However, invoices can be printed only if authorisation of invoices is not required. If authorisation of invoices is required, you can only generate the invoices. The invoices can then be printed at Invoice > Entries > Print / Process after the generated invoice is authorised.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 503 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Output section
Select this if you only want to process the sales order or service order without printing the delivery note.
Select this to print the delivery note.
Select this to send the delivery note by e-mail to the debtor. Select Debtor, Delivery debtor, or Invoice debtor as the recipient of the e-mail.
Select a printer that you want to use to print the delivery note. The selection available will be based on the form printer settings. For more information, see Form printer settings. If Default printer is defined in the form printer settings, the printer defined at Default printer under the Output tab at System > General > User settings will be used.
Note: This field is enabled only if you have selected the Printer option.
E-mail (To:)
This is the e-mail address of the debtor who will receive the delivery note. Depending on who is selected in the E-mail field, the e-mail address can be that of the debtor, delivery debtor, or invoice debtor. The debtor’s e-mail address that is displayed in the field is derived from E-mail at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance > Accounts receivable > Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open, under the Contact tab) by default. However, you can type a new e-mail address. If you want to send the delivery note to multiple e-mail addresses, insert a semicolon (;) between the e-mail addresses.
Changes made to the e-mail address will not be reflected at the debtor maintenance (at Finance > Accounts receivable > Maintain) but the changed e-mail address will be reflected in the Address data screen (go to Order > Entries > Sales orders, select the relevant sales order, click Open, and then click
Address) for the selected sales order, or Address data screen (go to Service > Entries > Service orders, select the relevant service order, click Open, and then click
Address) for the selected service order.
This field cannot be edited if you have selected multiple records (only for sales orders).
E-mail CC
Type the e-mail address of a recipient to send a carbon copy of the sales order to that person. To send a carbon copy of the sales order to more than one recipient, type a semicolon (;) after every e-mail address that you add.
Note: This field is only available for sales orders and cannot be edited if you have selected multiple records.
E-mail BCC
Type the e-mail address of a recipient to send a blind carbon copy of the sales order to that person. To send a blind carbon copy of the sales order to more than one recipient, type a semicolon (;) after every e-mail address that you add.
Note: This field is only available for sales orders and cannot be edited if you have selected multiple records.
Type the subject of the e-mail. This information is mandatory. The debtor’s reference number, as defined in the sales order or service order, is displayed below the Subject field.
Long description
Type the long description of the e-mail.
Covering letter
Type or select a covering letter code to attach a covering letter with the e-mail. This is available only if Image is selected at Covering letter (format) in the General section of Documents settings and the Use multiple layouts check box is not selected in the Fulfilment section of Order settings. For more information, see Overview of layouts.
Invoice data section
Generate invoices
Select this check box to generate the invoice for the sales order or service order. This check box is selected by default.
Note: The check box will always be cleared for sales orders that are shipped using StarShip. However, you can still select the check box if you need to generate an invoice for shipment using StarShip. For more information, see Creating and maintaining shipping methods.
Select All to generate the invoice for all the sales order lines that are in the sales order or service order lines that are in the service order.
Select Delivered to generate and print invoice for only the sales order or service order lines that are delivered to the debtor. When you select this option, you can also generate and print invoices for sales or service items delivered within a specific period by defining the Fulfilment date.
The Fulfilment date also derives its value automatically from the fulfilment date predefined in the Print / Process screen. Both methods can be used interchangeably to print invoices for order lines with specific fulfilment dates.
The Delivered option is selected when the Fulfilment date field in the Print / Process screen is filled.
Note: The filtering of the fulfilment date for an order is not applicable to a sales order text line. Upon the generation of invoice based on the defined fulfilment date, the sales order text line will be invoiced if the fulfilment date of the text line is earlier than or equals to the transaction date.
Select Shipped to include only fully shipped order lines.
Note: This option is available only if you have the SE1343 – E-Shipping Manifest Integration and SE1200 – E-Order licenses and the corresponding sales order is also linked to a shipping method with the Use shipping manifest attribute. For more information, see Creating and maintaining shipping methods.
Selection code
Type or select the selection code for the sales order or service order.
Zero invoice
Select this check box if you want the invoice to include sales order or service order lines with “0” amount.
Print invoices
Select this check box to print the generated invoice. This check box is selected by default.
Note: Invoices can only be printed if you have not selected the Authorise invoices check box under Invoice settings in the Authorise section at System > General > Settings. If the Authorise invoices check box is selected, the generated invoice will firstly have to be authorised at Invoice > Entries > Authorise before the invoice can be printed.
Credit note < 0
Select this check box if you want the invoice to include sales order or service order lines with credit note amount of less than “0”.
Options section
Print date
Type or select the delivery date that you want to be printed on the delivery note. The current date is displayed by default.
Define layout
Select this check box to change the layout of the delivery note.
Note: This check box is available only if you have selected multiple sales orders for printing. If you have selected this check box, the Layout field will be available for selection.
Collective layout
Type or select a collective layout for the delivery note. This information is mandatory. You can define collective layouts for delivery notes at System > Logistics > Layouts > Multiple layouts for delivery notes. For more information, see Overview of collective layouts for logistics.
Type or select a layout for the delivery note. A delivery note layout is displayed by default. This information is mandatory.
Note: The default delivery note layout is defined at Delivery note in the Logistics section under Document settings at System > General > Settings. Also, this field is available only if you have not selected the Use multiple layouts check box in the Fulfilment section under Order settings at System > General > Settings.
Number of copies
Type the number of copies of the delivery note that you want to print. This information is mandatory and should be between 1 and 99.
Note: This field is available only if you have not selected the Use multiple layouts check box in the Fulfilment section at System > General > Settings under Order settings .
Free text line 1/2/3
You can type extra information for the delivery note in the Free text line 1, Free text line 2, and Free text line 3 fields. These fields are enabled if you have selected the Free text lines check box under the To be printed section.
To be printed section
Free text lines
Select this check box to add remarks to the delivery note. Once this check box is selected, the Free text lines 1, Free text lines 2, and Free text lines 3 fields under the Options section will be enabled.
Backorder lines
Select the this check box if you want to include sales order or service order lines that have a delivery date later than the sales order or service order date to be printed on the delivery note. For example, if the sales order or service order date is 20/01/2023, the fulfilment date for Item A is on 20/01/2023 and the fulfilment date for Item B is on 23/01/2023, Item B will also be printed on the delivery note if you have selected this check box.
Fully completed lines
Select this check box if you want sales order or service order lines that are realised (completed) to be printed on the delivery note.
Select this check box to combine the same items with the same sales order or service order information into one line on the delivery note. Only the same sales or service items with the same information such as fulfilment date, sales price, and other information (except quantity) can be combined.
Lines with quantity 0
Select this check box to include items with the quantity of 0 in the delivery note.
Unmatched payments
Select this check box for cash payment or any other entries that are not matched to any invoice or payment (payment for the sales order or service order has not been made).
Note: If you have not selected this check box, only the total payment amount for the sales order or service order will be displayed on the delivery note.