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Overview of term requests to be invoiced

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Projects à Reports à Professional services automation à Invoicing term requests


This page displays a list of invoice term requests that have been created for a specific account. Invoice terms are specified conditions of payment for an invoice based on the method an individual or company chooses to pay for a product or service.

Note: This document is applicable only to product updates that are prior to product update 250. Thereafter, the invoicing process has been updated. For more information on the invoicing process for product update 250 onwards, see Overview of billable, invoice term, intercompany, and credit invoice requests to be invoiced.

Roles & rights

To create and modify invoice term requests, you will require module YA1401 - Hour entry role or the Hour entry role, security level 10 and above, and a specific user-defined role that is linked to the relevant field on the Project hours: Settings page. For more information, see Defining Professional services automation settings.


  • Users with the Employee Self-service or Business role will require the license YA1401 – Hour entry role before they can be assigned with the Hour entry role.
  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 248.

How do I view a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required invoice term request by clicking the hyperlinked code under the ID column.

How do I create a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, click New.
  2. On the Terms page, define the relevant criteria.
  3. Click Save. For more information, see Creating invoice term requests.

How do I delete a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required invoice term request by clicking the hyperlinked code under the ID column.
  4. On the selected invoice term request page, click Delete.

Keep in mind: Alternatively, you can also select the check box next to the relevant invoice term request on the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page and click Delete.

How do I approve a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required invoice term request by clicking the hyperlinked code under the ID column.
  4. On the selected invoice term request page, click Approve.

Keep in mind: Alternatively, you can also select the check box next to the relevant invoice term request on the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page and click Approve.

How do I reject a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the required invoice term request by clicking the hyperlinked code under the ID column.
  4. On the selected invoice term request page, click Reject.

Keep in mind: Alternatively, you can also select the check box next to the relevant invoice term request on the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page and click Reject.

How do I invoice a term request?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Select the check box next to the relevant invoice term request.
  4. Click Invoice selected. For more information about invoicing invoice term requests, see Generating invoice numbers.

How do I view invoices and orders?

  1. On the Sales invoices: Term requests – To be invoiced page, define the relevant criteria.
  2. Click Show.
  3. Click View invoices & orders.



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