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Exact Synergy   

Installation of the Exact e-Synergy Office Add-in

Basic Requirements


The Exact e-Synergy can be used for interaction between your MS Office applications and Exact e-Synergy. The Office Add-in allows you to upload documents created in MS Word, Excel sheets created in MS Excel, e-mails created in MS Outlook, html pages created in MS Frontpage and presentations created in MS Powerpoint.



In order to install the Office Add-in please check the basic requirements below:

  • Only supported for Microsost Office 2000 and above
  • Windows 2000 or newer is required as an operating system
  • The user logged onto the operating system must have rights in editing the system registry. Basically this means that the user account needs the Administrator role on the local PC.
  • To avoid Microsoft security issues, it is best to add the e-Synergy website URL to the trusted websites in the clients Internet Explorer.
  • For more requirements and prerequisites refer to this document.



Make sure all Office applications are closed. The office add in is installed from the e-Synergy program, perform the next steps:

  1. Start 'Internet Explorer' and log into Exact e-Synergy;
  2. Go to the menu path [Documents, Maintenance, Miscellaneous, Installation] and click on 'Installation';

  3. Next installation screen will be displayed, here click on 'Microsoft Office' under 'Office Add-In' 


    By clicking on 'Microsoft Office', the installation process will be started. The process will first detect if the user's PC has the required Microsoft components (MSXML component, MS ActiveX components). If the components are not found, they will be installed first, after that the installation of the Synergy Office Add-In will continue. After the installation of the e-Synergy Office Add-in a message “You have the latest version installed.” will be shown.
  4. Now start MS Word, MS Excel, MS FrontPage, MS Outlook or MS Powerpoint. Now, you will see a new menu-entry 'e-Synergy', like below:


Note: When starting one of the MS Office applications and this menu entry is not visible, then refer to this document.


Configure the Office add in:

Now the Office Add-in needs to be configured. In order to do so perform the following steps:

  1. Select the new menu option 'e-Synergy'

  2. Fill in the proper information in the fields. The web site has to point to the Exact e-Synergy web site.
  3. Press 'OK' to save your settings.

The Office add in is ready to use now. Please not that for the MSOutlook Add-in some extra settings can be specified in order to determine behavior with regarding  to incoming and outgoing emails.


Additional note:

In order to install the Office Add-in properly, the security settings of Internet Explorer may have to be altered. In Internet Explorer go to Tools, Internet Options, Security, Custom Level (for the appropriate zone). The menu below will becone visible:


Noe set the option 'Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe' to 'Prompt'. It is also advisable to add your Exact e-Synergy portal to the 'Trusted sites' zone.


Related documents:

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 00.877.618
 Assortment:  Date: 19-05-2018
 Release:  Attachment: