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Conversion history settings


In this screen, you can define the availability of the overview and power view of migrated sales order history and the overview and power view of migrated purchase order history.

Note: The setting is available only after you run the tool to migrate the master, sales, and purchase information from the Macola Progression® database to the Exact Globe Next database and if either the SE1200 E-Order or SE1309 E-Purchase module is in the license.

Menu path

System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Conversion history settings


View sales history conversion, Cut-off date

Select the View sales history conversion check box to obtain the overview and power view of migrated sales order history. Once selected, the Cut-off date next to this field is enabled.

Type or select a date at Cut-off date to determine that the migrated information from the date entered onwards is displayed.

For more information, see Overview of migrated sales order history and Generating power view of migrated sales orders.

View purchase history conversion, Cut-off date

Select the View purchase history conversion check box to view the overview and power view of migrated purchase order history. Once selected, the Cut-off date field next to this is enabled.

Type or select a date at Cut-off date to determine that the migrated information from the date entered onwards is displayed.

For more information, see Overview of purchase order history and Generating power view of migrated purchase orders.



Click this to view all the information of the changes you have made in the settings.


Click this to save all the changes you have made.


Click this to exit.

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