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Viewing item cards

Menu path

To view transactions for an item, go to Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Cards, select the item and click Card. Alternatively, you can also access the item transaction card by clicking Card when you are viewing an item in the Items screen via Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain.


The item transaction card shows the final transactions of the item. From here, it can be tracked to the sales or purchase orders that resulted in the transaction.


You can filter the transactions you want to display by defining one or more of the following criteria, and then clicking Refresh. The transactions that match the criteria you have defined are then displayed.


Type or select the start and end dates to display transactions with the selected date range. Select the All check box to display transactions for all dates. By default, a seven-day date range ending with the current date is displayed.

Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display transactions with the selected date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display transactions with the selected date and earlier dates.


Select either to view the transactions of the total movement in stock (Inventory), of only stocks sent out (Out) or of only stocks received (In). This option allows you to obtain a clearer view by grouping the movement of stocks.

Click  to define the following criteria:

Group by

Select an option to group the transactions either by Warehouse, Debtor, Creditor, Cost center, Cost unit, Resource, G/L, Date, Week, Period: Month, Quarter, Year, Project, Our ref., or Offset account. For example, selecting Resource will group the transactions according to the resource IDs. If you select None, all transactions will be displayed. Grouping the results differently can be used for different purposes. For instance, grouping results by resource can show stock movements that were carried out by a resource. This will quickly help to identify the stock movements made by each resource.


Select the relevant type of transactions to be displayed. This can either be All, Receipt, Fulfillment, Count, Returns: Fulfillment, or Returns: Receipt.


Select to show transactions either in Sales or Purchase units. It is possible that your purchase unit is different from your sales unit, especially when you purchase, for example, in cartons and sell in single units.

Include: Unprocessed

Select this check box to show item transactions that are not processed. You can get an overall view of the status of your organization’s stock movements if you include unprocessed transactions.

Include: Stock at supplier

Select this check box to include stock at supplier. This option includes stocks that have been purchased but have not been received yet from the supplier. This provides a more complete picture by taking into account stocks that are scheduled to arrive later.


Select this check box to show items that were received but have not been assigned a serial or batch number yet. This allows you to efficiently find out which items have not been assigned a serial or batch number yet.

Note: This check box is available only if it is a Serial or Batch item.


Click  for more filtering options. Select or type the relevant criteria so that the required transactions are shown. You can use the filters to zoom in to specific items from the listed results.

Filter section


Select the required option to filter for results that either starts with or contain a certain letter, word, or number. This applies for the Our ref., Your reference, Order, Payment reference, Entry number, and Description fields only.

Our ref.

Type the Our ref. number to display the transactions with the entered Our reference number.

Your reference

Type the Your reference to display the transactions with the entered Your reference.


Type the sales or purchase order number to display the transactions with the entered order number.

Payment reference

Type the payment reference number to display the transactions with the entered payment reference number.

Entry number

Type an entry number to display the transactions with the entered entry number.


Type a keyword for the description to display the transactions with the entered entry number.

GL account

Type or select the GL account to display transaction(s) linked to the selected GL account.


Type or select the debtor to display transaction(s) linked to the selected debtor.


Type or select the creditor to display transaction(s) linked to the selected creditor.


Type or select the journal to display the transactions for the selected journal only.


Type or select the resource to display only transactions that originated from that resource.

Item group

Type or select the item group to display transactions for the selected item group only.


Type or select the project to filter the results to show only transactions for that project only.

Cost center

Type or select the cost center to filter the results to show only transactions for that cost center only.

Cost unit

Type or select the cost unit to filter the results to show only transactions for that cost unit only.


Type or select the warehouse to filter the results to show only transactions for that warehouse only.


Type or select the currency to filter the results to show only transactions for that currency only.

Selection code

Type or select the selection code to filter the results to show only transactions for that selection code only.


Type or select the amount to filter the results to show only transactions for that amount only.

The section after the listing shows calculated information of the item. The left column calculates the quantity of the item while the right column calculates the value of the item. The middle column provides other related information about the item.

In the left column, Balance is the difference between Receipts and Issues. (Closing) Stock is the total of (opening) Stock and Balance. Free stock is calculated by taking into account any stock not allocated to a sales or production order.

In the middle column, Standard cost price is obtained from the Basic tab in the Items maintenance screen. Last purchase price displays the price from the latest purchase invoice, if available. Average purchase price is calculated when the stock valuation is set to APP. This will show the average purchase price of the item. The valuation method for inventory is set at System ➔ Settings ➔ Inventory settings. Date last counted shows the last date the item was counted based on the counting cycle.

In the right column, the first Stock value is the value of the opening stock (or the value of the stock as at the specified From date). Debit shows the value of stock that was received while Credit shows the value of stock that was sent out. Difference shows the difference between the Debit and Credit figures. The second Stock value is the value of the closing stock (or the value of the stock as at the specified To date).



Click this to refresh the screen and display the results based on the defined criteria.


Click this to export the results to Microsoft Excel.

: The opening and closing balance of an item will be incorporated in the reports, when you perform the export functionality. You can easily identify the opening, and closing inventories.


Click this to view or add a note to the selected transaction.


Click this to view or add an attachment to the selected transaction.

Sales order

Click this to view the related sales order for the item.

Note: This button is enabled only if the item has a sales order.


Click this to view the serial or batch number of the selected transaction item.

Note: This button is available only if the item has a Serial or Batch attribute as specified in the item maintenance card at Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain. The Serial or Batch check box option is found in the Inventory tab.


Click this to view and maintain the details of the item.


Click this to view the production orders related to the item.

Note: This button is available only if the item has a Make attribute as specified in the item maintenance card at Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain. The Make check box option is found in the Inventory tab.


Click this to view the related purchase order for the item.

Note: This button is available only if the item has a Buy attribute as specified in the item maintenance card at Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Maintain. The Buy check box option is found in the Purchase/Sales tab.


Click this to view the budgeted transactions of the item for 12 periods based on a predefined budget scenario.

Our ref.

Click this to view the general ledger accounts affected by the selected transaction.


Click this to view the allocation of the item to the appropriate pending sales orders or internal use requests.

Note: This button is available only for purchase transactions. Stock allocation will only affect stock count transactions and not stock revaluation transactions. Both the stock count transactions and stock revaluation transactions are displayed as transaction type Counts in the Type column. The system is able to differentiate between stock count and stock revaluation transactions.


Click Close to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 13.803.746
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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