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How to map a XML file to the Exact Schema (Updated: 14/04/2004)

How to map a XML file to the Exact Schema (Updated 14/04/2004)


How to map a XML file to the Exact Schema (Updated 14/04/2004)


Issue :

I have a XML file and I want to import this file into Exact with XML Server. What do I have to do to make this possible?


Solution :

If your XML file is not according to the XML Schema of Exact, you must transform the XML file to the XML format used by Exact. There are lots of tools available that can help you but in this example we will use Stylus Studio. You can follow this hyperlink to obtain an Evaluation copy of stylus studio.


If your document is still in the CSV format, you first have to convert your CSV file to a HTML file. You can follow this hyperlink to obtain information how to do this.


Below is a description of the procedure you could follow to map a XML file to the Exact Schema. 


·     Start Stylus Studio


·     Select the menu option 'File -> New -> XSLT:Mapper'




  • Click on and select the XML file that you want, to map to Exact Schema.




  • Click on and select eExact-Schema.xsd file from the DOCS directory of your Exact installation.




  • Next, select eExact from the Root Element.




  • The program will now show the XML mapper. In the XML mapper screen, you will see the import file on the left panel and the destination on the right panel. Expand the tree, and expand the topic that you want to map. In this example the ITEM file will be mapped. To do so,   expand the topic Items.




  • In this screen you can map the fields from the source to the destination. Click on the Source Document fields and drag the line to the corresponding fields in the Target Document. The Row must be connected to Item. Each row in the source corresponds with an item in the destination.


  • In order for the Target Document to recognise multiple records from the Source Document, right click on the grey space undermatch=”/” and select “for-each” in XSLT Instructions.


  • The Instruction icon will appear. To link this icon to Row, click on Row and drag the link to the left node of the icon.




  • To link this icon to Item, click on the right node of the icon and drag the link to Item.



  • It is possible to link the Source Document field to multiple Target Document fields. Example shown below means that code and searchcode fields in Target Document will have the same value from Code_article field in Source Document.




  • You can expand the Target Document fields that has a ‘+’ sign beside them and link them to the fields in Source Document.


  •   A red mark over the Target Document field means that it cannot be empty. You have to link it or put in a default value.





  • If you need to enter a fixed value for your records, for example, the field ‘Type’ must have value ‘1’, right-click on ’Type’ and in ‘Set Text Value’, enter the value.




  • To preview the results, click on and save the Stylesheet.


  • The results will be shown on the Preview Panel at the bottom of the screen. Click on to view the codes.




  • Click on  to save the file. Make sure you use the extension XML when you save the preview. You can use Exact Globe 2003 or Synergy to import the transformed XML file.




 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 06.911.279
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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