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Creating and Modifying Website Vertical Navigation Menu Items

Creating and Modifying Website Vertical Navigation Menu Items


In this page, you can add, configure, or delete a menu item for the vertical pane navigation menu where Use of Frame - Lefthand in the web site configuration page is Default. Configured menu items are left intact to be reused later when you change Use of Frame - Lefthand to other types.

Menu path

This page is accessible only through the web site configuration page (go to Documents/Setup/Maintenance/Web sites, and then click New or open an existing web site). If Use of Frame - Lefthand in the web site configuration page is Default, you can access this page by clicking Add or the links below the Sort by or Text columns of the Frame - Lefhand: Menu section.

Roles & rights

To be able to view, create new menu items, edit existing menu items, and delete menu items, function right 268 - Maintain websites is required. Users with the Web administrator role have the rights to configure the menu items for Frame - Lefthand: Menu depending on the division of the web site and the level of the role.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save changes you have made to the menu item.

Save + New

Click this to save the current menu item and create another new menu item. This button is not available while modifying existing menu item.


Click this to delete the menu item. The menu item and its settings will be deleted but linked documents, linked pictures, and the Sort order of other menu items are not affected. This button is available only while modifying existing menu item.


Click this to exit.


Menu: Left section

Sort order

Type a number from 1 to 9999 to set the position of this item in the menu. A Sort order number is automatically inserted in the box when you create a new menu item. Menu items are laid out in a vertical menu where the item with the lowest Sort order number is placed at the top.

Button / Link: Text

Type the text to be used as the hyperlink text or button text, if Button: Image is defined, of this menu item. If this field is blank, the menu item will not be shown.

Text: Color

Select a color to set the menu item text to this color. The color strip will reflect your choice of color. Leave this blank to set the menu item text color to the color defined in Text style of Frame - Lefthand in the web site configuration page.

Text style

Select Arial, Verdana, Geneva, Times, or Tahoma to use this font for the menu item text.

Note: If this setting is blank, the font of the menu item text is influenced by:

  • the current user's system style for a user logged into the system (set in Style under the Style tab in the user Customize page) or
  • the corporate system style for public web site visitors (set in Style under the Style section of the Corporate (Settings) tab of the user Customize page)

Text size

Select 10, 12, or 14 to set the font size of the menu item text to relative HTML font sizes 1, 2, or 3, respectively. The number 10, 12, and 14 are only indicative point-based sizes generally used in Microsoft Internet Explorer for the relative HTML font sizes mentioned.

Note: If this setting is blank, the font size of the menu item text is influenced by:

  • the current user's system style for a user logged into the system (set in Style under the Style tab in the user Customize page) or
  • the corporate system style for public web site visitors (set in Style under the Style section of the Corporate (Settings) tab of the user Customize page)

Text: Alignment

Select Left, Right, or Center to set the text alignment of this menu item text. Leave this setting blank to use default web browser alignment.

Button: Image

Select a standard picture of type Button to use this picture as the background button graphic of the menu item text. Leave this blank to set the menu item as a text hyperlink.


Select a standard picture of type Button to use this picture as the background button graphic of the menu item text after this menu item is clicked.

Note: Leave this setting blank as this function is not yet implemented.

Link: Type

Select the action of the menu item when clicked:

  • ID - A document of this ID number is displayed in the content pane
  • Layout: News - A news page generated by this news layout is displayed in the content pane
  • Layout: List - A list generated by this list layout is displayed in the content pane
  • URL: Third party - A web resource at this address is opened in a new web browser window
  • URL: Internal file - A web resource at this address is displayed in the content pane

This selection determines which of the Document ID, News: Layout, List: Layout, or URL field is relevant for you to configure. Whenever you save the menu item, the settings in the irrelevant fields are discarded.

Document ID

Type the ID number of the document to display in the content pane when this menu item is clicked. Configure this field only if Link: Type is ID.

Note: In order to save this menu item, the document ID must be valid.

News: Layout

Select an available news layout to display a news page generated by this news layout in the content pane when the menu item is clicked. Configure this field only if Link: Type is Layout: News.

List: Layout

Select an available list layout to display a list generated by this list layout in the content pane when the menu item is clicked. Configure this field if Link: Type is Layout: List.


Type the absolute or relative URL of the web resource to open in a new web browser window or display in the content pane when this menu item is clicked. Configure this field only if Link: Type is URL: Third party or URL: Internal file.

Note: For normal HTTP using an absolute URL, you can omit the URL scheme ("http://") if the URL authority begins with "www".

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.471.304
 Assortment:  Date: 20-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: