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Adding policy items to a contract.



Once a contract is created policy items can be added to the contract. See related topics for more information about contracts and accounts.


Roles and Function Rights



Function right 28 [System, Maintenance, Security, Function rights, Logistics] is responsible for the rights of creating and maintaining contracts. This function right is by default linked to the role 'F&A Staff'. Users with this role are able to create and maintain the contracts.





Section 'General'

In this section the main contract information is shown.



The field represents the account name. Using the hyperlink it brings you to the account card of the customer.


The field represents the contract number. Using the hyperlink it brings you to the contract.


You can give any name or you can leave it blank.


Section 'Items'

In this section the policy items, etc can be selected.



This field represents the policy item the customers wants to buy.

Start date

This is the day the customer starts to work with the policy.

Date: prolongation

This is the date the prolongation process is started for this item however policy items will not prolonged.

Final date

The policy does not supply anymore for the customer. Therefore the final date is used to indicate this.


Section 'Sales'


Prices: Default

The setting is used to instruct logistics system layer to apply default prices (prices from standard price list) instead of prices from special price list and/or price agreements.


You can change the total price in case you calculated a different price for the policy item in total for the customer.





The same currency is shown as it is in the contract card itself.


Related Topics






 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 06.825.120
 Assortment:  Date: 08-06-2018
 Release:  Attachment: