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EN Lagerplätze anlegen und verwalten

You can see this creen by:

  • clicking  New or  Edit in the Maintain warehouses screen under the Warehouse locations tab (go to Inventory/Warehouse management/Warehouses, and then click Open or New)
  • clicking New in the Locations per warehouse screen accessed from the following functionalities when performing direct and indirect purchase order receipts per warehouse, performing location transfers, performing interbranch transfers, and performing interbranch transfer receipts at Purchase/Entries/Receipts, Inventory/Entries/Location transfers or Purchase/Entries/Location transfers, Inventory/Warehouse management/Interbranch transfers, or Inventory/Entries/Interbranch transfer receipt, respectively. For more information, see Receiving Purchase Orders , Performing Location Transfers, Creating and Modifying Interbranch Transfers, or Receiving Interbranch Transfers.

This screen allows you to create or modify the locations of the warehouses.



By default, the selected warehouse is displayed. This field cannot be edited.


Type a location for the selected warehouse. This is mandatory.

Note: This information cannot be edited once you have saved the location.


Type a description for the location for the selected warehouse.

Status section

Blocked for receiving

Select this check box to block the warehouse location from receiving items.

Note: This check box is enabled only if the Drop ship check box under the Basics tab in the Maintain warehouses screen (go to Inventory/Warehouse management/Warehouses, and then click Open or New) is not selected and you have not selected a default location for the warehouse.

Blocked for issuing

Select this check box to block the warehouse location for issuing items.

Note: This check box is enabled only if the Drop ship check box under the Basics tab in the Maintain warehouses screen (go to Inventory/Warehouse management/Warehouses, and then click Open or New) is not selected and you have not selected a default location for the warehouse.

Attributes section

Pick/Bulk location

Select the type of items that will be stored in the location. You can select any of the following:

  • Bulk location — Select this if the location is used for storing bulk items.
  • None — Select this if the location is used for storing any type of items. By default, this is selected.
  • Pick location — Select this if the location is used for storing pick items.

Note: This is enabled only if you have not selected the Drop ship check box in the Maintain warehouses screen (go to Inventory/Warehouse management/Warehouses, and then click Open or New) and you have not selected a default location for the warehouse. If the Drop ship check box is selected, by default, None is selected.


Select the type of location. You can select any of the following:

  • Fixed item location — Select this to allow the location to store only one item. 
  • Multiple item location — Select this to allow the location to store different items. By default, this is selected.
  • Variable item location — Select this to allow the location to store one item at a time.

Note: This is enabled only if you have not selected the Drop ship check box in the Maintain warehouses screen (go to Inventory/Warehouse management/Warehouses, and then click Open or New) and you have not selected a default location for the warehouse.

Fixed item code

Type or select a fixed item for the warehouse location. This is mandatory.

Note: This is enabled only if Fixed item location at Type is selected. 

Minimum stock

Type a minimum quantity for the selected item that will be stored in the warehouse location. By default, “0.000” is displayed.

Note: This is enabled only if Fixed item location at Type is selected.

Maximum stock

Type a maximum quantity for the selected item that will be stored in the warehouse location. By default, “0.000” is displayed.

Note: This is enabled only if Fixed item location at Type is selected.

Texts section


Warehouse locations : text field 1/2/3/4/5

Type the text for the warehouse location. You can define the text field title in the Terms screen (go to System/General/Free fields, and then click Open). For more information, see Creating and Changing Free Fields Description.

Number section

Warehouse locations : number field 1/2/3/4/5

Type a number (for example, floor area) for the warehouse location. You can define the number field title in the Terms screen (go to System/General/Free fields, and then click Open). For more information, see Creating and Changing Free Fields Description.



Click this to save the warehouse location.


Click this to create another warehouse location.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 21.189.933
 Assortment:  Date: 15-11-2010
 Release:  Attachment: