Note: If the Warehouse locations check box under the Fulfillment section in Inventory settings in Exact Globe+ (for more information, see Inventory settings) is not selected, the system will get the stock quantity from the Free stock column in the warehouse (for more information, see Creating and maintaining items – Inventory tab). Thus, when you select a warehouse and an item, Exact Globe+ will check the defined item code and take the stock quantity from the free stock in that warehouse. However, if the Warehouse locations check box under the Fulfillment section in Inventory settings in Exact Globe+ is selected, the system will get the stock quantity from the default warehouse location of the item. If a warehouse and an item have been selected, Exact Globe+ will check the defined item code, compare the quantity of the item under the Free stock column and stock from the default location, and display only the lowest quantity for the stock. The Stock column in the service order request will display the lowest stock quantity.
Part Type
Select the part type for the service configuration. Select one of the following:
- Expendable – Select this option if the service part will be used for the repair. By default, this option is selected.
- Replacement – Select this option if the service part will be used to replace an existing part for the service configuration.
- Add child – Select this option if the service part will be added to the service configuration on-site.
- Remove – Select this option if the service part will be removed from the machine and it will not be considered as part of the service configuration based on the realization date of the service job.
Select this check box if the service configuration comes with a warranty. By default, this check box will be selected based on the start and end dates of the serial number of the configuration item selected for the material line.
Note: When a service configuration
includes a parts agreement with a discount percentage, and a user selects
the Warranty check box in the material line, a percentage
of “100%” is displayed at the Discount field when the user
clicks on the Details icon. When the Warranty
check box is cleared, the value at the Discount field will
change back to the discount value stated in the agreement.
The service agreement of the material line is displayed.
The status of the material line is displayed. The red exclamation mark is displayed when the material line has failed while the yellow exclamation mark is displayed for the material line that is in the same warehouse as the material line which has failed. If there is an error, the error message will display the item code that is causing the error.
Note: If the check mark is displayed, you will not be able to edit the material planning line. The material planning line can be edited only if the exclamation mark is displayed.
Delete to delete the created material planning line or
Cancel to cancel the material planning line when adding or editing the material planning line. A message “Are you sure you want to mark for delete this record?” will be displayed if
Delete is clicked. Click OK. If
Cancel is clicked, the existing material planning lines will not be deleted. The error message “Back office validation is in
progress, please try again later” will be displayed if
Delete on the service activity line is clicked when the system is
still updating the service activity line in Exact Globe+.
Note to add and/or view a note for the material planning line.
Details to define and/or view the details of the material planning line, such as sales price, discount, invoice to, and other details. When a service activity with configuration is
created with or without a linked service contract, by default, the system will
use the currency of the account. If the account at the Invoice to field under this section for the service activity is
changed to another account with a different currency, the currency under this
section will not be changed. However, once the service activity is planned or
approved, the material line will be displayed in Exact Globe+ (service
order line) based on the currency of the latter account. If there is more than one
material line with different invoices to accounts, and with different currencies
in the service activity, once the service activity is approved or planned,
Exact Globe+ will display the service order based on the currencies of the
accounts. For example,
- Account 1 is using Hong Kong dollars (HKD) as its currency.
- Account 2 is using Australian dollars (AUS) as its currency.
- Account
3 is using American dollars (USD) as its currency.
If a service activity under Account 1 is created, the
service activity for all the hour and material lines added will be in HKD under
the Details section.
If a material item or an hour item is created, the system
will check the price list defined in Exact Globe+. In Exact Globe+, the
types of agreement sets are:
- New price
- Amount
- Percentage
- Markup
When the Warranty check box is cleared in the service
request, the system will check the price of the item from Exact Globe+ to
determine whether the item has a price agreement and if the item is using the
original price. Once the new price is synchronized to the hour or material line
in Exact Synergy Enterprise, the price will be converted based on the current
exchange rate. The system will convert the currency based on the following:
- when changing an existing line to a different material.
- when adding a new material line.
- when clearing the Warranty check box for each material line.
- when changing the service contract with the linked additional part or hour agreement.
The currency of the service order in Exact Globe+ cannot
be changed once the service activity is approved or planned.
Service activities with negative discount items can be created (based on the price list and price agreement created in Exact Globe+ for the Part agreement type). The negative discount amount can be defined at Discount for the material line.
Note: If the check mark is displayed under the Status column, you will not be able to edit the note or details. The note or details can be edited only if the exclamation mark is displayed under the Status column.
Select this check box to realize the material planning line. Planned will be displayed if the material planning line has been planned.
- This check box is available only if the material planning line is not invoiced.
- The Authorised status will be displayed if the check mark is displayed in the Status column.
- You can select or clear the check box if the exclamation mark is displayed in the Status column.
icon will be displayed if the material line is invoiced.
Add new record
Click this to add material lines for the service activity request.