
Intercompany Logistics (ICL): ICL Sales settings

WMS documentation


This document describes the settings available for the Intercompany Logistics (ICL) 'sales database' in menu [System, General, Settings, ICL sales], as from product update 409.


Following settings are available.

Sales database

This setting enables the functionality in this company as 'ICL sales database'. Only after enabling this setting, and reopening the company, ICL sales menu paths become available.


This is printer that default would be used when printing the reports that are shown as preview with the manual steps in the ICL Control Center.

Section: When to send information

Moment of sending orders

This setting determines what status is required for sales orders, before they can be exported and imported into the ICL central database.
The setting is applied in menu [Order,  To be processed, ICL Sales admin, Export sales orders], and by the ICL Sales Export service.

You have following choices:

  • When authorizing: a sales order can be exported when it has status 'authorized'.
    When Exact Globe Next 'authorization' is not used, then orders can be exported immediately after order entry.
    When Exact Globe Next 'authorization' is enabled, then orders have to be authorized first.
  • When confirming: a sales order can be exported when it has status 'confirmed'.
    When for the debtor, or in the sales order, 'Sales order confirmation' is disabled, then the sales order can be exported immediately after order entry.
    When 'Sales order confirmation' is enabled, then the sales order can only be exported after the order confirmation has been printed 'finally'.
  • Using control center: sales orders can only be exported manually in menu  [Order,  To be processed, ICL Sales admin, Export sales orders].
    When Exact Globe Next 'authorization' is enabled, then orders first have to be authorized.
    When 'Sales order confirmation' is enabled, then first the order confirmation has to be printed 'finally'.
    The ICL Sales Export service will not export sales orders.

Section: Export sales orders to Central Warehouse

 Report settings

See document WMS reports

Use ICL item code

Determines whether you want to use alternate item codes in the ICL central database, see 'ICL item code' explained.

You have following choices:

  • Never: the ICL item code is not used, even when filled
  • Only if not emtpy: Use the ICL item code, when filled in item maintenance
  • Always: Always use the ICL item code, even when empty.
    This means that all 'ICL item codes' have to be filled, empty 'ICL item codes' will result in error 'ICL itemcode: not defined'

Section: Process orders/Print delivery notes

 Report settings

See document WMS reports

Print data for each order

When enabled, the delivery note screen will pop up separately for each order selected to be processed. The invoice settings (see below) are not available.
When disabled, the delivey note screen will pop up once for the selected orders, processing these fulfillments with the same selected settings.

Edit 'create invoice'

Before 409: applies only when 'print data for each order' is disabled. From 409, this setting is always available.
Enabled: the option 'create invoices' can be changed on the fulfillment screen
Disabled: the option 'create invoices' is not shown on the fulfillment screen, using the preset default.

Default 'create invoice'

Before 409: applies only when 'print data for each order' is disabled. From 409, this setting is always available.
Enabled: the setting 'create invoices' is by default 'enabled' on the fulfillment screen (even when not visible)
Disabled: the setting 'create invoices' is by default 'disabled' on the fulfillment screen (even when not visible)

Edit 'print invoice'

This setting was introduced in product update 409 and determines whether the choice to 'Print invoices' can be changed during the fulfillment process, in the delivery note screen.
Enabled: the option 'print invoices' is visible and can be changed on the fulfillment screen
Disabled: the option 'print invoices' is not shown on the fulfillment screen, using the preset default.

Default 'print invoice'

This setting was introduced in product update 409 and determines whether printing of invoices is default to be started.
Enabled: the setting 'Print invoices' is by default 'enabled' on the fulfillment screen (even when not visible)
Disabled: the setting 'Print invoices' is by default 'disabled' on the fulfillment screen (even when not visible)

Use ICL dummy location

This setting was introduced in release 408 and determines whether you want to use the fixed ICL dummy location for all receipts automatically created by ICL, or use the item default location when available.
In earlier releases, ICL always applied first the item default location and only the ICL dummy location when the item default location was empty.

  • Enabled: ICL will apply the ICL dummy location as configured in maintenance of the warehouses (menu [Inventory, Warehouse management, Warehouses], ICL button); or for ICL purchase in Accounts Payable (menu [Finance, Accounts Payable, Maintain], ICL button)
  • Disabled: ICL will first apply the item default location in the warehouse. Only when that location is not configured, ICL will still use the ICL dummy location.

This setting is default disabled.

Fulfillment per delivery by ICL

When this setting is enabled, you will be able to process the sales orders or print the delivery notes via the Order ? To be processed ? ICL Sales admin ? Process sales orders menu path. The sales orders or delivery notes will be processed per delivery note number of the central warehouse. In addition, a new column Delivery note number will also be available in the selection screen.

When this setting is disabled, you will only be able to process sales orders, or print the delivery notes per order of the central warehouse.

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