Exact.Timesheet.Core.GenerateIPR is a background job that will automatically generate and approve Invoice proposal requests.
This background job will pull out a list of billable requests that can be invoiced, which is similar to the list of billable requests that is shown on the Invoice proposal page with the check boxes selected before invoicing is performed.
The background job will only pull out billable requests that fulfill the following criteria:
a. There is a request tasks created for each billable request.
b. If there is an option selected at the Invoice to field in the billable request:
Option at Invoice to field
In the Account card
There is an account created or defined.
There is a reseller is defined.
Parent account
There is a parent account is defined.
c. There is a debtor defined in both the account and division cards.
d. There is an exchange rate defined for the currency used.
e. Those billable requests are not in the rejected Invoice proposal request.
Processes of this background job will be logged at System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Processes.
When errors are found after performing the background job, error tasks will be created at System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Processes. There are two types of error task requests, as listed in the table below:
Error tasks for
Request description
While generating Invoice proposal request
Error during generating invoice proposal request
While approving Invoice proposal request
Error during approving invoice proposal request
Even though there is an error tasks created while generating one of the Invoice proposal requests via background job, the background job will continue to generate the next Invoice proposal request.
The auto generation of Invoice proposal requests only applies to the following billable requests:
1. Run the background job as below. Note that you can copy the below commands and paste into a text file. Save it with .batextension.
<ESE installationfolder>\bin\Exact.Process.exe" /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory>/ASSEMBLY:Exact.Timesheet.Core /CLASS:GenerateIPR
This is referring to the entry in the db.config file that contains the information about the location and the name of the database. Entry for the name of the virtual directory is case-sensitive.
This is referring to the storing of respective functions in DLL.
c. /CLASS:
This is referring to a specific function or task within the DLL.
2. Parameters (case-sensitive) can be entered for filtering, which are:
This is referring to the project code.
This is referring to the customer code.
This is referring to the project type, which are:
**If the user does not put in this parameter, the background job will not perform any filtering based on project type.
There are two values, “Y” and “N”. “N” is the default value. This parameter is used to determine the status of Invoice proposal request:
Value of AutoApprove (Yes = Y, No = N)
Invoice proposal request status
Approved by project manager
This is referring to the division code.
This is referring to the start date of the date range to generate the Invoice proposal requests.
This is referring to the end date of the date range to generate the Invoice proposal requests.
Note: The date format for StartDate and EndDate is based on setting defined in Exact Synergy Enterprise at Preferences, under the General tab, at the Date format field.
Example: <ESEinstallation folder>\bin\Exact.Process.exe"/DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Timesheet.Core /CLASS:GenerateIPR/ProjectNumber:Proj1 /Customer:CUST1 /STARTDATE:<startdate> /ENDDATE:<enddate>
3. Go to System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Processes for viewing the background job processes.
4. Go to System ➔ Reports ➔ Log ➔ Errors for viewing the error tasks if there were any.